3 Configuring EDQ Web Push Notifications

EDQ includes support for web notifications. This chapter describes how to configure EDQ to trigger web push notifications.

This chapter includes the following sections:

3.1 Setting Up and Registering for Web Push Notifications

Notifications are generated by triggers and therefore can report on job start/stop/error and other events. These notifications should be used for infrequent events, which may demand immediate attention from users. Note that these notifications are not meant to replace existing methods like emails, which you should use for more frequent events such as case management assignment.

To enable support for web push notifications, add the following setting to director.properties and restart the server:
web.push.enabled = true
web.push.sub     = mailto:systemadminemailaddress

The email address in the web.push.sub property identifies an administrative contact for the EDQ installation. It is used only if the browser provider identifies a problem. For example:

web.push.sub     = mailto:systemadmins@example.com

When you set this property, a new Web Interface system permission called Register for web push notifications is available.

You should enable this permission for any user who can register for notifications. For users with this permission a new option called Enable Notifications appears in the menu under the user name in the top right of the Launchpad. Make sure that EDQ uses HTTPS connections with a valid SSL certificate.

Selecting Enable Notifications will request a subscription from the browser. If this is the first time for the site the browser will ask for confirmation. After the confirmation is granted the subscription information is sent to the EDQ server and persisted in the database.

To generate a notification, the EDQ server must make an HTTPS call to an external endpoint. If a proxy is required to reach the external location, ensure that the Java proxy settings are specified. You can set the proxy settings either using command line settings or in jvm.properties. For example:

https.proxyHost = proxy.example.com
https.proxyPort = 80
http.nonProxyHosts = *.example.com|localhost

3.2 Generating Web Push Notifications

A new webpush library is available for use in script triggers. The basic usage is:

function getPath() {
  return "/job/(start|end)"
function run(path, id, env, ...) {
  var push = WebPush.create("message")

The notification object has these attributes:

Attribute Description Default Value
title Notification title. Oracle Enterprise Data Quality.
message Notification body.  
icon Notification icon, relative to EDQ web root. images/logo64.png
image Top image for notification, relative to EDQ web root.

This attribute is not supported in Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers.

requireInteraction If set to true, the notification remains open and must be closed manually.

This attribute is not supported in Mozilla Firefox and Safari browsers.

usernames User name filter.  
userids User ID filter.  
groupnames Group name filter.  
groupids Group ID filter.  
projectID Project ID filter.  


function run(path, id, env, ...) {
  var push = WebPush.create("a message")
  push.title = "System notification"
  push.icon  = "local/images/logo.png"

Normally the notifications are sent to all registered subscriptions. You can filter subscriptions by user, group, and project ID. To apply filtering, set options on the notification before sending. For example:

function run(path, id, env, ...) {
  var push = WebPush.create("a message")
  push.title      = "Job notification"
  push.icon       = "images/logo.png"
  push.usernames  = ["username"]
  push.userids    = [1]
  push.groupnames = ["Administrators"]
  push.groupids   = [1]
  push.projectID  = 1

The push will proceed if the user matches any of the user names or IDs, and matches any of the group names or IDs, and has access to the project. Note that the filtering applies to the user who created the subscription originally and not the user, if any, that is currently logged into the site from the browser. The notification image is displayed above the title and message.

3.3 Example Trigger Script

Here's a trigger script that runs on job completion and sends notifications on error.

function getPath() {
  return "/job/end";
function run(path, id, env, missionbean, map) {
  // Report badness
  if (map.mission.currentStatus != 'FINISHED') {
    var str       = ""
    var sections  = map.sections;
    var tsections = missionbean.taskSections;
    var nsecs     = tsections.length
    for (var k = 0; k < nsecs; k++) {
      var sec = tsections[k]
      var tasks = sec.tasks;
      var xs   = sections['section' + k]
      for (var t = 0; t < tasks.length; t++) {
        var task = tasks[t]
        var tcx  = xs[task.taskId.taskDetail + ":" + task.taskId.version]
        if (tcx != null) {
          var tc = tcx.taskcontext
          str += "Phase: " + sec.sectionName + " task: " + task.taskId.taskType + "/" + task.taskId.taskDetail + ": status: " + tc.currentStatus + "\n"
          if (tc.currentStatusMessage) {
            str += "Message: " + tc.currentStatusMessage.getMessage() + "\n"
          str += "\n"
    var push = WebPush.create(str)
    push.title     = "Job error"
    push.projectID = missionbean.projectID

Here's an example notification generated by the script:
Example push notification

3.4 REST API for Web Push Notifications

You can use a system administration REST API to trigger push notifications. Administrators can use this to notify users of important events such as an impending shutdown. To trigger push notifications, use the following interface:

POST http://server/edq/admin/web/push

The user must have the administer system permission. The payload is a JSON object with the same attributes as the script push object described in Generating Web Push Notifications.


{ "title"              : "Sys admin",
  "message"            : "System Admin notification",
  "image"              : "local/agamemnon.jpg",
  "requireInteraction" : true