Sample Dashboards

The following dashboards demonstrate the information display flexibility you have using Grafana.

Dashboard with different series types:

Dashboard showing different series types.

Dashboard with single target type and multiple targets ( Data from a Single Enterprise Manager site, multiple targets) :

Multiple target type.

Dashboard with single target type and single target selection( Data from a single Enterprise Manager site, single targets):

Single target, single type

Dashboard with separate panels, pulling data from the different Enterprise Manager sites ( Data from multiple Enterprise Manager sites, multiple targets) :

separate panels and data sources

Dashboard with a single panel pulling data from a different Enterprise Manager sites (Data from multiple Enterprise Manager sites , single panel):

graphic shows data from multiple EM sources

Database Configuration Dashboard

Graphic shows the database configuration dashboard.

Database Performance Dashboard

DB performance

WebLogic Server Performance Summary Dashboard

Image shows the WebLogic Server Performance Summary dashboard.

WebLogic Server JVM Performance Dashboard

Image shows the WebLogic Server JVM Performance dashboard.