1 Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Java Utilities

Oracle WebLogic Server provides a number of Java utilities and Ant tasks for performing administrative and programming tasks, installing and configuring the WebLogic Server environment, building and deploying applications, generating certificates for development environments, providing convenient shortcuts, and more.

To use these utilities and tasks, you must set your CLASSPATH correctly. For more information, see Modifying the Classpath. The command-line syntax is specified for all utilities and, for some, examples are provided.

The Apache Web site provides other useful Ant tasks as well, including tasks for packaging EAR, WAR, and JAR files. For more information, see http://jakarta.apache.org/ant/manual/.


The appc compiler generates and compiles the classes needed to deploy EJBs and JSPs to Oracle WebLogic Server. It also validates the deployment descriptors for compliance with the current specifications at both the individual module level and the application level.See appc Reference in Developing Enterprise JavaBeans, Version 2.1, for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The AppletArchiver utility runs an applet in a separate frame, keeps a record of all of the downloaded classes and resources used by the applet, and packages these into either a .jar file or a .cab file. (The cabarc utility is available from Microsoft.)


$ java utils.applet.archiver.AppletArchiver URL filename

Table 1-1 describes the arguments passed to the AppletArchiver utility.

Table 1-1 AppletArchiver Arguments

Argument Definition


URL for the applet.


Local filename that is the destination for the .jar/.cab archive.

autotype (deprecated)

Use the autotype Ant task to generate non-built-in data type components, such as the serialization class, for Web Services. The fully qualified name for the autotype Ant task is weblogic.ant.taskdefs.webservices.javaschema.JavaSchema.

For a complete list of Web Services Ant tasks, see Ant Task Reference in WebLogic Web Services Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server.


Use BuildXMLGen to generate a build.xml file for enterprise applications in the split-directory structure. For complete documentation of this utility, see Building Applications in a Split Development Directory in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The CertGen utility generates certificates that should only be used for demonstration or testing purposes, not in a production environment.

As of version 12.1.2 of WebLogic Server, the CertGen utility generates certificates with the following attributes by default:

  • 2048-bit public key.

  • SHA256 message digest algorithm.

  • Subject Key Identifier extension.

  • Authority Key Identifier extension (if the CA certificate contains a Subject Key ID.)


$ java utils.CertGen 
      -certfile <cert_file> -keyfile <private_key_file>
      -keyfilepass <private_key_password>
     [-cacert <ca_cert_file>][-cakey <ca_key_file>]
     [-cakeypass <ca_key_password>]
     [-selfsigned][-strength <key_strength>]
     [-digestalgorithm] <message digest algorithm>
     [-e <email_address>][-cn <common_name>]
     [-ou <org_unit>][-o <organization>]
     [-l <locality>][-s <state>][-c <country_code>]
     [-keyusage [digitalSignature,nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment,
     [-keyusagecritical true|false]
     [-subjectkeyid <subject_key_identifier>]
     [-subjectkeyidformat UTF-8|BASE64]

Table 1-2 describes the arguments that are passed to the CertGen utility.

Table 1-2 CertGen Arguments

Argument Definition

-certfile cert_file

-keyfile private_key_file

Respectively, the output file names without extensions of the generated public certificate and private key. The appropriate extensions are appended when the pem and der files are created.

-keyfilepass private_key_password

The password for the generated private key.

-cacert ca_cert_file

-cakey ca_key_file

-cakeypass ca_key_password

Respectively, the public certificate, private key file, and private key password of the CA that will be used as the issuer of the generated certificate. If one or more of these options are not specified, the relevant demonstration CA files will be used: CertGenCA.der and CertGenCAKey.der. The CertGen utility first looks in the current working directory, then in the WL_HOME/lib directory.


Generates a self-signed certificate that can be used as a trusted CA certificate. If this argument is specified, the ca_cert_filename, ca_key_filename, and ca_key_password arguments should not be specified.

-digestalgorithm [message digest algorithm]

The message digest algorithm used with the signature algorithm to sign the certificate. The default is SHA256.

Supported values are MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.

-strength key_strength

The length (in bits) of the keys to be generated. The default is 2048 bits. The longer the key, the more difficult it is for someone to break the encryption.

