Post-Migration Tasks

After migrating the Oracle BI metadata, manually migrate the configuration settings for components such as security for WebLogic and Enterprise Manager, BI Server, and BI Presentation Services.

Migrating Catalog Groups

Catalog groups were a feature of Oracle BI EE that allowed administrators to organize users and application roles for security administration purposes.

In Oracle Analytics Server, catalog groups are obsolete. The catalog groups are migrated by the upgrade process to application roles.

Migrating Configuration

After migrating the data, manually migrate the configuration information from the Oracle Business Intelligence system toOracle Analytics Server, which includes WebLogic security, Enterprise Manager security, the managed BI configurations, BI logs, BI Server, and BI Presentation Server configuration settings.

Migrating the Security Configuration with Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle Analytics Server delegates user authentication and the group membership authorization to the external identity providers or the built-in Oracle WebLogic Server embedded LDAP (default authenticator).

To migrate the security configurations:
  1. Access the Oracle Business Intelligence WebLogic Console to examine the current security configuration for security providers.
  2. Manually configure the same security configuration in WebLogic Console of Oracle Analytics Server.

Migrating the Policy and Credential Store Configuration

Most of the security configuration related to application roles, security grants, and application policies are migrated during the migration process. The default policy store provider and credential store provider stores credentials, application roles, and application policies in files in the domain. You must examine and manually apply any special Security Provider configuration in Oracle Analytics Server.

To migrate the policy and credential configuration:
  1. Examine the Security Provider configuration in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control of Oracle Business Intelligence.
  2. Validate the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control security setup by searching application policies and appropriate users.
  3. Apply any special Security Provider configuration in the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control of Oracle Analytics Server.
  4. Use the grantPermissionSetsToBIRole and revokePermissionSetsFromBIRole scripts to grant or revoke permissions for an application role. See Grant or Revoke Permissions Assignments.
    If you have performed a migration using a snapshot (BAR file), you must review how Oracle Analytics Server assigned permissions to the application roles, and explicitly add additional application policies to your Administrator application role. For the BI Adminisitrator application role, or your own Administrator role, make sure you add the pod.admin and va.admin permission sets to enable access to the Oracle Analytics Server Console page and to edit the system settings.
  5. Ensure that the user, group, and application roles appear correctly in Oracle Analytics Server.

Migrating the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Managed Business Intelligence Configurations

The Fusion Middleware Control is used to manage some of the important configurations for Oracle BI. You must manually examine the configuration of the General, Presentation, Performance, and Mail sections of the Fusion Middleware Control of the Oracle Business Intelligence system and apply the same settings to the Oracle Analytics Server system.

To migrate the Fusion Middleware Control managed BI configurations:
  1. In the Fusion Middleware Control of the Oracle Business Intelligence system, navigate to the Business Intelligence Configuration link and examine the Configuration tab.
  2. Apply the same configuration settings in the Oracle Analytics Server Configuration tab of the Fusion Middleware Control.
    You can use Oracle Analytics Server Console to configure system settings and email server.
    Ensure that the configuration settings of the General, Presentation, Performance, and Mail sections are applied correctly.

Migrating the Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control Managed Business Intelligence Log Configuration

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control is used to manage the log configuration for the Oracle BI components. You must manually examine the log configuration settings in the Oracle Business Intelligence system and apply the same settings to your Oracle Analytics Server system.

To migrate the Fusion Middleware Control managed Oracle BI log configuration:
  1. In the Fusion Middleware Control in Oracle Business Intelligence, navigate to the Business Intelligence link and examine the settings in the Diagnostics tab.
  2. Note the configuration settings and apply the Oracle BI component log configuration and component log levels in the Oracle Analytics Server.

Migrating the Oracle BI Server Configuration

Various files for the BI Server contain configuration information: odbc.ini and tnsnames.ora. The odbc.ini file contains non-Oracle data source (DSN) connection information. The tnsnames.ora file contains network service names mapped to connect descriptors for the local naming method, or net service names mapped to listener protocol addresses. You must examine these Oracle Business Intelligence files and manually copy the configuration information to the respective Oracle Analytics Server files.

