81 Introducing WebCenter Sites Tools and Utilities

For developing and maintaining your websites, you use tools and utilities such as WebCenter Sites Explorer Tool, CatalogMover, XMLPost Property Management Tool, together with the WebCenter Sites browser-based interface.


81.1 Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer

Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer tool, a Microsoft Windows application, for viewing and editing tables and rows in the WebCenter Sites database, and for creating and editing executable elements (or files) written in XML or JSP.

You use Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer to do the following:

  • Add entries to tables

  • Edit rows within tables

  • Track revisions to rows of tables

  • Create and drop WebCenter Sites tables

  • Organize tables and folders into projects

  • Preview SiteCatalog records as pages in a browser

  • Export and import records as integrated .cse type files

  • Export and import tables and projects in .zip files

Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer is installed along with WebCenter Sites.

81.2 Connecting to a WebCenter Sites Database

You can use Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer on any remote Microsoft Windows computer simply by copying the Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer directory from a computer on which WebCenter Sites is installed (<domain home>/wcsites/clients/oracle.wcsites.explorer.zip) to a directory on the remote computer.

You then unzip oracle.wcsites.explorer.zip and start the Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer executable file (ContentServerExplorer.exe). Log in to WebCenter Sites by supplying a user name, password, host name, port, and protocol information.

To connect to a system that is running WebCenter Sites:

  1. Start Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer.
  2. Choose File then Open WebCenter Sites to display the Login dialog.
  3. Enter the following values:

    Name: Your WebCenter Sites user name.

    Password: Your WebCenter Sites password. (Depending on your site security, it may not be necessary to enter a name and password.)

    Host Name: The host name or IP address. You cannot leave this field blank.

    Port: The port number (the default is 80).

    Protocol: Typically, this is HTTP. You may select HTTPS if the web server is running SSL.

    Application Server URL Path: The type of application server for your site.

  4. Click OK to log in.

    The Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer utility opens.

    Figure 81-1 Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer

    Description of Figure 81-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-1 Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer "

You may want to create a shortcut on your Windows desktop to Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer. For instructions about using Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer, see the Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer online help and sections in this guide that describe specific tasks requiring Oracle WebCenter Sites Explorer.

81.3 CatalogMover

You use the CatalogMover tool to export and import WebCenter Sites database tables, including the ElementCatalog and SiteCatalog tables. You can export and import database tables as either HTML files or ZIP files.

You can use CatalogMover through either the Windows interface described in the following sections, or the command line interface described in Command Line Interface.


In previous versions of WebCenter Sites, tables in the WebCenter Sites database were called catalogs. This term still applies to the names of some database tables and to the CatalogMover tool itself.


81.3.1 Starting CatalogMover

To start CatalogMover, run the following scripts at the MS DOS prompt or in a UNIX shell:

81.3.2 Connecting to WebCenter Sites

Before using CatalogMover, you must first connect to a WebCenter Sites system.

  1. To connect to WebCenter Sites, choose Server then Connect.

    The Connect to Server dialog opens.

    Figure 81-3 Connect to Server Dialog

    Description of Figure 81-3 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-3 Connect to Server Dialog"
  2. In the Server field, enter the name of the HTTP server you want to connect to.
  3. For the Secure option, select No (default port 80) or Yes (default port 443). In the port field, enter the port (if not default) on which the server is running.
  4. In the Name field, enter your user name.
  5. In the Password field, enter your password.
  6. Select one of the following options:
    • Standard Servlets: To connect to a system using WebSphere or WebLogic.

    • IAS 6.0: To connect to a NAS-App system.

    • CS Based Servlets: To connect to the CS-based servlets.

    • Custom: To connect to a different application server, enter the following value in the field (referencing the .sh or .bat script):


  7. Click Connect.

81.3.3 CatalogMover Menu Commands

CatalogMover includes the following menu commands:

File Menu

  • Exit: Disconnect from WebCenter Sites and close CatalogMover.

Server Menu

  • Connect: Display the Connect to Server dialog.

  • Reconnect: Display the Connect to Server dialog and renew the current WebCenter Sites connection.

  • Disconnect: Disconnect from WebCenter Sites.

  • Purge Temporary Tables: Purge imported tables before committing.

  • Commit Individual Tables: Commit imported tables to the database.

  • Normalize Filenames on Export: Enable CatalogMover's file name normalization behavior, which changes the names of files that are being moved to names that match their corresponding ID numbers. File names are not altered if this feature is not enabled.

CatalogList Menu

  • Load: Display a list of all tables in the database.

81.3.4 Catalog Menu

  • Load: Load into local memory a table from the list.

    This figure shows a loaded ElementCatalog table.