Generating a certificate with an RSA key length less than 1024 bits may not work in JDK 7u40+. See http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/7u40-relnotes-2004172.html for additional information.

-e email_address

The email address associated with the generated certificate.

-cn common_name

The name associated with the generated certificate.

-ou org_unit

The name of the organizational unit associated with the generated certificate.

-o organization

The name of the organization associated with the generated certificate.

-l locality

The name of a city or town.

-s state

The name of the state or province in which the organizational unit (ou) operates if your organization is in the United States or Canada, respectively. Do not abbreviate.

-c country_code

Two-letter ISO code for your country. The code for the United States is US.

-keyusage [digitalSignature, nonRepudiation,keyEncipherment, dataEncipherment,keyAgreement, keyCertSign,cRLSign, encipherOnly,decipherOnly]

Generate certificate with a key usage extension, and with bits set according to the comma-separated list of bit names.

Specify a key usage when you want to restrict the operation for a key that could be used for more than one operation.

-keyusagecritical true|false

By default, a key usage extension is marked critical. To generate a certificate with a non-critical extension, use -keyusagecritical false.


Prevents a subject key identifier extension in the certificate from being generated. CertGen ignores -subjectkeyid and -subjectkeyidformat if you specify -noskid.

-subjectkeyid subject_key_identifier

Generates a certificate with the specified subject key identifier.

-subjectkeyidformat UTF-8|BASE64

The format of the subjectkeyid value; UTF-8 is the default.


By default, the CertGen utility looks for the CertGenCA.der and CertGenCAKey.der files in the current directory, or in the WL_HOME directory, as specified in the weblogic.home system property or the CLASSPATH. Alternatively, you can specify CA files on the command line.

Enter the following command to generate certificate files named testcert with private key files named testkey:

$ java utils.CertGen -keyfilepass mykeypass 
-certfile testcert -keyfile testkey
Generating a certificate with common name machine-name and key strength 2048
issued by CA with certificate from CertGenCA.der file and key from CertGenCAKey.der file


You use weblogic.ClientDeployer to extract the client-side JAR file from a Java EE EAR file, creating a deployable JAR file. The weblogic.ClientDeployer class is executed on the Java command line with the following syntax:
java weblogic.ClientDeployer ear-file client 

The ear-file argument is an expanded directory (or Java archive file with a .ear extension) that contains one or more client application JAR files.

For example:

java weblogic.ClientDeployer app.ear myclient

In the preceding example, app.ear is the EAR file that contains a Java EE client packaged in myclient.jar.

Once the client-side JAR file is extracted from the EAR file, use the weblogic.j2eeclient.Main utility to bootstrap the client-side application and point it to a WebLogic Server instance as follows:

java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main clientjar URL [application args] 

For example:

java weblogic.j2eeclient.Main helloWorld.jar t3://localhost:7001 Greetings


Use clientgen to generate the client-side artifacts, such as the JAX-RPC stubs, needed to invoke a Web Service. See Ant Task Reference in WebLogic Web Services Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Conversion (deprecated)

WebLogic Server 9.0 does not support conversion or upgrading from a pre-6.0 version of Oracle WebLogic Server. To upgrade from version 6.1 or later, see Upgrading Oracle WebLogic Server.


The dbping command-line utility tests the connection between a DBMS and your client machine via a JDBC driver. You must complete the installation of the driver before attempting to use this utility. To install a driver, see the documentation from your driver vendor. Also see Using Third-Party Drivers with WebLogic Server in Developing JDBC Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.

Creating a DB2 Package with dbping

With the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for DB2, you can also use the dbping utility to create a package on the DB2 server. When you ping the database with the dbping utility, the driver automatically creates the default package on the database server if it does not already exist. If the default package already exists on the database server, the dbping utility uses the existing package.

The default DB2 package includes 200 dynamic sections. You can specify a different number of dynamic sections to create in the DB2 package with the -d option. The -d option also sets CreateDefaultPackage=true and ReplacePackage=true on the connection used in the connection test, which forces the DB2 driver to replace the DB2 package on the DB2 server. (See Using DataDirect Documentation in Developing JDBC Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.) You can use the -d option with dynamic sections set at 200 to forcibly recreate a default package on the DB2 server.