To migrate the BI server configuration details:
  1. View the BI server information in the odbc.ini file present at the following location in the Oracle Business Intelligence instance:
    • (Linux) SOURCE_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core
    • (Windows) SOURCE_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\bienv\core
  2. Copy the BI Server configuration from the Oracle Business Intelligence odbc.ini file to the Oracle Analytics Server file.
  3. In the existing Oracle Analytics Server odbc.ini file, integrate the ODBC entries from Oracle Business Intelligence.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for tnsnames.ora file, if you want to configure the tnsnames.ora file in Oracle Analytics Server.

Migrating the Oracle BI Presentation Server Configuration

The Oracle BI Presentation Services process hosts most of the business logic of the Web server and provides the framework and interface for the presentation of business intelligence data to web clients. The userpref_currencies.xml file defines the currency options that are displayed in the Currency box of the Preferences tab of the My Account dialog. The file contains the Presentation Services Plug-in information. Examine these Oracle Business Intelligence files and manually copy the configuration information to the respective Oracle Analytics Server files.

To migrate the Oracle BI Presentation Server configuration:
  1. View the configuration information in the userpref_currencies.xml file present at the following location:
    (UNIX) SOURCE_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS/
  2. Copy the appropriate configuration information from the userpref_currencies.xml file in Oracle Business Intelligence to the Oracle Analytics Server file.
    You can review the currency setting in Oracle Business Intelligence and use Oracle Analytics Server Console to set the currency type.
  3. View the configuration information in the file present at the following location:
    (UNIX) SOURCE_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig
  4. Copy the appropriate configuration information from the file in Oracle Business Intelligence to the DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/ file in Oracle Analytics Server.

Configuring Your Data Source Connections to Use ODBC Drivers

You must re-configure your data source connections to use the appropriate ODBC drivers. If you are using a data source connection that is already configured to use ODBC drivers in Oracle Business Intelligence, modify the data source configuration's odbc.ini file in Oracle Analytics Server to use the correct ODBC drivers.

See Managing Metadata Repositories for Oracle Analytics Server for instructions to set up the connections to data sources.

To configure data source connections to use the ODBC drivers:
  1. Open the odbc.ini file located at the following location:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/bienv/core/odbc.ini
    • (Windows) Open Registry Editor and navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ODBC\odbc.ini
    Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual path to the Oracle Analytics Server Domain home you created when you installed the Oracle Analytics Server software.
  2. Update the ODBC entry to use the appropriate drivers.
  3. Update all the existing data source names (DSNs) to the correct ODBC driver version.
  4. Save and close the odbc.ini file.

Configuring Usage Tracking

Oracle Analytics Server supports the collection of usage tracking data. When usage tracking is enabled, Oracle Analytics Server collects usage tracking data for each query. The statistics are then written to a usage tracking log file or are inserted directly in to a database table. After you complete migrating and configuring theOracle Analytics Server system, you must enable usage tracking in Oracle Analytics Server Console.

To configure usage tracking:
  1. On the Oracle Analytics Server Home page, click the Navigator, and select Console.
  2. Set the usage tracking parameters. See Set Usage Tracking Parameters.

Checking JavaHost Configuration

Make sure that the XMLP and Oracle BI JavaHost settings match with the settings specified for the configuration of the Oracle Business Intelligence system.

