Alter Database (Aggregate Storage)

The MaxL alter database statement for ASO mode helps you change Essbase database-wide settings.

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Change database-wide settings.

Permission required: create_application.


enable startup

Enable users to start the database directly or as a result of requests requiring the database to be started. Startup is enabled by default.

disable startup

Prevent all users from starting the database directly or as a result of requests that would start the database. Startup is enabled by default.

enable autostartup

Automatically start the database when the application to which it belongs starts. Autostartup is enabled by default. This setting is applicable only when startup is enabled.

disable autostartup

Prevent automatic starting of the database when the application to which it belongs starts. Autostartup is enabled by default.

enable query_tracking

Begin collecting query data for this database, to be used for query-based view optimization.

To utilize the results of query tracking, use the optional based on query_data grammar in any of the following statements:

Query tracking is on by default. To verify that it's enabled, use query database appname.dbname get cube_size_info.

disable query_tracking

Stop collecting query data for query-based view optimization. Query tracking is on by default.

set retrieve_buffer_size

Change the database retrieval buffer size. This buffer holds extracted row data cells before they are evaluated by the RESTRICT or TOP/BOTTOM Report Writer commands. The default size is 10 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size may improve retrieval performance.

set retrieve_sort_buffer_size

Change the database retrieval sort buffer size. This buffer holds data until it is sorted. The default size is 10 KB. The minimum size is 2 KB. Increasing the size may improve retrieval performance.

set minimum permission

Set a level of permission that all users or groups can have to the database. Users or groups with higher granted permissions than the minimum permission are not affected.

set variable

Change the value of an existing subsitution variable on the database. The value must not exceed 256 bytes. It may contain any character except a leading ampersand (&).

set active alias_table

Set an alias table as the primary table for reporting and any additional alias requests. Only one alias table can be used at a time. This setting is user-specific; it only sets the active alias table for the user issuing the statement.


Clear all data and linked-reporting objects from the database, but preserve the outline.


If kernel queries are running when a clear data operation starts, the clear data operation waits for the kernel queries to complete and then the clear data operation proceeds. This information also applies to the reset all and reset data grammar.

reset all

Clear all data, Linked Reporting Objects, and the outline.

reset data

Same as using reset.

clear aggregates

Delete all aggregate views.

compact outline

Compact the outline file to decrease the outline file size. Compaction helps keeps the outline file at an optimal size. After the outline file is compacted, the file continues to grow as before, when members are added or deleted.


Compacting the outline does not cause Essbase to clear the data. When a member is deleted from the outline, the corresponding record of that member in the outline file is marked as deleted but the record remains in the outline file. Compacting the outline file does not remove the records of deleted members.

add variable

Create a database-level substitution variable by name, and optionally assign a string value for the variable to represent. You can assign or change the value later using set variable. A substitution variable acts as a global placeholder for information that changes regularly. Substitution variables may be referenced by calculations and report scripts.

If substitution variables with the same name exist at server, application, and database levels, the order of precedence for the variables is as follows: a database level substitution variable supersedes an application level variable, which supersedes a server level variable.

drop variable

Remove a substitution variable and its corresponding value from the database.

initialize load_buffer

Create a temporary buffer in memory for loading data.

Data load buffers are used in aggregate storage databases for allocations, custom calculations, and lock and send operations. Multiple data load buffers can exist on a single aggregate storage database.

You can control the share of aggregate storage cache resources the load buffer is allowed to use and how long to wait for resources to become available before aborting load buffer operations. You can also set properties that determine how missing and zero values, duplicate values, and multiple values for the same cell in the data source are processed.

destroy load_buffer

Destroy the temporary data-load memory buffer.

unlock all objects

Unlock all objects on the database that are in use by a user or process.

rename to

Rename the database. When you rename a database, the database directory is also renamed.


Create a description of the database. The maximum number of characters is 80. This description is available to database administrators. To annotate the database for Smart View or other grid client users, use set note.

merge all|incremental data [remove_zero_cells]

Merge incremental data slices. Use these keywords:

  • all—Merge all incremental data slices into the main database slice.

  • incremental—Merge all incremental data slices into a single data slice. The main database slice is not changed.