    Figure 81-4 ElementCatalog Table in CatalogMover

    Description of Figure 81-4 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-4 ElementCatalog Table in CatalogMover"

    Select the ElementCatalog tab to view all rows in the table, and to select specific rows for export.

  • Refresh: Update the loaded tables from the WebCenter Sites database.

  • Auto Import Catalog(s): Import a previously exported ZIP file.

  • Import Catalog: Import into the local database a table that was exported from another WebCenter Sites database.

  • Export Catalog Rows: Export the selected rows in the loaded table.

Selection Menu

  • Select All Rows: Select all rows in the currently displayed table.

  • Deselect All Rows: Deselect all rows in the currently displayed table.

  • Select Rows By SubString: Select rows in the currently displayed table by typing a portion of any field value string that uniquely identifies a set of rows.

Help Menu

  • About: Display version information about the WebCenter Sites installation.

81.3.5 Exporting Tables

Exporting is the process of retrieving table rows and their content from the database and saving them in local HTML files and associated data directories. CatalogMover creates one HTML file per table.

This section includes the following topics: Exporting Selected Table Rows

To export selected table rows follow these steps:

  1. Connect to WebCenter Sites as described in Connecting to WebCenter Sites.
  2. Choose CatalogList then Load to display a list of all tables in the database.
  3. Choose Catalog then Load to load a table, and select rows as described in Selecting Rows for Export.
  4. Choose Catalog then Export Catalog Rows.

    A dialog opens prompting you to specify a directory for the HTML file containing the exported rows.

  5. Navigate to your directory of choice, and click Save.

    CatalogMover exports the selected rows to your selected directory. Selecting Rows for Export

You can select specific rows for export in a loaded table by clicking them, or you can search for specific rows by substring.

To search for and select rows according to a substring:

  1. Choose Selection and then Select Rows By SubString.

    The Catalog Mover dialog opens.

    Figure 81-5 Catalog Mover Dialog

    Description of Figure 81-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-5 Catalog Mover Dialog"
  2. In the text field, enter the substring you want to locate. For example, to search the ElementCatalog primary key for all rows with folder in the element name, enter folder and click OK.

    CatalogMover searches the table and selects the rows that match your substring query against the primary key for the table.

    Figure 81-6 CatalogMover Results

    Description of Figure 81-6 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-6 CatalogMover Results"


    Selecting rows by substring only works for the left-most column in the table. However, you can change column positions so that any column can become the left-most column. To do this, simply click and drag the column header. Exporting to a ZIP File

You can select several rows from several tables and export them to a ZIP file on the local computer from which you are running CatalogMover. After you create the ZIP file, import the contents of the file into server tables.

To export a ZIP file with CatalogMover:

  1. Choose CatalogList then Load to display a list of all tables in the database.
  2. Choose Catalog then Load to load a table, and select rows as described in Selecting Rows for Export.
  3. Choose Catalog then Export Catalog Rows.

    The Select Base Directory for Export dialog opens.

    Figure 81-7 Select Base Directory for Export Dialog

    Description of Figure 81-7 follows
    Description of "Figure 81-7 Select Base Directory for Export Dialog"
  4. Navigate to the directory where you want to save the ZIP file.
  5. In the File Name field, enter a name for the files and type a ZIP file extension.
  6. Click Save. The rows you selected from all of the tables are exported to a ZIP file in the directory you chose.

81.3.6 Importing Tables

Importing is the process of sending locally stored HTML files and the associated data to the server. You can select a particular HTML file to import, or you can choose to import all HTML files.

This section includes the following topics: Importing HTML Files Previously Exported

To import HTML files that have been previously exported from another table:

  1. Connect to the WebCenter Sites installation you want to import the HTML files to.
  2. Choose CatalogList then Load to display a list of all tables in the database.
  3. Choose Catalog then Import Catalog.
  4. Navigate to the HTML file containing the previously exported table rows.
  5. Select the HTML file and click Open.

    The Select Base Directory for Export dialog opens.

  6. To import new table rows that do not currently exist, enter the information in the Catalog Data Directory and the Catalog ACL List fields.

    To replace existing table rows with the imported table rows, leave these fields blank.

  7. Click OK. The table rows contained in the previously export HTML file are imported into the WebCenter Sites database to which you are connected.

    A dialog opens, listing the table rows that were imported.


    The new tables are automatically created when you import tables that do not exist on the server to which you are connected. Importing a Previously Exported ZIP File

You can import table rows stored in an exported ZIP file to your server using CatalogMover.