To check the XMLP and the BI JavaHost configuration:
  1. View the config.xml file on the Oracle Business Intelligence and Oracle Analytics Server.
    The file is present at the following location on the Oracle Business Intelligence:
    • (Linux) BI_DOMAIN_HOME/config/OracleBIJavaHostComponent/coreapplication_obijh1/config.xml
    • (Windows) BI_DOMAIN_HOME\config\OracleBIJavaHostComponent\coreapplication_obijh1\config.xml
    The file is present at the following location on the Oracle Analytics Server:
    • (Linux) NEW_DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIJH/config.xml
    • (Windows) NEW_DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIJH\config.xml
  2. Verify that the XMLP configuration on both the Oracle Business Intelligence and the Oracle Analytics Server systems is as shown in the following code block:
  3. Verify that the OBIJH_ARGS="-server -Xmx1024M -Xrs" parameter in the file in Oracle Analytics Server matches with the "start-args" value="-server -Xmx1024M -Xrs parameter in the opmn.xml file in Oracle Business Intelligence.
    The opmn.xml file is located at the following location on the Oracle Business Intelligence system:
    <process-type id="OracleBIJavaHostComponent" module-id="CUSTOM"> 
    <category id="start-parameters"> 
    <data id="start-executable" value="$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java"/> 
    <data id="start-args" value="-server -Xmx4096M -Xrs 
    The|.cmd file is located at the following location on the Oracle Analytics Server system:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/bi/modules/
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bi\modules\\setOBIJHEnv.cmd
    Location of the file:
    • (Linux) [DOMAIN_HOME]/config/fmwconfig/bienv/OBIJH/
    • (Windows) [DOMAIN_HOME]\config\fmwconfig\bienv\OBIJH\

Enabling Clusters

After migrating the data, you must manually enable the ClusterEnabled parameter in the ClusterConfig.xml file to turn on the cluster instances on the Oracle Analytics Server.

To enable the clusters:
  1. Open the ClusterConfig.xml file for editing, located at the following location:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/core
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\core
  2. Locate the following:
    Change it to the following:
  3. Save and close the file.

Setting the Compatibility Framework

The compatibility framework allows the Oracle Analytics Server to add new features that are not compatible with the Oracle Business Intelligence releases while providing a flexible framework that enables Oracle Analytics Server to operate in a compatibility mode. Individual features and bug fixes can be enabled or disabled independently using compatibility flags. Alternatively, you can set all the compatibility flags to the default values using a single COMPATIBLE_RELEASE flag for the Oracle Analytics Server system to be compatible with the earlier release. Add the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter to the NQSConfig.INI file to ensure that the migrated Oracle Analytics Server environment behaves as closely as possible to Oracle Business Intelligence environment.

Oracle recommends you to configure OBIEE Compatibility Release using the Oracle Analytics Server Console. See Performance and Compatibility Options.


If the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter is not set, then the system defaults to the behavior of the current release, such as Oracle Analytics Server.

The framework does not distinguish individual bundle patches (only the first four digits of the version number are significant for determining compatibility).

When applying new features, enhancements, or bug fixes that are not inherently backward-compatible, ensure that you specify a compatibility flag using the guidelines described in this topic.


The NQSConfig.INI file does not contain the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter by default. The global bi:compat-mode-11g is the default flag and it applies to all Oracle Analytics Server components. When the bi:compat-mode-11g element in the bi-config.xml file is set to true, the BI Server compatibility framework behaves as if the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE were set to and it disables any features or bug fixes that would cause major compatibility issues during migration from Oracle Business Intelligence to Oracle Analytics Server. However, if you explicitly edit the NQSConfig.INI file to set the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or any other compatibility flag, then the setting in the NQSConfig.INI file takes precedence over the global bi:compat-mode-11g flag specified in the bi-config.xml file.

In addition to setting the general COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter, you can set compatibility flags for specific features or bug fixes, which begin with the prefix "OBIS_". Instructions to set these specific compatibility flags are provided by the support team to solve certain issues on a need basis. For example,


Setting the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or specific compatibility flags in the NQSConfig.INI file applies the changes to the entire system. You can also set the COMPATIBLE_RELEASE parameter or the specific feature flag as a session variable or an environment variable so that the compatibility mode is set to specific reports or dashboards. You can do this by adding a query prefix to an analysis request. The following is an example of a variable setting:

set variable COMPATIBLE_RELEASE='':

Migrating the Fusion Middleware MapViewer Configuration

Oracle Fusion Middleware Mapviewer (MapViewer) is a programmable tool for rendering maps using spatial data managed by Oracle Spatial and Graph or Oracle Locator (also referred to as Locator). MapViewer provides tools that hide the complexity of spatial data queries and cartographic rendering, while providing customizable options for more advanced users. These tools can be deployed in a platform-independent manner and are designed to integrate with map-rendering applications. After migrating the data, you must manually modify theOracle Analytics Server MapViewer configuration file to contain the same contents as the Oracle Business Intelligence file except the Logging section.

