11 Using REST APIs for User Management and Launchpad Administration

EDQ and later includes a set of REST-based interfaces to manage groups, permissions, external group mappings, users, and launchpad applications.

The result for all POST and DELETE calls is an object containing these attributes:

Attribute Description


Success flag. Possible values are true or false.


Error message, present if ok is false.

This chapter includes the following topics:

11.1 REST Interface for Creating and Updating Groups

The calling user must have the Access User Administration functional permission for all user administration calls.

The group object used in requests and responses has these attributes:
Attribute Type Description



The name of the group. Always required.


Array of strings

Functional permissions associated with group. Values are the internal identifiers representing permissions.

In create or update requests, all the permissions in a category can be selected using prefix:. For example ops:* or user_admin:*.


Array of strings

Applications available to the group. Values are the internal identifiers for launchpad applications.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Get all groups

    To return an array of group objects, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/groups

  • Get named group

    To get information on a single named group, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/group/name

    The result is a group object. If the group does not exist, a 404 response is returned.

  • Create or update single group

    To create or update a single group, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/group

    The payload is a single group object. If the permissions or applications attributes are not specified, the corresponding values in the group are not changed on update. If the group does not exist, the calling user must have the Add Group permission, otherwise the user must have the Modify Group permission.

  • Create or update multiple groups

    To create or update multiple groups, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/groups

    The payload is an array of group objects.

  • Delete named group

    To delete a named group, use the following interface:

    DELETE http://server:port/edq/useradmin/group/name

    The user must have the Delete Group permission.

  • Update group

    To update a group, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/updategroup

    This request can be used to add or remove permissions or applications from an existing group. The payload is a JSON object with these attributes:

    Attribute Description


    The name of the group. Always required.


    Permission additions and removals.


    Application additions and removals.

    The permissions and applications attributes are object with these attributes:

    Attribute Description


    Array of values to add to the group.


    Array of values to remove from the group.


    { "name": "Test Group",
      "permissions": {
        "add": [ "user_admin:*", "ops:dnviewallevents"],
        "remove": [ "server_admin:accessserveradmin"]
       "applications": {
         "add": ["opsui" ]
  • Get lists of supported applications and functional permissions

    Use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/permissionsinfo

    Group objects list applications and functional permissions using internal identifiers. The call returns lists of all supported applications and permissions including both the display strings used in the administration web UI and the associated identifiers. Permissions are grouped by the categories shown in the group administration web UI.

    The result object contains these attributes:

    Attribute Description


    List of supported applications.


    List of permission categories. Each element contains these attributes:
    • categorylabel - Display string for the category. For example "CM.Static" or "Director".
    • prefix - Prefix associated with the category. For example "data:" or "user_admin:".
    • permissions - List of permissions in the category.

    Individual application and permission objects contain these attributes:

    Attribute Description


    Display string for application or permission.


    Internal identifier.

    Display strings are returned in the language implied by the web request.

11.2 REST Interface for External Group Mappings

Groups in external realms (LDAP etc) are mapped to EDQ internal group so that the permissions and applications available to a user can be determined on login. Calls in this category return the currently defined mappings and update mappings.

Each mapping is represented by an object with these attributes:

Attribute Description


The realm name as defined in login.properties. In an update call this attribute may be omitted if exactly one external realm is defined.


The name of group in the external realm. Always required.


Array of EDQ internal group names. In an update call, existing mappings are removed if this attribute is omitted or empty.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Get current mappings

    To retrieve information about the current external group mappings, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/externalgroups

    The result is an array of mapping objects.

  • Update mappings

    To update information about the current external group mappings, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/externalgroups

    The payload is an array of mapping objects. The calling user must have the Modify External Group Permissions functional permission.


      { "realm": "EXAMPLE.COM",
        "externalgroup": "edqgroup1",
        "internalgroups": ["Data Analysts"]
      { "realm": "EXAMPLE.COM",
        "externalgroup": "edqgroup2",
        "internalgroups": ["Match Reviewers", "Executives"]

11.3 REST Interface for Creating and Updating Users

The user object used in requests and responses has these attributes:
Attribute Type Description



The name of the user. Always required.



The user password. Required when creating a new user.



Set to true if the user has been blocked permanently.



The full name of user. Required when creating a new user.



The e-mail address of user.



The name of the user's organization.



The user's telephone number.



If true forces the user to change their password on the next login.



User password expiration policy. Possible values are:
  • 0 - Password expiry defined by system configuration
  • 1 - Password never expires
  • 2 - Password expires after system defined period



User lockout policy after bad logins. Possible values are:

  • 0 - Policy defined by system configuration
  • 1 - No action
  • 2 - Lockout for 2 minutes
  • 3 - Lockout for 5 minutes
  • 4 - Lockout for 15 minutes
  • 5 - Lockout for 30 minutes
  • 6 - Lockout for 1 hour
  • 7 - Lockout for 24 hours
  • 8 - Lockout permanently


Array of strings

Groups to associate with the user.

The passwordpolicy and lockoutpolicy attributes correspond to the Password Policy and Invalid Attempts fields in the user definition web UI:

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Get all users

    To return an array of user objects, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/users

  • Get named user

    To get information on a single named user, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/useradmin/username

    The result is a user object. If the user does not exist a 404 response is returned.

  • Create or update single user

    To create or update a single user, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/group

    The payload is a single user object. On update, attributes that are not included in the payload object are not modified in the target user. An attribute which is set to null in the payload is cleared in the target user object.

    For example to update a user and clear the e-mail address, use this payload:

    { "username": "user23",
      "email":    null

    To update the password for a user, but force a change on next logon, use the following:

    { "username": "user153",
      "password": "newtemppassword",
      "forcepasswordchange" : true

    To create a new user, the caller must have the Add User permission. To modify a user, the required permissions depend on the detailed changes. The following table lists the permissions you need corresponding to the information you want to update:

    Action Required Permission

    Change password

    Change/Reset User Passwords

    Block user permanently

    Block User

    Unblock user

    Unblock User

    Change full name, e-mail address, organization name or telephone number

    Modify User Details

    Change password policy, lockout policy or force change option

    Modify Account Security Options

    Change group membership

    Modify User Group Permissions

  • Create or update multiple users

    To create or update multiple users, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/useradmin/users

    The payload is an array of user objects. To modify users, the required permissions depend on the detailed changes as listed in the table above.

  • Delete named user

    To delete a user, the user must have the Delete User permission. Use the following interface:

    DELETE http://server:port/edq/useradmin/user/username

11.4 REST Interface for Launchpad Applications

Calls in this category are used to list and update the applications that are shown on the launchpad for all users. The calling user must have the Access Server Administration and Set User Application Access permissions for both calls.

You can perform the following tasks:

  • Get applications

    To return the current list of published applications, and a list of all applications known to the system, use the following interface:

    GET http://server:port/edq/admin/web/launchpad/applications

    The result object contains these attributes:

    Attribute Type Description


    Array of strings

    List of applications that are currently shown on the launchpad, in display order.


    Array of application objects

    List of all the applications which are known to the system. Each object contains the following values:

    • label - Display string for application
    • identifier - Internal identifier

    Note that the allapplications list includes applications that are permission controlled by group membership (such as Case Management) and also applications that are links to simple content, such as Watchlist Screening Help.

  • Update launchpad applications

    To update launchpad applications, use the following interface:

    POST http://server:port/edq/admin/web/launchpad/applications

    The payload is an array of strings listing the identifiers of the applications that should appear on the launchpad, in order.

    For example:

    [ "opsui", 