List of Connection Attributes

These are the connection attributes defined for TimesTen, with their types, descriptions, and default values.

Name and Type Description


First connection attribute

Specifies that the first connection creates the database if it does not exist.

Default: 1 (True)


First connection attribute

Controls the number of log files that can accumulate before a backup fails.

Default: 0 (Log files can continue to accumulate without a limit)


Cache first connection attribute

Specifies that credentials for the Oracle cache administration user that are specified with the ttCacheUidPwdSet built-in procedure are stored in a system managed Oracle Wallet.

Default: 0 (TimesTen encrypts your credentials and stores them in memory)


Cache first connection attribute

Enables the AWT propagation method to be used on Oracle database tables.

Default: 1 (PL/SQL)


Cache database attribute

Indicates the number of threads necessary to apply changes to the Oracle database.

Default: 1


General connection attribute

Specifies the time limit to wait for a channel create request to complete.

Default: 30,000 milliseconds


Client general connection attribute

Identify the client server process.

Default: 0


Client general connection attribute

Server first connection attribute

Lists the cipher suite or suites that can be used by TLS for client/server connections, depending also on the client setting

Default: None


First connection attribute

Controls the frequency in seconds that TimesTen performs a background checkpoint.

Default: 0 (No predefined frequency)


First connection attribute

Controls the amount of data in megabytes that collects in the log between background checkpoints.

Default: The value of the LogFileSize attribute


First connection attribute

Controls the maximum rate at which data should be written to disk during a checkpoint operation.

Default: 0 (Unlimited rate)


First connection attribute

Controls the number of threads used to read a checkpoint file when loading the database into memory.

Default: 1


General connection attribute

Specifies the maximum size of the commit buffer in the transaction control block.

Default: 16 KB


NLS general connection attribute

The character encoding for the connection, which can be different from the database character set.

Default: US7ASCII


General connection attribute

Specifies whether there is a symbolic name for the data source.

Default: The process name


First connection attribute

Indicates the upper bound on the number of user-specified concurrent connections to the database.

Default: The lesser of 2000 or the number of semaphores specified in the SEMMNS kernel parameter minus 155


General connection attribute

Specifies if each commit generates an epoch.

Default: 0 (TimesTen does not write the transaction log to disk on transaction commit)

Data Source Name

Data store attribute

A name that identifies the specific attributes of a connection to the database.

Default: None


NLS general connection attribute

Identifies the character set used by the database. This attribute is required at database creation time.

Default: None


Data store attribute

Identifies the physical database.

Default: None


General connection attribute

Determines whether a table or sequence is included in an active standby pair replication scheme when it is created, which can only occur if the DDLReplicationLevel connection attribute is set to 2 or 3.

Default: INCLUDE


General connection attribute

Enables replication of data definition language (DDL) statements in an active standby replication scheme.

Default: 2 (Replication of certain objects enabled)


Data store attribute

A statement that identifies the use of the data source name.

Default: None


General connection attribute

Specifies whether diagnostic messages are generated.

Default: 1 (Messages are generated)


Data store attribute

Specifies the TimesTen ODBC Driver Manager.

Default: None


Data store attribute

Determines the durability of "prepare-to-commit" and commit records


If K-safety is set to 2 or greater, the default value is 0.

If K-safety is set to 1, the default value is 1.


General connection attribute

Specifies that commit operations should write log records to disk.

Default: 0 (Records not written to disk)


Cache general connection attribute

Enables or disables transparent load of data from an Oracle database to dynamic cache groups.

Default: 1 (Enables Dynamic cache group load)


Cache general connection attribute

Determines if an error message is returned upon a transparent load failure.

Default: 0 (Errors are not returned)


Client general connection attribute

Server first connection attribute

Specifies whether encryption is required or not for a client/server connection for the client and whether encryption is accepted, rejected, requested, or required for the server.

Default: accepted


First connection attribute

Indicates the number of seconds between epochs.

Default: accepted

If Durability = 1, the default is 0. (System does not generate periodic epochs)

If Durability = 0, the default is 1.


First connection attribute

Specifies whether a connection is allowed to a failed database if it is not properly restored from the corresponding subscriber database.

Default: 0 (Connection disallowed)


First connection attribute

Enables forced disconnections through ttAdmin -disconnect.

Default: 0 (Disabled)


General connection attribute

Specifies which parts of shared memory are included in a core dump.

