Apply Custom Logos and Dashboard Styles

Administrators use themes to apply custom logos and dashboard styles.


About Custom Logo and Dashboard Styles

As an administrator you can customize your reporting environment by creating a theme that displays custom logo, branding text, page style and so on.

When working with themes, note the following:

  • You can create multiple themes, but only one theme can be active at one time.

  • If you deactivate a theme, you revert to the default Oracle theme, unless you select a different one.

  • Themes are applied on pages with analyses and dashboards, but not to visualization workbooks.

  • You create themes in the Manage Themes area of the Administration page.

  • When you activate a theme, you apply it to the browser session of the currently signed-in administrator and to the browser sessions of end-users as they sign in.

  • If Oracle Analytics is running on multiple instances, then duplicate and activate them for each instance.

Change the Default Style for Analyses and Dashboards

Administrators create themes to change the default logo, colors, and heading styles for analyzes and dashboards.

  1. In the Classic Home page, click the user profile icon and then click Administration.
  2. Click Manage Themes.
  3. To apply an existing dashboard style, select one from the Theme list, click Active, then click Save.
  4. To create a new dashboard style, in the Theme list, click New Theme to display the New Theme dialog.
  5. In Theme Name, the name that you specify here is displayed in the Style list on the Dashboard Properties dialog.
  6. In Logo, specify the page logo that you want displayed in the top left hand corner. To replace the default Oracle logo, click Select Logo and navigate to and select a different logo in PNG, JPG, or JPEG format. Logos can't exceed 136 pixels in width by 28 pixels in height.
  7. In Header Title, specify the branding information that you want displayed in the top left hand corner next to the logo.
  8. In Active, click to apply the currently displayed theme when you click Save. If you click Active, then click Back without saving changes, the new theme isn’t applied.

This diagram shows you what theme options affect different areas of the reporting environment.

Description of custom_logo_and_styles_new.png follows
Description of the illustration custom_logo_and_styles_new.png

Manage Themes

Administrators manage themes to change the default logo, colors, and heading styles for reporting pages, dashboards, and analyses.

In Oracle Analytics Server the user interface defaults to the Alta style, which is controlled by elements in the instanceconfig.xml file. You can manage themes only when the UI element is configured for Alta, as shown in this code example from the instanceconfig.xml file.

  1. In the Classic Home page, click the user profile icon and then click Administration.
  2. Click Manage Themes.
  3. Optional: To apply a previously created theme, select the theme you want from the Theme list, click Active, then click Save, then click Back.
  4. Optional: To revert to the default Oracle theme, clear the Active option, click Save, then click Back.
  5. Optional: To remove a theme completely, select the theme you want to remove, click Delete, then click Back.

Customize Links on the Classic Home Page

You can configure the Classic home page to display custom links. For example, you might add a link to a website showing the local weather, or a link to the Oracle Analytics home page to enable business analysts to navigate from the Classic home page to workbooks and visualizations.

In this example, links are added for "My Weather" and "Analytics Cloud Home".
Description of customlinksclassic.png follows
Description of the illustration customlinksclassic.png

To add custom links, add XML code to the Custom Links XML system setting. To access the System Settings page, go to the Oracle Analytics home page, click Navigator, then Console, then System Settings, then Analytic Content).
Description of custom-links.png follows
Description of the illustration custom-links.png

You can use XML code to specify links and attributes, including the following:

  • The text for the link (either a static string or a message name to use for localization).

  • A target URL.

  • Whether the target link opens in the current page or opens in a new tab or window.

  • The relative ordering of links in the header.

  • An optional icon to use with the link.

This example displays two custom links to the left of the Catalog link in the global header of the Classic home page.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<customLinks xmlns="">
   <link id="1" name="My Weather" description="Local weather site" src="" target="blank" >
           <location name="header" insertBefore="catalog"/>
   <link id="1" name="Analytics Cloud Home" description="OAC Viz Home Page" src="https://<OAC example URL>" target="blank" >
           <location name="header" insertBefore="catalog"/>


To obtain the link for Oracle Analytics home page, log into Oracle Analytics, copy the URL, and paste it into the src="<target link>" element (as shown in the example XML code).

If you use this Console method, then you shouldn't have any CustomLinks elements in the instanceconfig.xml file.

This table describes the elements and attributes that you can specify for custom links.

Element or Attribute Optional? Data Type Description

link: accessibility



Specifies that in accessibility mode, the link is available only when the accessibility attribute is set to true. Values are true and false, and false is the default.