To migrate the MapViewer configuration:
  1. Go to the Oracle Analytics Server Fusion Middleware MapViewer Administration Console (http://AnalyticsServer_host:port/mapviewer).
  2. Create a copy of the default Oracle Analytics Server MapViewer configuration file.
  3. Overwrite the contents in the copy of the Oracle Analytics Server MapViewer configuration file with the content from the mapViewerConfig.xml file from the Oracle Business Intelligence MapViewer install.
  4. Replace the logging section of the MapViewer configuration file copy with the settings from the default Oracle Analytics Server MapViewer configuration file.
  5. Update the logging settings log levels of the MapViewer configuration file as needed for Oracle Analytics Server.
  6. Click Save on theOracle Analytics Server MapViewer Administration Console and then click Restart.

Resolving Authentication Issues After Migration

To avoid authentication issues post-migration, you must review and update initialization blocks that the Required for Authentication option enabled.

To resolve the authentication issues after migration:
  1. Open the repository (semantic model) in offline mode.
    1. Change to the following directory on Oracle Analytics Server:
      (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/
      (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bitools\bin\
      Replace the value of DOMAIN_HOME with the actual Domain home on your Oracle Analytics Server.
    2. Run the following command:
      sh downloadrpd –u uname –p pwd –o downloaded.rpd –w rpd_password

      -o is the output repository (semantic model)
      -w rpd_password  is the repository (semantic model) password, say Admin123

    3. Open the downloaded repository (semantic model) offline in Model Administration Tool, which you installed with the client installer.
  2. Complete the following steps:
    1. From the Manage menu in Model Administration Tool, select Variables.
    2. In the Variable Manager dialog, from the Action menu, select Session, then Initialization Blocks.
    3. In the Variable Initialization Block dialog, review the initialization blocks with Required for Authentication configured.
    4. Locate DYNAMIC_OLAP_LOGIN, open the DYNAMIC_OLAP_LOGIN properties, and uncheck the Required for Authentication checkbox.
    5. Click Apply and save the repository (semantic model).
  3. Open the repository (semantic model) in online mode using the uploadrpd command.
    DOMAIN_HOME/bitools/bin/ uploadrpd –u uname –p pwd –i downloaded.rpd –w rpd_password

Copying Configuration Files

You must manually copy the following configuration files after the migration: writebacktemplate.xml, userpref_currencies.xml, and bicustom.ear.

Oracle recommends you to use System Settings in the Oracle Analytics Server Console to configure write back and currency. Use Manage Themes to change the default logo, colors, and heading styles for analyzes and dashboards.

Copy the following configuration files from the Oracle Business Intelligence instance to the new Oracle Analytics Server instance:
  1. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/bi/bifoundation/web/msgdb/messages
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\bi\bifoundation\web\msgdb\messages
  2. Copy the writebacktemplate.xml file to the Oracle Analytics Server instance.
  3. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) APPLICATION_HOME/bi/bidata/components/OBIPS/
    • (Windows) APPLICATION_HOME\bi\bidata\components\OBIPS\
  4. Copy the bicustom.ear file to the Oracle Analytics Server instance.
  5. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS
  6. Copy the userpref_currencies.xml file to the Oracle Analytics Server instance.
  7. Open the userpref_currencies.xml file for editing and add the following lines:
    <UserCurrencyPreferences currencyTagMappingType="static">
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc1" displayText="Global Currency 1" currencyTag="int:USD" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc2" displayText="Global Currency 2" currencyTag="int:euro-l" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="gc3" displayText="Global Currency 3" currencyTag="loc:ja-JP" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="orgc" displayText="Org Currency" currencyTag="loc:en-BZ" />
      <UserCurrencyPreference sessionVarValue="lc1" displayTag="int:DEM" currencyTag="int:DEM" />
    Save and close the file.
  8. Change to the following directory:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS
  9. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing and add the following line:
    Save and close the file.
  10. Restart the services.