To import a previously exported ZIP file:

  1. While connected to your database, choose Catalog then Auto Import Catalogs.
  2. In the dialog, navigate to the directory where you previously exported the table rows. To see the ZIP file, change the Files by Type menu to all files.
  3. Select the ZIP file and click Save. The rows contained in the ZIP file are automatically imported to your database. Merging Existing CatalogMover Files

To merge CatalogMover files follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the WebCenter Sites installation you want to import the HTML files to.
  2. Choose CatalogList then Load to display a list of all tables in the database.
  3. Choose Catalog then Load to load a table, and select the rows that you want to merge into another file, as described in Selecting Rows for Export.
  4. Choose Catalog then Export Catalog Rows.
  5. Navigate to the HTML file you want to merge the rows with. Click Save.

    The Overwrite dialog opens.

  6. Click Update existing exported data. CatalogMover merges the exported rows into the HTML file you selected. Replacing Existing CatalogMover Files

To replace CatalogMover files follow these steps:

  1. Connect to the WebCenter Sites installation you want to import the HTML files to.
  2. Choose CatalogList then Load to display a list of all tables in the database.
  3. Choose Catalog then load to load a table, and select the rows that you want to merge into another file, as described in Selecting Rows for Export.
  4. Choose Catalog then Export Catalog Rows.
  5. Navigate to the HTML file you want to merge the rows with and click Save.

    The Overwrite dialog opens.

  6. Click Replace existing exported data.

    CatalogMover replaces rows in the HTML file you selected with the exported rows.

81.3.7 Command Line Interface

Parameters described in the table below allow CatalogMover to perform functions without displaying a GUI. The parameter is followed by a space followed by the value.

Table 81-1 Command Line Interface Parameters

Parameters Description


Display command line parameters

-u username

User name

-p password


-s servername

Servername to connect

-b baseurl

Base URL: either

http://($host)/cgi-bin/gx.cgi/AppLogic+FTCatalogManager (NAS)



-t table

Table name: Used when exporting to designate tables to export, use multiple -t parameters to export multiple tables.

-x function

Function to perform: Legal values are import, import_all, export, export_all.

-d directory

Directory: When exporting, directory to contain exported tables. When importing all, directory containing all tables to import.

-f filename

File containing table to import: Can either be an HTML file or a ZIP file generated by export.

-c directory

Upload directory to be used if creating a table.

-a aclone,acltwo,...

ACL list: Comma-separated list of ACLs to be used if creating a table.

81.4 Property Management Tool

The Property Management Tool includes an easy-to-use form that you use when you want to search for, view, modify, and add properties in the wcs_properties.json file.


81.4.1 Accessing the Property Management Tool

  1. Log in to WebCenter Sites, select the name of the site, and then select the Admin interface icon.
  2. In the General Admin tree, expand the System Tools node.
  3. Under the System Tools node, double click Property Management.

    The Property Management Tool opens.

    Figure 81-8 Property Management Tool

    This image shows the Property Management Tool form.

The Search by section of the Property Management Tool enables you to search for the full or partial name of a property. You can also search by the Category assigned to the property in the wcs_properties.json file.

When you click Search, the Properties section of the form lists all the properties that match the search criteria you enters in the Search by section of the form.

The Key column displays the name of the property, the Category column displays the category assigned to the property, the SubCategory column displays the sub category (if any) assigned to the property, the Value column shows the value to which the property is currently set. and the Default Value column displays the recommended value for the property.


The wcs_properties.json file contains a release number string, ft.version, which contains a value such as 4.0.0. that is set by WebCenter Sites.

Do not modify this property, it is for reference only.

81.4.2 Setting Properties

To set WebCenter Sites properties on your system:

  1. If necessary, open the Property Management Tool.
  2. In the Search by section, do one of the following:
    • In the Name field, enter the name of the property you want to modify.

    • In the Category drop-down menu, select the Category assigned to the property in the wcs_properties.json file.

  3. Click Search.
  4. In the Key column, select the name of the property.
  5. In the Value field, enter the new value.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Repeat steps 2 through 6 for all the properties you want to change.
  8. Stop and restart the application server to apply the changes.

81.4.3 Adding Properties to the wcs_properties.json File

In certain cases, you might need to add properties to the wcs_properties.json file. In such cases, use the Property Management Tool to add properties to this file.

  1. Open the Property Management Tool.
  2. In the Search by section of the form, click Add.
  3. Enter values for the new property. See Adding Properties in the Property Files Reference for Oracle WebCenter Sites.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Stop and restart the application server so the new property can take effect.

81.5 About Importing with XMLPost

You use the XMLPost utility to import data into the WebCenter Sites database. This utility is based on the WebCenter Sites FormPoster Java class and it is delivered with the WebCenter Sites base product. It imports data using the HTTP POST protocol.

To import assets, you use XMLPost with posting elements that are delivered with WebCenter Sites.