In previous updates, the vpat attribute served the same purpose as the accessibility attribute. The vpat attribute has been deprecated.

link: description



Specifies the description of the link (not translated).

link: iconSmall



Specifies the file name of an icon to display with the link in the global header. The display of icons is controlled by the fmap syntax.

link: id



Use as a unique ID that specifies the position of the link. You can include IDs for custom links to position them relative to default links.

link: localizedDesc



Specifies the message ID of the link (translated), which takes precedence over the non-translated description.

link: localizedName



Specifies the message ID of the link that's translated, which takes precedence over the non-translated name.

link: name



Specifies the name of the link that isn't translated.

link: privilege



Specifies the name of privileges that a user must be granted to see the link. The privileges are indicated as an expression, as shown in the following example:

privileges.Access['Global Answers']&amp;&amp; privileges.Access['Global Delivers']

link: src



Specifies the URL for the link.

link: target



Specifies the browser window in which to open the link. The values are:

self: Opens in same window in which Oracle Analytics is running.

blank: Opens in a new window.

any-name: Opens in a window with the specified name.

location: insertBefore



Specifies the ID of an existing link to the left of which you want to add the custom link. For example, to add a custom link to the left of the Catalog link, specifiy <location name="header" insertBefore="catalog"/>.

Valid IDs:

  • admin
  • catalog
  • dashboard
  • favorites
  • help
  • home
  • logout
  • new
  • open
  • user

If you make a mistake and specify an invalid ID, the link is inserted in a default location.

location: name



Use this attribute if you include the locations parent element. The values are:

header: Specifies to include the link in the global header.



Not Applicable

Use as the parent element for specifying the locations of the links to add. If you don’t specify a location, then by default links are included before the Help link in the global header and at the end of the Get Started section.

Add Localized Custom Links to the Classic Home Page - Example

You can use this example to add localized custom links to the Classic Home page.

  1. Use these commands to create a custom message directory in the Domain_Home and copy the messages files into it.

    On Linux | Windows:

    cd DOMAIN_HOME /bi/bidata/components/OBIPS
    mkdir custommessages
    cd custommessages
    cp $OAS_HOME/bi/bifoundation/web/msgdb/* . -r
  2. Add English localized messages for kmsgWeather and kmsgOasHome to the bieehomemessages.xml file in the English folder:
    1. Backup $DOMAIN_HOME/bi/bidata/components/OBIPS/custommessages/l_en/messages/bieehomemessages.xml and open it for editing.
    2. Add the following messages to bieehomemessages.xml in the English folder.
      <WebMessage name="kmsgWeather"><TEXT>The Weather</TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgWeatherDesc"><TEXT>Click to check the weather </TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgOasHome"><TEXT> The OAS Home Page</TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgOasHomeDesc"><TEXT>Click to check The OAS Home Page </TEXT></WebMessage>
  3. Add French localized messages for kmsgWeather and kmsgOasHome to the bieehomemessages.xml file in the French folder:
    1. Backup $DOMAIN_HOME/bi/bidata/components/OBIPS/custommessages/l_fr/messages/bieehomemessages.xml and open it for editing.
    2. Add the following messages to bieehomemessages.xml in the French folder.
      <WebMessage name="kmsgWeather"><TEXT>La Météo</TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgWeatherDesc"><TEXT>Cliquer pour vérifier la météo </TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgOasHome"><TEXT> La Page d'accueil d'OAS</TEXT></WebMessage>
      <WebMessage name="kmsgOasHomeDesc"><TEXT>Cliquer pour vérifier la page d'accueil d'OAS </TEXT></WebMessage>
  4. Log in to Oracle Analytics Server, then from the Navigator, click Console, and System Settings.
  5. Click Analytic Content, and in Custom Links XML add the following code and click Apply:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <customLinks xmlns="">
    <link id="1" name="My Weather" localizedName="kmsgWeather" description="Local weather site" localizedDesc="kmsgWeatherDesc" src="" target="blank">
    <locations><location name="header" insertBefore="catalog"/></locations>
    <link id="1" name="Analytics Server Home" localizedName="kmsgOasHome" description="The OAS Home Page" localizedDesc="kmsgOasHomeDesc" src="" target="blank">
    <locations><location name="header" insertBefore="catalog"/></locations>

    This XML code enables you to display localized custom links that you define in the language-specific bieehomemessages.xml files.

  6. Stop and start Oracle Analytics Server. See Use Commands to Start, Stop, and View Status of Processes.
  7. Log in to the Oracle Analytics Server Classic Home page using an English language URL:

    Observe the newly added buttons, labeled The Weather and The OAS Home Page.

  8. Log in to the Oracle Analytics Server Classic Home page using a French language URL:

    Observe the newly added buttons, labeled La Météo and La page d'accueil d'OAS.