Removing the Display of HTML Codes in a Customized "No Results" Message

In an analysis, content developers can control the text that is displayed when the results of the analysis return no data. Content developers can accept the default message, or they can customize the text of the message, including by inserting HTML formatting codes in the message.

If content developers customized the message and included HTML codes in Oracle Business Intelligence, then the message is displayed with the codes showing as readable text in Oracle Analytics Server, rather than performing their functions to format the message. To work around this issue, open the Analysis Properties dialog for each analysis whose custom message includes HTML codes and select the Contains HTML/JavaScript/CSS Markup option.

Use System Settings in Oracle Analytics Server Console to enable Allow HTML/JavaScript/CSS Content if you want the Contains HTML/JavaScript/CSS Markup option displayed in various dialogs and editors where you can apply formatting.

Cleaning and Relocating Catalog Folders

Review the structure of the Catalog after migration.

Optionally, you can remove empty folders within each existing user's home directory or relocate existing folders to their new locations. This change has no effect on folders for existing users.
  1. Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing from the following location:
    • (Linux) DOMAIN_HOME/config/fmwconfig/biconfig/OBIPS
    • (Windows) DOMAIN_HOME\config\fmwconfig\biconfig\OBIPS
  2. Add the following elements within the <Catalog></Catalog> nodes:
    • To remove all empty folders: <CleanEmptyFolderInHome>true</CleanEmptyFolderInHome>
    • To relocate existing folders to their new locations: <CoalesceHomeDirectoryFolders>true</CoalesceHomeDirectoryFolders>
  3. Save and close the file.

Restore and Enable Delivery Schedules

When you restore content from a snapshot or migrate content from a different environment, delivery schedules defined for agents, analyses, and dashboards in the snapshot aren’t restored or activated right away. When you’re ready to restore deliveries on your system, you can decide whether to enable or disable delivery schedules on your system. This is useful as you might not want to immediately start delivering content.

For example, if you're restoring a production environment, you probably want to restart deliveries as soon as possible. Whereas in a test environment, you might prefer to disable deliveries after restoration and activate them at a later date.

  1. In the Oracle Analytics Home page, click the Navigator, and then click Console.
  2. Click Monitor Deliveries.
  3. To restore deliveries, click the Action menu for the page and select Restore Deliveries.
  4. Select whether to restore and activate deliveries or restore deliveries only. Select one of the following:
    • Maintain Delivery Schedule Status

      All delivery schedules maintain their status (enabled or disabled).

      • Existing delivery schedules remain unchanged.
      • New delivery schedules created during the restore process inherit the schedule status that’s defined in the corresponding agent, analysis or dashboard.

      For example, this option is useful when you restore deliveries in a production environment where you want deliveries to be active immediately.

    • Disable Delivery Schedules for New Deliveries

      Delivery schedules that are created during the restore process for agents, analyses, and dashboards are disabled. Existing delivery schedules remain unchanged.

      For example, this option is useful when you restore deliveries in a test environment where you don’t need to activate deliveries immediately.

    • Disable All Delivery Schedules And Delete All History (Not recommended)

      All delivery schedules are disabled during the restore process and any delivery history is deleted.

      • Existing delivery schedules are disabled.
      • New delivery schedules created for agents, analyses, and dashboards during the restore process are disabled.
      • Historical delivery details no longer available.

      This option is not recommended. If you do select this option, you must manually enable delivery schedules for all agents, analyses, and dashboards.

  5. Click Restore.
  6. To activate a delivery, click the Action menu for the delivery, and select Enable.

    To activate multiple deliveries at once, select Shift + click or Ctrl + click to select all the deliveries you want to activate, then right-click and select Enable.

    If necessary, click Edit to redefine the delivery schedule.

Post-Migration Tasks for Oracle Analytics Publisher

After completing the data migration, you must migrate the Publisher configuration, scheduler jobs, and job history. You must also remove the BISystemUser policy from the JMSResource security configuration.

Migrating Scheduler Jobs and Job History

After migrating the Oracle Business Intelligence configuration to a new Oracle Analytics Server environment, you must migrate the scheduler jobs and the job history data from the Oracle Business Intelligence BIPLATFORM schema to a BIPLATFORM schema. You can connect to BIPLATFROM schema through SQL*PLUS or any other tool and run the script.

The bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql script requires the user ID, the password, and the connection string for Oracle Business Intelligence BIPLATFROM schema. The script creates a database link called BIP11g_DBLINK and imports all schedule objects using that link. You must have Database Administrator privileges to run the script.

After you run the bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql script to migrate the report job history data from Oracle Business Intelligence 11g to Oracle Analytics Server, you can download the report outputs in Oracle Analytics Server. In Oracle Analytics Server, you can't republish a report and download the XML data that you saved in the 11g environment. The bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql script doesn't migrate the XML data.


You can't migrate scheduler data from DB2 and SQL Server databases. You can migrate scheduler data only from Oracle databases.
  1. Change to the directory appropriate for your platform:
    • (Linux) NEW_ORACLE_HOME/bi/modules/
    • (Windows) NEW_ORACLE_HOME\bi\modules\\upgradeutil
    Replace NEW_ORACLE_HOME with the actual path to the Oracle Analytics Server home you created when you installed the Oracle Analytics Server.
  2. Connect to the target Oracle Analytics Server BIPLATFORM schema from SQLPLUS or SQL Developer by entering the following command:
    sqlplus userid/password@connectionString -- for 12c RCU Schema
    For example:
    sqlplus username/
  3. Run the bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql script, passing the command-line parameters 11g_RCU_SCHEMA, 11G_PASSWORD, 11G_CONNECTION_STRING, and 12C_BIPLATFORM_SCHEMA.

    SQL> @bip_12c_scheduler_migrationg.sql 11g_userid 11g_password 11g_connection_string

    Sample command:

    SQL> bip_12c_scheduler_migration.sql 11g_RCU_USERNAME 11g_PASSSWORD 12C_BIPLATFROM_SCHEMA_NAME
    System output:
    old 1: &&1
    new 1: adc00ccq_biplatform
    old 2: &&2
    new 2: your_password
    old 3: '&&3'
    new 3: ''
    old 4: '&&4'
    Database link created.
    9979 rows created.
    9769 rows created.
    9739 rows created.
    4159 rows created.
    6 rows created.
    6 rows created.
    6 rows created.
    Commit complete.
    Database link dropped.

After the import operation completes, the database link is deleted.

Removing the BISystemUser Policy from the JMSResource Security Configuration

BISystemUser is not supported in the Oracle Analytics Server environment. When the users and policies are migrated from an Oracle Business Intelligence instance, the JMSResource policy blocks the scheduled jobs. Therefore, you must remove this policy from the JMSResource security configuration. You can manually remove the BISystemUser policy from WebLogic console. Alternatively, you can run a WLST (Python) script to accomplish this task.

Manually Removing the BISystemUser Policy

This topic describes the procedure to remove the BISystemUser policy from the WebLogic Console.

To manually remove the BISystemUser policy:
  1. Sign in to the WebLogic Console.
  2. Under Services, click Messaging and then JMSModules, and select BipJmsResource.
  3. Under the Security tab, click Policies.
  4. Under Policy Conditions, select the User: BISystemUser checkbox and click Remove.

    Figure 3-2 Settings for BipJmsResource

    Description of Figure 3-2 follows
    Description of "Figure 3-2 Settings for BipJmsResource"
  5. Restart Oracle Analytics Publisher and check the scheduled jobs.
Removing the BISystemUser Policy using a WLST Script

This topic describes the procedure to remove the BISystemUser policy using a WLST script.

To remove the BISystemUser policy:
  1. Copy the script from the following location:
    (UNIX) NEW_ORACLE_HOME/bi/modules/
  2. Go to NEW_ORACLE_HOME/server/bin directory.
  3. Set the WLS environment. Enter
    source ./
  4. Run the script to remove JMS Resource policy. Enter
    java weblogic.WLST <WL Admin Username> <WL Admin Password> <Admin Server URL: t3://localhost:port>
  5. Sign in to the WebLogic Console and verify whether the policy is removed.