When you specify the -d option, the dbping utility recreates the default package and uses the value you specify for the number of dynamic sections. It does not modify the existing package.

To create a DB2 package, the user that you specify must have CREATE PACKAGE privileges on the database.


$ java utils.dbping DBMS [-d dynamicSections] user password DB

Table 1-3 describes the arguments that are passed to the dbping command-line utility.

Table 1-3 dbping Arguments

Argument Definition


Varies by DBMS and JDBC driver:

DB2B—WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for DB2

DERBY—Embedded Derby driver

JCONN2—Sybase JConnect (JDBC 2.0) driver

JCONN3—Sybase JConnect (JDBC 2.0) driver

JCONNECT—Sybase JConnect driver

INFORMIXB—WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for Informix

MSSQLSERVER4—WebLogic jDriver for Microsoft SQL Server

MSSQLSERVERB—WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for Microsoft SQL Server

MYSQL— MySQL's Type 4 Driver

ORACLE—WebLogic jDriver for Oracle

ORACLEB—WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for Oracle

ORACLE_THIN—Oracle Thin Driver

POINTBASE—PointBase Universal Driver

SYBASEB—WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for Sybase

[-d dynamicSections]

Specifies the number of dynamic sections to create in the DB2 package. This option is for use with the WebLogic Type 4 JDBC Driver for DB2 only.

If the -d option is specified, the driver automatically sets CreateDefaultPackage=true and ReplacePackage=true on the connection and creates a DB2 package with the number of dynamic sections specified.


Valid database username for login. Use the same values you use with isql, sqlplus, or other SQL command-line tools.

For DB2 with the -d option, the user must have CREATE PACKAGE privileges on the database.


Valid database password for the user. Use the same values you use with isql or sqlplus.


Name and location of the database. Use the following format, depending on which JDBC driver you use:







MSSQLSERVER4—Host:Port/DBName or [DBName@]Host[:Port]



ORACLE—DBName (as listed in tnsnames.ora)






  • Host is the name of the machine hosting the DBMS.

  • Port is port on the database host where the DBMS is listening for connections.

  • DBName is the name of a database on the DBMS.

  • InformixServer is an Informix-specific environment variable that identifies the Informix DBMS server.


The following is an example using the Oracle Thin Driver.

C:\>java utils.dbping ORACLE_THIN scott tiger dbserver1:1561:demo

**** Success!!! ****

You can connect to the database in your app using:

java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
  props.put("user", "scott");
  props.put("password", "tiger");
  props.put("dll", "ocijdbc9");
  props.put("protocol", "thin");
  java.sql.Driver d =
  java.sql.Connection conn =
    Driver.connect("jdbc:oracle:thin:@dbserver1:1561:demo", props);

The following is an example using the Derby driver. Derby is an open source relational database management system bundled with WebLogic Server for use by the sample applications and code examples as a demonstration database.

$ java utils.dbping DERBY examples examples localhost:1527/demo
**** Success!!! ****
You can connect to the database in your app using:

  java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
  props.put("user", "examples");
  props.put("password", "examples");
  java.sql.Driver d =
  java.sql.Connection conn =
    Driver.connect("jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/demo", props);

ddcreate (deprecated)

This Ant task calls EARInit, which generates an application.xml and a weblogic-application.xml file for an EAR.See EarInit (deprecated).

DDInit (deprecated)

DDInit is a utility for generating deployment descriptors for applications to be deployed on Oracle WebLogic Server. Target a module's archive or folder and DDInit uses information from the module's class files to create appropriate deployment descriptor files.

In its command-line version, DDInit writes new files that overwrite existing descriptor files. If META-INF or WEB-INF does not exist, DDInit creates it.

Specify the type of Java EE deployable unit (either Web Application or Enterprise Application) for which you want deployment descriptors generated by using the DDInit command specific to the type, as described below.

