Set Profile Option Values

Each profile option contains specific values that determine how it affects the application. You can add or modify the values for each profile option.

Select or enter the value for one or more of the available levels (site, product, and user) so that each setting takes effect at the intended level.

Setting the Profile Value

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the profile option task that correlates to the product or functionality of the profile option you want to set. If needed, use the Manage Administrator Profile Values task, which provides access to all profile options.

  2. Search for and select the profile option.

  3. In the Profile Values section, select or enter a value in the Profile Value column for any default row with a predefined Site level.
  4. If there isn't any row, or if you need more rows, click the New icon.

    • Profile Level: Specify the level at which the profile value is to be set. If the profile value applies to the entire site, select Site. Otherwise, select User.

      • Don't select Site if a row for the Site level already exists. There can only be one row for the Site level, but you can have multiple rows for the User level.
      • The Product level is deprecated and can no longer be used. However, it might be visible in the list to support legacy profile values.
    • User Name: If you select User as the profile level, select the user name and specify the associated profile value.

    • Profile Value: Select or enter the value corresponding to the selected profile level. For an existing entry, you can modify only the profile value.

  5. Click Save and Close. Changes in the profile values affect users the next time they sign in.