  • (Optional) remove_zero_cells—When merging incremental data slices, remove cells that have a value of zero (logically clearing data from a region results in cell with a value of zero).

clear data in region …

Clear the data in the specified region.

There are two methods for clearing data from a region:

  • Physical, in which the input cells in the specified region are physically removed from the aggregate storage database. The process for physically clearing data completes in a length of time that is proportional to the size of the input data, not the size of the data being cleared. Therefore, you might typically use this method only when you need to remove large slices of data.

    For a physical clear, use the MaxL statement with the physical keyword:

    alter database appname.dbname clear data in region 'MDX set expression' physical;

    To save time, you can use a comma-separated list of MDX set expressions to clear from multiple physical regions.

    alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear data in region 
     '{CrossJoin({[Promotions].[Coupon]},{[Time].[1st Half]}),
       CrossJoin({[Promotions].[Coupon]},{[Time].[2nd Half]})}'
  • Logical, in which the input cells in the specified region are written to a new data slice with negative, compensating values that result in a value of zero for the cells you want to clear. The process for logically clearing data completes in a length of time that is proportional to the size of the data being cleared. Because compensating cells are created, this option increases the size of the database.

    For a logical clear, use the MaxL statement without the physical keyword:

    alter database appname.dbname clear data in region 'MDX set expression';

The region must be symmetrical. Members in any dimension in the region must be stored members. When physically clearing data, members in the region can be upper-level members in alternate hierarchies. (If the region contains upper-level members from alternate hierarchies, you may experience a decrease in performance.) Members cannot be dynamic members (members with implicit or explicit MDX formulas), nor can they be from an attribute dimension. For more information, see Clearing Data from Specific Regions of Aggregate Storage Databases.

To remove cells with a value of zero, use the alter database MaxL statement with the merge grammar and the remove_zero_cells keyword.

enable replication_assume_identical_outline

Optimize the replication of an aggregate storage database when the aggregate storage database is the target and a block storage database is the source and the two outlines are identical.

Replication optimization affects only the target aggregate storage application; the source block storage application is not affected. This functionality does not apply to block storage replication.

disable replication_assume_identical_outline

Do not optimize the replication of an aggregate storage database when the aggregate storage database is the target and a block storage database is the source and the two outlines are identical.

begin archive to file

Prepare the database for backup by an archiving program, and prevent writing to the files during backup.

Begin archive achieves the following outcomes:

  • Switches the database to read-only mode. The read-only state persists, even after the application is restarted, until it is changed back to read-write using end archive.

  • Creates a file containing a list of files that need to be backed up. Unless a different path is specified, the file is stored in the database directory.

Begin archive and end archive do not perform the backup; they simply protect the database during the backup process.


Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only supported way to backup and recover a database using MaxL.

end archive

Return the database to read-write mode after backing up the database files.


Using the begin archive to file and end archive grammar is the only supported way to backup and recover a database using MaxL.


alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear aggregates;

Deletes all aggregate views in the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1;

See Loading Data Using Buffers.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic initialize load_buffer with buffer_id 1 resource_usage .5 property ignore_missing_values, ignore_zero_values;

Creates a data-load buffer in memory for the ASOsamp.Basic database. The buffer can use only 50% of available resources. Missing values and zeros in the data source are ignored.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic disable query_tracking;

Turns off the harvesting of query data for the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic merge all data;

Merges all incremental data slices into the main slice in the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic merge incremental data;

Merges all incremental data slices into a single data slice within the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic merge all data remove_zero_cells;

Merges all incremental data slices into the main slice in the ASOsamp.Basic database, and removes cells with a value of zero.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear data in region '{Jan, Budget}';

Clears all Budget data for the month of Jan, using the logical method, from the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear data in region '{Jan, Budget}' physical;

Clears all Budget data for the month of Jan, using the physical method, from the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear data in region '{CrossJoin({[Promotions].[Coupon]},{[Time].[1st Half]}), CrossJoin({[Promotions].[Coupon]},{[Time].[2nd Half]})}' physical;

Clears two physical regions from the ASOsamp.Basic database.

alter database ASOsamp.Basic clear data in region 'CrossJoin({Jan},{Forecast1, Forecast2})';

Clears all January data for the Forecast1 and Forecast2 scenarios from the ASOsamp.Basic database.