WebInit (deprecated)

Target a WAR file or a folder containing files that you intend to archive as a WAR file, and WebInit will create web.xml and weblogic.xml files for the module.

prompt> java weblogic.marathon.ddinit.WebInit <module>

EarInit (deprecated)

The EarInit tool is deprecated in this version of Oracle WebLogic Server. As a result, you should not:

  • Use the DDInit utility to generate deployment descriptors for Enterprise applications.

  • Use the ddcreate ant task, which calls EarInit.

Generate an application.xml and a weblogic-application.xml file for an EAR using this command. Target an existing EAR or a folder containing JAR or WAR files you intend to archive into an EAR file.

prompt> java weblogic.marathon.ddinit.EarInit <module>


Using the weblogic.Deployer tool, you can deploy Java EE applications and components to WebLogic Servers in a command-line or scripting environment. For detailed information on using this tool, see weblogic.Deployer Command-Line Reference in Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server.

The weblogic.Deployer utility replaces the weblogic.deploy utility, which has been deprecated.


The der2pem utility converts an X509 certificate from DER format to PEM format. The .pem file is written in the same directory and has the same filename as the source .der file.


$ java utils.der2pem derFile [headerFile] [footerFile]

Table 1-4 describes the arguments that are passed to the der2pem utility.

Table 1-4 der2pem Arguments

Argument Description


The name of the file to convert. The filename must end with a .der extension, and must contain a valid certificate in .der format.


The header to place in the PEM file. The default header is "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----".

Use a header file if the DER file being converted is a private key file, and create the header file containing one of the following:

  • "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" for an unencrypted private key.

  • "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" for an encrypted private key.

Note: There must be a new line at the end of the header line in the file.


The header to place in the PEM file. The default header is "-----END CERTIFICATE-----".

Use a footer file if the DER file being converted is a private key file, and create the footer file containing one of the following in the header:

  • "-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" for an unencrypted private key.

  • "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY-----" for an encrypted private key.

Note: There must be a new line at the end of the header line in the file.


$ java utils.der2pem graceland_org.der


Derby is an open source relational database management system based on Java, JDBC, and SQL standards. It is bundled with WebLogic Server for use by the sample applications and code examples as a demonstration database.See http://db.apache.org/derby.

ejbc (deprecated)

For each deployment descriptor either specified in the command line or present in a .jar file, ejbc creates wrapper classes for the corresponding EJBean class. It then runs these through the RMI compiler, which generates a client-side stub and a server-side skeleton.See appc Reference in Developing Enterprise JavaBeans, Version 2.1, for Oracle WebLogic Server.


EJBGen is an Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 code generator. You can annotate your Bean class file with javadoc tags and then use EJBGen to generate the Remote and Home classes and the deployment descriptor files for an EJB application, reducing to one the number of EJB files you need to edit and maintain.

See EJBGen Reference in Developing Enterprise JavaBeans, Version 2.1, for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The weblogic.security.Encrypt utility encrypts clear text strings for use with Oracle WebLogic Server. The utility uses the encryption service of the current directory, or the encryption service for a specified Oracle WebLogic Server domain root directory.


An encrypted string must have been encrypted by the encryption service in the Oracle WebLogic Server domain where it will be used. If not, the server will not be able to decrypt the string.

You can run the weblogic.security.Encrypt utility only on a machine that has at least one server instance in an Oracle WebLogic Server domain; it cannot be run from a client.


Oracle recommends running the utility from the Administration Server domain directory or on the machine hosting the Administration Server and specifying a domain root directory.


java [-Dweblogic.RootDirectory=dirname] 
       weblogic.security.Encrypt [password]

Table 1-5 describes the arguments that are passed to the weblogic.security.Encrypt utility.

Table 1-5 Encrypt Arguments

Argument Definition


Optional. Oracle WebLogic Server domain directory in which the encrypted string will be used. If not specified, the default domain root directory is the current directory (the directory in which the utility is being run).


Optional. Allows echoing characters entered on the command line. weblogic.security.Encryptexpects that no-echo is available; if no-echo is not available, set this property to true.


Optional. Cleartext string to be encrypted. If omitted from the command line, you will be prompted to enter a password.


