
Use HCM Spreadsheet Data Loader (HDSL) to provide your business users with bulk-loading spreadsheets. This tutorial explains how to define a HSDL template to suspend and activate user accounts.


In this tutorial you will:

  • Create a spreadsheet template to activate and deactivate existing User accounts.
  • Validate and test the template.
  • Activate the template.


To complete this tutorial, you will need:

Task 1: Create the Spreadsheet Template

In this step, you'll create the spreadsheet template and select the attributes that are required to activate-deactivate a user account.

  1. Log in to the application with a user that has access to create HSDL templates for the User business object.
  2. Navigate to My Client Groups > Data Exchange > Spreadsheet Templates.
  3. Click Create to open the Create Template dialog box.
  4. Click Create to create the template.

  5. Specify the template name and code, set the Business Object to User, and optionally provide a description.
  6. Enter the template details.

  7. Click OK. You'll be navigated to the Define tab.
  8. Click Design.
  9. Click Design.

  10. Select the Person Number attribute in the Available Attributes panel and add it to the Selected Attributes panel.
  11. Select Person Number and add it to Selected Attributes

  12. Select the Person Number User Key when you're prompted for which key type to use.
  13. Select user key

  14. Click OK.
  15. All attributes that uniquely identify a record will be added to the Selected Attributes panel.

    Selected Attributes


    The key icon prefixes all attributes that uniquely identify a record in the spreadsheet.


    If other mandatory attributes exist, they will be automatically added to the Selected Attributes list.
  16. Drag the Suspended attribute from the Available Attributes panel and drop it in the Selected Attributes panel.
  17. Drag the Suspended attribute into the Selected Attributes panel.

    The Suspended attribute is required for User Account activation and deactivation. The template now includes all required attributes to activate or deactivate user accounts.

  18. Click Validate and Save.
  19. Validate and save the template

Task 2: Configure the Template Attributes

In this step you'll modify the column heading and description.

  1. Select the Suspended attribute in the Selected Attributes panel and click the Edit icon.
  2. Edit the Suspended attribute.

  3. Modify the Column Heading from 'Suspended' to 'Deactivate'.
  4. Modify the Description to 'Supply Y to deactivate an existing active user account, or N to activate it.', or similar.
  5. Check the Required checkbox, making this attribute mandatory.
  6. Optionally define a default constant value of Y or N.
  7. Modify the column heading and description.

  8. Click OK.

Task 3: Test the Template

  1. Click Validate and Save. You shouldn't see any errors.
  2. Click Preview to generate a spreadsheet for the configured template.
  3. Click Preview.

    This downloads the GenericHdlSpreadsheet.xlsx file. Open it.

  4. Click Yes when you're prompted to connect.
  5. Modify the column heading and description.

  6. Login with your application username and password. The spreadsheet is generated with each of the visible attributes in the Selected Attributes panel displayed as a column in the spreadsheet.
  7. Click Create Data Set on the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar.
  8. Click Create Data Set.


    Spreadsheet rows must be created within a data set. It's the data set that then gets uploaded to the Oracle HCM Cloud.
  9. Click OK on the dialog page.
  10. Click OK.

    A data set is created with a predefined name; you can override this if you want.

    Click OK.

  11. Double click in any of the cells in the first row under the column headings to initiate the row.
  12. Double click to initiate the row.


    Any mandatory cells without a value will be highlighted with a red outline. Any attribute configured with a default constant value will display the default.
  13. Enter the Person Number of the employee whose user account you want to deactivate in the Person Number column.
  14. Enter Y in the Deactivate column if it's not already defaulted.
  15. Note:

    Uploading this spreadsheet row will deactivate the user account for this employee.


    You activate a deactivated account by specifying N in the Deactivate column.
  16. Click More > Upload on the Spreadsheet Loader toolbar.
  17. Click More > Upload.

  18. Click OK on any dialog pages displayed.
  19. Click Refresh regularly to refresh the spreadsheet row status.
  20. Click Refresh.

    The Upload Progress will change status until processing completes with a Success status.

    Click Refresh.

  21. Navigate to Tools > Scheduled Processes to submit the Send Pending LDAP Requests process to action the account changes you've loaded with the spreadsheet.

Task 4: Configure Template Parameters

You can override the default spreadsheet data loading behavior by overriding the parameter default values. In this task you'll enable auditing of the changes uploaded using this template.

  1. Edit your template, if you've closed it click on the template name from the Spreadsheet Templates task.
  2. Click the Create icon on the Templates Parameters table toolbar.
  3. Click Create on the Template Parameters table toolbar.

  4. Specify a Category of Availability and click Search.
  5. Search for Availability parameters.

  6. Select the Enable Audit Data parameter. Click OK.
  7. Select Enable Audit Data parameter.

  8. Specify a Value of Yes to enable auditing of the changes uploaded using spreadsheets generated from this template.
  9. Select Enable Audit Data parameter.


    Auditing of changes loaded by this template will only occur if audit of the User object has been enabled in the application.

Task 5: Assign Access to the Template

The template can only be accessed by users with a role assigned to the template. In this step you'll assign a role to the template, configure the data-set actions it can perform and activate the template to make it available to users with that role.

  1. Click the Define page.
  2. Tip:

    The Assign Roles to Template field in the Template Security section indicates if you can assign roles to this template.
    The Assign Roles to Template field indiciates if you can configure role access.

  3. Ensure the Upload Data As field is set to Session User.
  4. Click Role Access.
  5. Click Add on the Permitted Data Set Operations table toolbar.
  6. Click Add on the Permitted Data Set Operations table toolbar

  7. Use the Search and Select Roles window to search for an select the job role that should access to the template.
  8. Search for and select the role to assign to the template

  9. Click Add.
  10. The role will be automatically configured to:

    • Create data sets with a spreadsheet template.
    • Save the spreadsheet rows to the data set.
    • Upload valid spreadsheet rows to the application.
    • Review the data set operations


      The User object doesn't support roll back, so the Roll Back checkbox is disabled.
  11. Uncheck any data set operations users of this role shouldn't have access to.
  12. If users with this job role should be able to view all data sets, not just those they have created themselves, check the View All checkbox.
  13. Repeat these steps for all job roles that should have access to use this template.
  14. Click Define
  15. Set Status to Active.
  16. Click Validate and Save.
  17. The template will now be available to all users with roles assigned to the template and can be accessed from the Run Spreadsheet Data Loader task.

The latest tutorials for HDL and HSDL are published in this topic on Cloud Customer Connect:

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