Default: 255 (None)


General connection attribute

Specifies whether the isolation level is read committed or serializable.

Default: 1 (Read committed)


General connection attribute

Specifies whether the connection should use row-level locking (value = 0) or database-level locking (value = 1).

Default: 0 (Row-level locking)


General connection attribute

Enables an application to configure the lock wait interval for the connection.

Default: 10 seconds


First connection attribute

Determines whether the first connection to a database should proceed if TimesTen recovery encounters a defective log record.

Default: 1 (Continues after log is truncated)


First connection attribute

The size of the internal log buffer in MB.

Default: 64


First connection attribute

The number of log buffer strands.

Default: 4


Data store attribute

The directory where transaction log files are stored.

Default: None


First connection attribute

The transaction log file size in MB.

Default: The value of the LogBufMB attribute


First connection attribute

Controls the method used by TimesTen to write and sync log data to transaction log files.

Default: 1 (Write data to transaction log files using buffered writes. Use explicit sync operations as needed to sync log data to disk)


First connection attribute

Specifies that unneeded transaction log files are deleted during a checkpoint operation.

Default: 1 (True)


Server first connection attribute

The maximum number of concurrent connections a child TimesTen server process can handle.

Default: 1


First connection attribute

Enables applications that connect to a shared database to specify whether the real memory should be locked during database loading.

Default: 0 (Do not acquire a memory lock)


NLS general connection attribute

The default length semantics configuration.

Default: BYTE


NLS general connection attribute

Determines whether an error is reported when there is data loss during an implicit or explicit character type conversion between NCHAR/NVARCHAR data and CHAR/VARCHAR data.

Default: 0 (False)


NLS general connection attribute

The collating sequence to use for linguistic comparisons.

Default: BINARY


General connection attribute

Sets optimizer hints at the connection level.

Default: None


Cache general connection attribute

The Oracle Service Name of the Oracle database instance from which data is to be loaded into a TimesTen database. This attribute is only used by the cache agent. Set the OracleNetServiceName attribute to the Oracle Service Name.

Default: None


Cache general connection attribute

Identifies the password for the Oracle database that is being cached in TimesTen.

Default: None


First connection attribute

Specifies that the existing database should be overwritten with a new one when a connection is attempted.

Default: 0 (False)


Cache general connection attribute

Specifies which SQL statements are executed locally in TimesTen and which SQL statements are passed through to the Oracle database for execution.

Default: 0


First connection attribute

The size in MB for the permanent partition of the database.

Default: 32


General connection attribute

The threshold at which TimesTen returns a warning when the permanent partition of the database is low in memory.

Default: 90%


PL/SQL general connection attribute

Controls conditional compilation of PL/SQL units.

Default: NULL


PL/SQL general connection attribute

Specifies the maximum amount of process heap memory in MB that PL/SQL can use for this connection.

Default: 100


PL/SQL first connection attribute

The virtual address at which the shared memory segment is loaded into each process that uses the TimesTen direct drivers.

Default: Platform specific


PL/SQL first connection attribute

The size in megabytes of the shared memory segment used by PL/SQL.

Default: 128 MB


PL/SQL first connection attribute

The number of open cursors.

Default: 50


PL/SQL general connection attribute

The optimization level that the PL/SQL compiler uses to compile PL/SQL library units.

Default: 2


PL/SQL general connection attribute

The number of session cursors to cache.

Default: 50


PL/SQL general connection attribute

The number of seconds a PL/SQL procedure can run before being automatically terminated.

Default: 30


Data store attribute

Specifies that disk space for the checkpoint files should be preallocated when creating the database.

Default: 1 (True)


General connection attribute

Determines if commands are shared between connections.

Default: 0 (On)


See UID and PWD

General connection attribute

Specify the password that corresponds with the specified UID. When caching data from an Oracle database, PWD specifies the TimesTen password. You can specify the Oracle PWD in the connection string, if necessary.

Default: None


General connection attribute

The value of the encrypted user password.

Default: None


General connection attribute

Provides the location and name of the wallet that contains stored user credentials needed for a connection.

Default: None


General connection attribute

Determines whether TimesTen returns a warning if a query times out before executing.

Default: 0 (No warning is returned)


Cache general connection attribute

Specifies whether to enable or disable the installation of Application Failover (TAF) and Fast Application Notification (FAN) callbacks.

Default: 1 (Install callbacks)


First connection attribute

The number of threads used to rebuild indexes during recovery.