The utility returns an encrypted string using the encryption service of the domain located in the current directory.

java weblogic.security.Encrypt xxxxxx

The utility returns an encrypted string using the encryption service of the specified domain location.

java -Dweblogic.RootDirectory=./mydomain weblogic.security.Encrypt xxxxxx

The utility returns an encrypted string in the current directory, without echoing the password.

java weblogic.security.Encrypt


The getProperty utility gives you details about your Java setup and your system. It takes no arguments.


$ java utils.getProperty


$ java utils.getProperty
-- listing properties --
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
os.name=Windows NT


The host2ior utility obtains the Interoperable Object Reference (IOR) of an Oracle WebLogic Server.


$ java utils.host2ior hostname port


The ImportPrivateKey utility is used to load a private key into a private keystore file.


$ java utils.ImportPrivateKey 
      -certfile <cert_file> -keyfile <private_key_file>
     [-keyfilepass <private_key_password>]
      -keystore <keystore> -storepass <storepass> [-storetype <storetype>]
      -alias <alias> [-keypass <keypass>]

Table 1-6 describes the arguments that are passed to the ImportPrivateKey utility.

Table 1-6 ImportPrivateKey Arguments

Argument Definition

-certfile cert_file

The name of the certificate associated with the private key.

-keyfile private_key_file

The name of the generated private key file.

-keyfilepass private_key_password

The password for the private key.

-keystore keystore

The name of the keystore file. A new keystore is created if one does not exist.

-storepass storepass

The password for the keystore.

-storetype storetype

The type (format) of the keystore.

The storetype argument, which is the same as that used by the keytool command, specifies the type of Java keystore. The default storetype is jks, defined by the keystore.type property in the java.security file:


You can specify another storetype (for example, pcks12 or nCipher.SWorld) if a configured security provider supports that type.

-alias alias

The name that is used for looking up the certificate and private key being imported into the keystore.

-keypass keypass

The password of the private key entry being imported into the keystore. If keypass is not specified, the first default is private_key_password, and the second default is storepass.


If you used CertGen to create a private key file protected by a password (-keyfilepass private_key_password), that password is the one required by ImportPrivateKey to extract the key from the key file and insert the key in the newly created keystore (which will contain both the certificate(s) from cert_file and the private key from private_key_file).


Use the following steps to:

  • Generate a certificate and private key using the CertGen utility

  • Create a keystore and store a private key using the ImportPrivateKey utility


    By default, the CertGen utility looks for the CertGenCA.der and CertGenCAKey.der files in the current directory, or in the WL_HOME/server/lib directory, as specified in the weblogic.home system property or the CLASSPATH.

    Alternatively, you can specify CA files on the command line. If you want to use the default settings, there is no need to specify CA files on the command line.

To generate a certificate:

  1. Enter the following command to generate certificate files named testcert with private key files named testkey:

    $ java utils.CertGen -keyfilepass mykeyfilepass 
    -certfile testcert -keyfile testkey
    Generating a certificate with common name return and key strength 1024
    issued by CA with certificate from CertGenCA.der file and key from CertGenCAKey.der file
  2. Convert the certificate from DER format to PEM format.

    $ java utils.der2pem CertGenCA.der
  3. Concatenate the certificate and the Certificate Authority (CA).

    $ cat testcert.pem CertGenCA.pem >> newcerts.pem
  4. Create a new keystore named mykeystore and load the private key located in the testkey.pem file.

    $ java utils.ImportPrivateKey -keystore mykeystore -storepass password
    -keyfile mykey -keyfilepass mykeyfilepass -certfile newcerts.pem -keyfile
    testkey.pem -alias passalias
    No password was specified for the key entry
    Key file password will be used
    Imported private key testkey.pem and certificate newcerts.pem
    into a new keystore mykeystore of type jks under alias passalias


The jhtml2jsp utility converts JHTML files to JSP files. Be sure to inspect the results carefully. Given the unpredictable nature the JHTML code, jhtml2jsp does not necessarily produce flawless translations.

The output is a new JSP file named after the original file.

The HTTP servlets auto-generated from JSP pages differ from the regular HTTP servlets generated from JHTML. JSP servlets extend weblogic.servlet.jsp.JspBase, and so do not have access to the methods available to a regular HTTP servlet.

