Dynamically Loading Multiple Cache Instances with Multiple Primary Keys

TimesTen Classic can dynamically load multiple cache instances for a SELECT statement that includes more than one primary key referenced in the WHERE clause on a single table cache group.

You can dynamically load multiple cache instances by specifying multiple primary key values in the WHERE clause.

  • Only supported with SELECT statements.

  • Only supported on a single table cache group.

  • For a multiple column primary key, all columns of the primary key must be specified in the WHERE clause.

  • Each primary key in the WHERE clause must use conditions with either an IN operator and/or a single value from an equality condition.

By default, the DynamicLoadMultiplePKs or TT_DynamicLoadMultiplePKs statement, transaction or connection level hint is set to 1. This must be enabled for dynamic load for multiple cache instances using more than one primary key.

  • Statement level hint:

  • Transaction level hint:

    Call ttOptSetFlag(DynamicLoadMultiplePKs, 1)
  • Connection level hint:

    OptimizerHint = TT_DynamicLoadMultiplePKs(1)


See Use Optimizer Hints to Modify the Execution Plan in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Operations Guide, ttOptSetFlag in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database Reference and Optimizer Hints in the Oracle TimesTen In-Memory Database SQL Reference.

The following examples use a cache group of products_cg that caches the Oracle database products table.

  products(prod_type INT NOT NULL, prod_id BIGINT NOT NULL, prod_name VARCHAR2(100),
                 prod_weight NUMBER, PRIMARY KEY(prod_type, prod_id));

The following examples demonstrate SELECT statements with a WHERE clause with multiple primary keys that use conditions with either an IN operator and/or a single value from an equality condition to return the name and weight of multiple products.

If the primary key of a root table is composed of two columns, x and y, the following SELECT queries do result in a dynamic load:

  • Both columns of the primary key use a condition with an IN operator.

    (x,y) IN ((1,2),(3,4))

    SELECT p.prod_name, p.prod_weight
     FROM products p
      WHERE (((prod_type, p.prod_id) IN ((1,2), (10,20) , (100, 200))));
  • Both columns of the primary key use conditions with an IN operator.

    (x IN (1,3)) AND (y IN (2,4))

    SELECT p.prod_name, p.prod_weight
     FROM products p WHERE ((p.prod_type IN (1, 10, 100)) AND (p.prod_id IN (2, 20, 200)));
  • Both columns of the primary key use conditions with an equality condition resulting in a single value.

    (x=1 OR x=3) AND (y=2 OR y=4)

    SELECT p.prod_name, p.prod_weight
     FROM products p WHERE ((p.prod_type = 10 OR p.prod_type=100) AND 
        (p.prod_id = 20 OR p.prod_id = 200));