13 Design Rules for Data Load or Dimension Build

Design load rules to control how data and metadata are loaded into an Essbase cube or outline. Whether the data comes from a file or an external source, rules help you shape and modify records you load into Essbase.

Data load rules contain sets of operations to shape data from an external source as you load it into Essbase. Similarly, dimension build rules create or modify the dimensions and members in an outline dynamically from the external source.

There are many ways to build Essbase dimensions and load data. You initiate these operations while building cubes from application workbooks, by running jobs, or by streaming. Whichever method you use, rules are essential for shaping how Essbase should filter, map, and transform the external data and metadata that flows into your cube.

When you load dimensions and data into Essbase, the external source data is always left unchanged.

A separate rule is required for each unique, non-Essbase source of data.

If you’re only re-importing data from native Essbase export files, you do not need to use a rule.