If your JHTML pages reference these methods to access the servlet context or config objects, you must substitute these methods with the reserved words in JSP that represent these implicit objects.

If your JHTML uses variables that have the same name as the reserved words in JSP, the tool will output a warning. You must edit your Java code in the generated JSP page to change the variable name to something other than a reserved word.


$ java weblogic.utils.jhtml2jsp [-d directory] filename.jhtml

Table 1-7 describes the argument that is passed to the jhtml2jsp tool.

Table 1-7 jhtml2jsp Arguments

Argument Definition

-d directory

Optional. The target directory. If the target directory isn't specified, output is written to the current directory.

jspc (deprecated)

The jspc utility is a JSP-specific compiler task. Use appc instead.


The logToZip utility searches an HTTP server log file, finds the Java classes loaded into it by the server, and creates an uncompressed .zip file that contains those Java classes. It is executed from the document root directory of your HTTP server.

To use this utility, you must have access to the log files created by the HTTP server.


$ java utils.logToZip logfile codebase zipfile

Table 1-8 describes the arguments that are passed to the logToZip utility.

Table 1-8 logToZip Arguments

Argument Definition


Required. Fully-qualified pathname of the log file.


Required. Code base for the applet, or "" if there is no code base. By concatenating the code base with the full package name of the applet, you get the full pathname of the applet (relative to the HTTP document root).


Required. Name of the .zip file to create. The resulting .zip file is created in the directory in which you run the program. The path name for the specified file can be relative or absolute. In the examples shown below, a relative path name is given, so the .zip file is created in the current directory.


The following example shows how a .zip file is created for an applet that resides in the document root itself, that is, with no code base:

$ cd /HTTP/Serv/docs
$ java utils.logToZip /HTTP/Serv/logs/access "" app2.zip 

The following example shows how a .zip file is created for an applet that resides in a subdirectory of the document root:

C:\>cd \HTTP\Serv
C:\HTTP\Serv>java utils.logToZip \logs\applets\classes app3.zip

MBean Commands

Use the MBean commands (CREATE, DELETE, GET, INVOKE, and SET) to administer MBeans. See Editing Commands in WLST Command Reference for WebLogic Server.


The MulticastTest utility helps you debug multicast problems when configuring a WebLogic cluster. The utility sends out multicast packets and returns information about how effectively multicast is working on your network. Specifically, MulticastTest displays the following types of information via standard output:
  1. A confirmation and sequence ID for each message sent out by the current server.

  2. The sequence and sender ID of each message received from any clustered server, including the current server.

  3. A missed-sequenced warning when a message is received out of sequence.

  4. A missed-message warning when an expected message is not received.

To use MulticastTest, start one copy of the utility on each node on which you want to test multicast traffic.


Do NOT run the MulticastTest utility by specifying the same multicast address (the -a parameter) as that of a currently running WebLogic Cluster. The utility is intended to verify that multicast is functioning properly before starting your clustered WebLogic Servers.

For information about setting up multicast, see the configuration documentation for the operating system and hardware of the WebLogic Server host machine. See Administering Clusters for Oracle WebLogic Server.


$ java utils.MulticastTest -n name -a address [-p portnumber]
     [-t timeout] [-s send]

Table 1-9 describes the arguments that are passed to the MulticastTest utility.

Table 1-9 MulticastTest Arguments

Argument Definition

-n name

Required. A name that identifies the sender of the sequenced messages. Use a different name for each test process you start.

-a address

The multicast address on which: (a) the sequenced messages should be broadcast; and (b) the servers in the clusters are communicating with each other. (The default is

-p portnumber

Optional. The multicast port on which all the servers in the cluster are communicating. (The multicast port is the same as the listen port set for WebLogic Server, which defaults to 7001 if not set.)

-t timeout

Optional. Idle timeout, in seconds, if no multicast messages are received. If not set, the default is 600 seconds (10 minutes). If a timeout is exceeded, a positive confirmation of the timeout is sent to stdout.

-s send

Optional. Interval, in seconds, between sends. If not set, the default is 2 seconds. A positive confirmation of each message sent out is sent to stdout.


