2 Diagnostic Command Reference

Diagnostic commands provided by the jcmd utility are available to control Java Flight Recorder.

The jcmd utility is used to send diagnostic command requests to a running Java process. Information about the diagnostic commands is available by using the help parameter. The process ID for a running Java process is required.

To see a list of the available diagnostic commands, do not include a command name. For example, the following command lists the diagnostic commands for the process with the identifier 10568:

jcmd 10568 help

To see information about a specific diagnostic command, include the command name after the help parameter. For example, the following command requests information about the JFR.start diagnostic command for the process with the identifier 5361:

jcmd 5361 help JFR.start

The following diagnostic commands are available for Java Flight Recorder:


To set the parameters for a flight recording, use the JFR.configure diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

Table 2-1 shows the parameters for the JFR.configure command. All parameters are optional. If no parameters are entered, the current settings are displayed.

Table 2-1 JFR.configure Parameters

Parameter Description Type of Value Default


Number of global buffers. Change the memorysize parameter to alter the number of global buffers.


The default value is determined by the value for the memorysize parameter.


Size of the global buffers, in bytes. Change the memorysize parameter to alter the size of the global buffers.


The default value is determined by the value for the memorysize parameter.


Maximum size of an individual data chunk, in bytes




Overall memory size, in bytes




Path to the location where recordings are stored until they are written to a permanent file


The default location is the temporary directory for the operating system. On Oracle Solaris and Linux operating systems the temporary directory is /tmp. On Windows the temporary directory is specified by the TMP environment variable.


Stack depth for stack traces




Local buffer size for each thread, in bytes. Overriding this parameter could reduce performance and is not recommended.




Flag for allowing thread buffers to write directly to disk if the buffer thread is blocked




Flag for activating thread sampling



Example 2-1 JFR.configure Example

The following command configures Java Flight Recorder to store recordings in D:\jfr\recordings. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process to record.

jcmd pid JFR.configure repositorypath=D:\jfr\recordings


To start a flight recording, use the JFR.start diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

Table 2-2 shows the parameters for the JFR.start command. All parameters are optional. If no parameters are entered, a recording is started by using default values.

Table 2-2 JFR.start Parameters

Parameter Description Type of Value Default


Length of time to wait before starting to record

Integer followed by s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours



Flag for writing the data to disk while recording




Flag for writing the recording to disk when the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) shuts down. If set to true and no value is entered for filename, the recording is written to a file in the directory where the process was started. The file name is a system-generated name that contains the process ID, recording ID, and current time stamp (for example,hotspot-pid-47496-id-1-2018_01_25_19_10_41.jfr).




Length of time to record

Integer followed by s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours

0s (forever)


Name of the file to which the recording is written when the recording is stopped. If no path is provided, the file is in the directory where the process was started. Examples of filenames:

  • recording.jfr
  • /home/user/recordings/recording.jfr
  • c:\recordings\recording.jfr


No default value


Maximum time to keep the recorded data on disk. This parameter is valid only when the disk parameter is set to true.

Integer followed by s for seconds, m for minutes, or h for hours

0s (forever)


Maximum size of the data to keep on disk, in bytes if one of the following suffixes is not used:

  • m or M for megabytes

  • g or G for gigabytes

This parameter is valid only when the disk parameter is set to true. The value must not be less than the value for the maxchunksize parameter set with the JFR.configure command.


0 (no maximum size)


Name of the recording. If no name is provided, a name is generated. Make note of the generated name that is shown in the response to the command so that you can use it with other commands.


The default is a system-generated name.


Flag for collecting the path to garbage collection (GC) roots at the end of a recording. This flag was introduced in JDK 10.

The path information is useful for finding memory leaks, but collecting it is time-consuming. Turn this flag on only when you start a recording for an application that you suspect has a memory leak. If the settings parameter is set to profile, then the information collected includes the stack trace from where the potential leaking object was allocated.




