17 Using the Local Web Content Directory

EDQ adds a new "local" web folder to store additional static web content to an EDQ application installation, for example, to support the display of a custom image in a web notification, or in an extended user application. This chapter describes how to use the local web content directory.

The URL for files in the local area is:


This chapter contains the following topics:

17.1 Location of the Local Web Content Directory

The default location for the directory containing local content is localcontent in the EDQ "local home" configuration directory. You can set an alternative location by setting localcontent.directory in director.properties. If the value is not an absolute location it is interpreted as a relative path to the local configuration directory.


localcontent.directory = /opt/EDQ/content

localcontent.directory = local/branding

If the value of localcontent.directory is empty, the local content web location is not enabled and references to URLs within /edq/local will return a 404 response.

If the URL path is empty or refers to a directory, the server uses the index.html file. You can specify alternative "welcome" files with the localcontent.welcome setting in director.properties. The value is a whitespace or comma separated list of file names.


localcontent.welcome = index.htm

17.2 Populating the Local Web Content Directory

You can add files to the local content directory using any of these mechanisms:

  • Normal OS copy operations

    Note that the files and directories must be readable by the user running the application server.

  • The built-in EDQ sshd server, which exposes the directory with the name "localcontent".
  • POST or PUT requests to http://server:port/edq/local/path

    The user making the request must have the "upload files" permission. Directories used in the path are created automatically.

17.3 Examples

A branding image in Watchlist screening:

leftbranding.imagetop    = */local/companylogo.png

Adding an image to a push notification:

var push = WebPush.create("Job complete on " + server.serverInfo.name)

push.title = "Job notification"
push.image = "local/agamemnon.jpg"