$ java utils.MulticastTest -N server100 -A
Set up to send and receive on Multicast on Address on port 7001
Will send a sequenced message under the name server100 every 2 seconds.
Received message 506 from server100
Received message 533 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 507
Received message 507 from server100
Received message 534 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 508
Received message 508 from server100
Received message 535 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 509
Received message 509 from server100
Received message 536 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 510
Received message 510 from server100
Received message 537 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 511
Received message 511 from server100
Received message 538 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 512
Received message 512 from server100
Received message 539 from server200
   I (server100) sent message num 513
Received message 513 from server100


The myip utility returns the IP address of the host.


$ java utils.myip


$ java utils.myip
Host toyboat.toybox.com is assigned IP address:


The pem2der utility converts an X509 certificate from PEM format to DER format. The .der file is written in the same directory as the source .pem file.


$ java utils.pem2der pemFile

Table 1-10 describes the argument that is passed to the pem2der utility.

Table 1-10 pem2der Arguments

Argument Description


The name of the file to be converted. The filename must end with a .pem extension, and it must contain a valid certificate in .pem format.


$ java utils.pem2der graceland_org.pem


The WebLogic RMI compiler is a command-line utility for generating and compiling remote objects. Use weblogic.rmic to generate dynamic proxies on the client-side for custom remote object interfaces in your application, and to provide hot code generation for server-side objects. See Using the WebLogic RMI Compiler in Developing RMI Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The Schema utility lets you upload SQL statements to a database using the WebLogic JDBC drivers. For additional information about database connections, see Developing JDBC Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


$ java utils.Schema driverURL driverClass [-u username]
     [-p password] [-verbose] SQLfile

Table 1-11 describes the arguments that are passed to the Schema utility.

Table 1-11 Schema Arguments

Argument Definition


Required. URL for the JDBC driver.


Required. Pathname of the JDBC driver class.

-u username

Optional. Valid username.

-p password

Optional. Valid password for the user.


Optional. Prints SQL statements and database messages.


Required. Text file with SQL statements.


The following code shows a Schema command line for the examples.utils package:

$ java utils.Schema
"org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver" -u examples
-p examples examples/utils/ddl/demo.ddl
utils.Schema will use these parameters:
       url: jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/demo
    driver: org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver
      user: examples
  password: examples
  SQL file: examples/utils/ddl/demo.ddl


This Ant task executes build.xml files that are included within the FileSet. The task assumes that all of the files defined in FileSet are valid build files, and executes the Ant task of each of them.

Make certain that your FileSet filtering is correct. If you include the build.xml file that SearchAndBuildTask is being called from, you will be stuck in an infinite loop as this task will execute the top level build file—itself—forever.


<project name="all_modules" default="all" basedir=".">
<taskdef name="buildAll"
<target name="all">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<include name="**\build.xml"/>
<exclude name="build.xml"/>


The system utility displays basic information about your computer's operating environment, including the manufacturer and version of your JDK, your CLASSPATH, and details about your operating system.


$ java utils.system


$ java utils.system
* * * * * * * java.version * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * java.vendor * * * * * * *
Oracle Corporation

* * * * * * * java.class.path * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * os.name * * * * * * *
Windows 7

* * * * * * * os.arch * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * os.version * * * * * * *


WebLogic Server provides the ValidateCertChain utility to check whether or not an existing certificate chain will be rejected by WebLogic Server.
The utility uses certificate chains from PEM files, PKCS-12 files, PKCS-12 keystores, and JKS keystores.