Name of the settings file that identifies the events to record. To specify more than one file, separate the names with a comma (,). Include the path if the file is not in JRE_HOME/lib/jfr. The following profiles are included with the JDK in the JRE_HOME/lib/jfr directory:

  • default.jfc: Collects a predefined set of information with low overhead, so it has minimal impact on performance and can be used with recordings that run continuously.

  • profile.jfc: Provides more data than the default.jfc profile, but with more overhead and impact on performance. Use this configuration for short periods of time when more information is needed.

Examples of settings file names:

  • profile
  • default
  • default.jfc
  • /home/user/settings/my-events.jfc,profile
  • c:\settings\custom.jfc



Example 2-2 JFR.start Examples

The following command starts a recording that runs for 1 minute, uses the settings file named profile to identify the events to record, and writes the recording to a file named d:\recordings\page-load.jfr. Because no value is provided for the name parameter, a system-generated name is used. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process to record.

jcmd pid JFR.start duration=1m settings=profile filename=d:\recordings\page-load.jfr

The following command starts a recording named monitor1hour that keeps data for a maximum of 1 hour, and limits the size of the recording to 500 megabytes. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process to record.

jcmd pid JFR.start name=monitor1hour maxage=1h maxsize=500M


To show information about a flight recording that is running, use the JFR.check diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

Table 2-3 lists the parameters for the JFR.check command. All parameters are optional. If no parameters are entered, information for all active recordings is shown.

Table 2-3 JFR.check Parameters

Parameter Description Type of Value Default


Name of the recording


No default value


Flag for printing the event settings for the recording



Example 2-3 JFR.check Example

The following command shows the information for a recording named Recording-1. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process being recorded.

jcmd pid JFR.check name=Recording-1


To stop a flight recording, use the JFR.stop diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

Table 2-4 shows the parameters for the JFR.stop command. All parameters are optional. However, if no name is entered, then no recording is stopped.

Table 2-4 JFR.stop Parameters

Parameter Description Type of Value Default


Name of the file to which the recording is written when the recording is stopped. If no path is provided, the file is in the directory where the process was started. Examples of filenames:

  • recording.jfr
  • /home/user/recordings/recording.jfr
  • c:\recordings\recording.jfr


No default value


Name of the recording


No default value

Example 2-4 JFR.stop Example

The following command stops the recording named debugrun1 and writes it to debugrun1.jfr in the directory where the process was started. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process being recorded.

jcmd pid JFR.stop name=debugrun1 filename=debugrun1.jfr


To write data to a file while a flight recording is running, use the JFR.dump diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

Table 2-5 shows the parameters for the JFR.dump command. The name and filename parameters are required. The recording continues to run after the data is written.

Table 2-5 JFR.dump Parameters

Parameter Description Type of Value Default



Name of the file to which the recording is written. If no path is provided, the file is in the directory where the process was started. Examples of filenames:

  • recording.jfr
  • /home/user/recordings/recording.jfr
  • c:\recordings\recording.jfr


No default value



Name for the recording


No default value


Flag for collecting the path to garbage collection (GC) roots at the time that the recording data is dumped. This flag was introduced in JDK 10.

This information is useful for finding memory leaks, but collecting it can cause the application to halt for a short period of time. If you suspect a memory leak in an application that is running, use this flag to collect the information without having to start another recording.



Example 2-5 JFR.dump Example

The following command writes a recording named monitor1hour to a file named /usr/testsamples/recordings/monitor1hour-halfway.jfr. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process being recorded.

jcmd pid JFR.dump name=monitor1hour filename=/usr/testsamples/recordings/monitor1hour-halfway.jfr


To unlock commercial features in a Java process that is already running, use the VM.unlock_commercial_features diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

The VM.unlock_commercial_features command has no parameters. The following example shows the command for unlocking commercial features. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process:

jcmd pid VM.unlock_commercial_features


To check if commercial features are locked or unlocked in a Java process that is already running, use the VM.check_commercial_features diagnostic command for the jcmd utility.

The VM.check_commercial_features command has no parameters. The following example shows the command for checking the status of commercial features. The value for pid is the process ID of the Java process:

jcmd pid VM.check_commercial_features