Dimension Build Methods

The dimension build method determines the algorithm Essbase uses to build or modify dimensions, members, and aliases in the cube outline. Depending on the shape of your source of data, the ideal build method may reference generations, levels, parent-child, or strings.

When you build dimensions, each record (row) in the source of data defines one member of the dimension. Each record must follow the same dimensional order ("dimensionality") as the other records.

This image illustrates the concept of records and fields in a source of data, as described in the text preceding the image.

Build Method Guidelines

Use these guidelines to select the appropriate build method for the data source:

Type of Data in Each Record Examples Desired Operation Build Method(1) Field Type Information

Top-down data

Each record specifies the parent’s name, the child’s name, the children of that child, and so on.

Year, Quarter, Month

Modify the properties of existing dimensions and members

Generation references

The generation number for each field.

Bottom-up data

Each record specifies the name of the member, the name of its parent, the name of its parent’s parent, and so forth.

Month, Quarter, Year

  • Create shared members that roll up into different generations

  • Modify the properties of existing dimensions and members

Level references

The level number for each field.

Parent followed by its child

Each record specifies the name of the parent and the name of the new child member, in that order, although they can specify other information as well.

Cola, Diet Cola

  • Create shared members that roll up into different generations

  • Share non-level 0 members

  • Modify properties of existing dimensions and members

Parent-child references


A list of new members

Each data source lists new members; the data source does not specify where in the outline the members belong. Essbase provides algorithms that determine where to add these members.

Jan, Feb, Mar, April

Add all members as children of an existing parent (possibly a “dummy” parent)

Add as child of the specified parent


800-10, 800-20

Add all members at the end of the dimension

Add as sibling at the lowest level


800-10, 800-20

Add each new member to the dimension that contains similar members

Add as sibling to a member with a matching string


A list of base dimension members and their attributes

Cola 16oz Can, Root Beer 14oz Bottle

Add members to an attribute dimension and associate the added members with the appropriate members of the base dimension

Generation, level, or parent-child references, depending on the organization of the source data

The number for each field.

The number is either the generation or level number of the associated member of the base dimension or zero.

Footnote 1 Using a level references build, you cannot create an alias that has the same name as its member. This restriction does not apply if you use other build methods, including the generation references build method.

Selecting Build Method for a New Dimension Build Rule

When you use application workbooks to build dimensions, you specify the build method in the definitions of the dimension worksheet. For example, this definition specifies a parent-child build method.

Build method of PARENT-CHILD is specified in the Definitions section of the Product dimension worksheet

When you design a new dimension build rule in the Essbase web interface, you can select a build method when you first associate a dimension with the rule. For example,

  1. In a new dimension build rule, click Dimensions.

    Dimensions button in rule editor of Essbase web interface

  2. Type the dimension name in the text field, and click Add.

    Edit dimensions dialog with empty text field and an Add button

  3. Click the name of the dimension you just added. For example, click Product.

    Edit dimensions dialog with a link to current associated dimension, Product

  4. Select one of the build methods and click OK.

    Edit Dimensions dialog in rules editor with Build Method options shown: Generation, Parent Child, Level, Add as child of, Process generation null, Process level null, Add as sibling of lowest level, and Add as sibling of matching string

    The following build method options are available.

    Build Method Use Case
    Generation Generation References in Dimension Builds
    Parent Child Using Parent-Child References
    Level Level References in Dimension Builds
    Add as child of Not currently available
    Process generation null Generation References in Dimension Builds
    Process level null Level References in Dimension Builds (see "Dealing With Empty Fields)
    Add as sibling of lowest level Adding Members as Siblings of the Lowest Level
    Add as sibling of matching string Adding Members Based On String Matches

Identifying Build Method for an Existing Dimension Build Rule

When you view or edit a dimension build rule in the Essbase web interface, examine the order and type of fields typically indicate the build method that was used. For example, the fields in this load rule are ordered and typed to specify a parent-child build method.

Build method of parent child indicated by the type and order of fields in the rule editor: parent typed field comes first, followed by child.

To check the build method in the rule settings,

  1. Click Dimensions.

    Dimensions button in rule editor of Essbase web interface

  2. Click the name of the dimension this rule is associated with. For example, click Product.

    Edit dimensions dialog with a link to current associated dimension, Product

  3. The build method is visible on the General tab.

    General tab of dimension properties dialog includes the build method

Exporting an Existing Cube with a Different Build Method

You can export any cube to an application workbook, and select a new build method upon export. Export supports Parent-Child and Generation build methods.

  1. On the Applications page, expand the application.

  2. From the Actions menu, to the right of the cube name, click Export To Excel.

  3. Select the build method.

    Export To Excel dialog with Export Build Method options of Parent-Child or Generation
  4. Select one of the build methods and click OK.