Default: 4


Data store attribute

Enables automatic parallel replication.

Default: 0 (Starts automatic parallel replication)


Data store attribute

Specifies the number of tracks available for automatic parallel replication.

Default: 1


General connection attribute

Assigns a connection to a replication track.

Default: None


Server first connection attribute

The desired number of TimesTen server processes for the DSN.

Default: 1


Server first connection attribute

The size in KB of the thread stack for each connection.

Default: 768


General connection attribute

Specifies the time limit in seconds within which the database should execute SQL statements.

Default: 0 (No timeout)


General connection attribute

Specifies the time limit in milliseconds within which the database should execute SQL statements.

Default: 0 (No timeout)


Client general connection attribute

Specifies whether SSL client authentication is required

Default: 0


Server first connection attribute

Specifies whether SSL client authentication is required

Default: 0


Server first connection attribute

The time in minutes before which the client/server session is renegotiated.

Default: 0


Server first connection attribute

The data transfer size in MB before which the client/server session is renegotiated.

Default: 0


Cache general connection attribute

The Oracle Service Name of the standby Oracle database instance from which data is to be loaded into a TimesTen database. This attribute is only used by the cache agent in an Oracle Active Data Guard configuration. Set the StandbyNetServiceName attribute to the standby Oracle Service Name.

Default: None


Client general connection attribute

The port number on which the TimesTen server is listening.

Default: None

TCP_Port2, TCP_PortN

Client general connection attributes

For TimesTen Classic, the port number on which the TimesTen server should listen if an automatic failover occurs.

Default: None


First connection attribute

The size in MB for the temporary partition of the database.

Default: The default size as determined from the PermSize value


General connection attribute

The threshold at which TimesTen returns a warning when the temporary partition of the database is low in memory.

Default: 90 (percent)


General connection attribute

Specifies the time limit in seconds for user transactions to complete.

Default:0 (No timeout)


Client general connection attribute

Number of seconds for the client to wait for a connect or disconnect call.

Default: 20 seconds


Client general connection attribute

A range for the failover port numbers.

Default: None


Client general connection attribute

Specifies the maximum size in bytes of a client result set buffer.

Default: 2097152 bytes


Client general connection attribute

Specifies the maximum number of rows of a client result set buffer.

Default: 8192 rows


Client general connection attribute

Specifies if TimesTen performs an automatic reconnect after all other failover procedures are completed.

Default: 0 (reconnect to the server after failover)


Client general connection attribute

Specifies that the client randomly selects an alternate server from the list provided or selects the server according to TTC_ServerN settings.

Default: 0


Client general connection attribute

For TimesTen Scaleout, client/server connections, defines how a client is redirected.

Default: 1 (connect to any available server)


Client general connection attribute

For TimesTen Scaleout, limits the number of times the client is redirected.

Default: 1

TTC_Server or TTC_Server1

Client general connection attributes

Name of the computer where the TimesTen Server is running or a logical TimesTen server name.

Default: None


Client general connection attribute

Server DSN corresponding to the TimesTen database.

Default: None

TTC_Server_DSN2, TTC_Server_DSNn

Client general connection attributes

For TimesTen Classic, server DSN corresponding to the TimesTen database, if an automatic failover occurs.

Default: None

TTC_Server2, TTC_ServerN

Client general connection attributes

If an automatic failover occurs, the name of the system where the TimesTen Server should be running or a logical TimesTen server name.

Default: None


Client general connection attribute

The time (in milliseconds) to wait for a response from the client.

Default: None


Client general connection attribute

The time interval (in milliseconds) between subsequential probes.

Default: 1000


Client general connection attribute

The number of unacknowledged probes to send before considering the connection as failed and notifying the client.

Default: 2


Client general connection attribute

The duration time (in milliseconds) between the last data packet sent and the first probe.

Default: 1000


Client general connection attribute

Timeout period, in seconds, for completion of a TimesTen client/server operation.

Default: 60


See UID and PWD.

General connection attribute

Specify a user name that is defined on the TimesTen server. When caching data from an Oracle database, the UID must match the UID on the Oracle database that is being cached in TimesTen.

Default: None


Cache database attribute

Enables or disables the cache connection pool.

Default: 0


General connection attribute

Specifies that the connection attempt should wait if an immediate connection is not possible.

Default: 1


Client general connection attribute

Server first connection attribute

The fully qualified path to the directory where the wallet is stored.

Default: None