Support for PEM and PKCS-12 files is deprecated in this release.
A complete certificate chain must be used with the utility. The following is the syntax for the ValidateCertChain utility:
java utils.ValidateCertChain -file pemcertificatefilename (Deprecated, use -pkcs12store or -jks)
java utils.ValidateCertChain -pem pemcertificatefilename (Deprecated, use -pkcs12store or -jks)
java utils.ValidateCertChain -pkcs12store pkcs12storefilename
java utils.ValidateCertChain -pkcs12file pkcs12filename password (Deprecated, use -pkcs12store or -jks)
java utils.ValidateCertChain -jks alias storefilename [storePass]

Example of valid certificate chain:

java utils.ValidateCertChain -jks mykey mykeystore
Cert[0]: CN=zippy,OU=FORTESTINGONLY,O=MyOrganization,L=MyTown,ST=MyState,C=US
Cert[1]: CN=CertGenCAB,OU=FOR TESTINGONLY,O=MyOrganization,L=MyTown,ST=MyState,C=US 

Certificate chain appears valid

Example of invalid certificate chain:

java utils.ValidateCertChain -jks mykey mykeystore
Cert[0]: CN=corba1 OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization,L=MyTown,ST=MyState,C=US
CA cert not marked with critical BasicConstraint indicating it is a CA
Cert[1]: CN=CACERT,OU=FOR TESTING ONLY, O=MyOrganization,L=MyTown,ST=MyState,C=US

Certificate chain is invalid


When executed from the document root directory of your HTTP server, verboseToZip takes the standard output from a Java application run in verbose mode, finds the Java classes referenced, and creates an uncompressed .zip file that contains those Java classes.


$ java utils.verboseToZip inputFile zipFileToCreate

Table 1-12 describes the arguments that are passed to verboseToZip.

Table 1-12 verboseToZip Arguments

Argument Definition


Required. Temporary file that contains the output of the application running in verbose mode.


Required. Name of the .zip file to be created. The resulting .zip file is be created in the directory in which you run the program.


$ java -verbose myapplication > & classList.tmp
$ java utils.verboseToZip classList.tmp app2.zip


The WebLogicMBeanMaker utility takes an XML MBean Description File (MDF) and outputs some intermediate Java files, including an MBean interface, an MBean implementation, and an associated MBean information file. Together, these intermediate files form the MBean type for a custom security provider

See Understand What the WebLogic MBeanMaker Provides in Developing Security Providers for Oracle WebLogic Server.


$ java -DMDF=xmlfile -DFiles=filesdir -DcreateStubs=true|false weblogic.management.commo.WebLogicMBeanMaker

Table 1-13 describes the arguments that are passed to WebLogicMBeanMaker.

Table 1-13 WebLogicMBeanMaker Arguments

Argument Description


Specifies that the WebLogic MBeanMaker utility should translate the MDF file, represented by xmlfile, into code. Whenever xmlfile is specified, a new set of output files is generated.


Specifies the location, represented by filesdir, where the WebLogic MBeanMaker utility places the intermediate files for the MBean type.


Specifies whether the WebLogic MBeanMaker utility overwrites any existing MBean implementation file.


The wlappc utility compiles and validates a Java EE EAR file, an EJB JAR file, or a WAR file for deployment.

See Building Modules and Applications Using wlappc in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


Use the wlcompile Ant task to invoke the javac compiler to compile your application's Java files in a split development directory structure.


The wlconfig Ant task enables you to configure a WebLogic Server domain by creating, querying, or modifying configuration MBeans on a running Administration Server instance.

For complete documentation on this Ant task, see Using Ant Tasks to Configure a WebLogic Server Domain in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The wldeploy Ant task enables you to perform weblogic.Deployer tool functions using attributes specified in an Ant task.

See Deployer. For more information about wldeploy, see Deploying and Packaging from a Split Development Directory in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


You use the wlpackage Ant task to package your split development directory application as a traditional EAR file that can be deployed to WebLogic Server.

See Deploying and Packaging from a Split Development Directory in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The wlserver Ant task enables you to start, reboot, shutdown, or connect to a WebLogic Server instance.

The server instance may already exist in a configured WebLogic Server domain, or you can create a new single-server domain for development by using the generateconfig=true attribute. For complete documentation on this Ant task, see Starting Servers and Creating Domains Using the wlserver Ant Task in Developing Applications for Oracle WebLogic Server.


The wsdl2Service Ant task is a web services tool that takes as input an existing WSDL file and generates the Java interface that represents the implementation of your web service and the web-services.xml file that describes the web service.

See Developing WebLogic Web Services Starting From a WSDL File: Main Steps in Developing JAX-WS Web Services for Oracle WebLogic Server.