Adjust the Display Format of a Date or Number Column

You can adjust the display format and granularity level of a date column or number column.

For example, you might want to change the format of a transaction date column from November 1, 2017 to 2017-11-01.
  1. On the Home page, open a dataset or workbook.
    • Hover over the dataset, click Actions, and then select Open. In the Data Diagram or Join Diagram, right-click a data source and click Open to display the transform editor.
    • Hover over the workbook that contains the dataset, click Actions, then select Open, then click Data. In the Data Diagram or Join Diagram, right-click a data source and click Open to display the transform editor.
  2. Click the numer or date that you'd like to edit, then in the Data Panel, click Number Format (for number columns) or Date/Time Format (for date columns).
    The Data panel displays a configuration pane for the selected column.

  3. In the Data Panel, click Auto next to Format and select an alternative format.
  4. Click Save Dataset.