How Assessment Template Score Range is Calculated

You calculate the score range for an assessment template using the question weights and the ratings and scores assigned to the possible responses for all the questions in the template.

This topic explains how the score range is calculated and the components that are used in the calculation, so that you can make the best decision regarding the feedback text to apply to each score range. In addition to the automatic score range calculation, you can manually adjust the score range by using the administration functionality.

Settings That Affect Score Range

In order for the application to calculate the assessment template score range, you must:

  • Apply weights to all template questions.

  • Configure ratings and apply them to possible responses for all template questions.

  • Apply a score to each of the possible responses for all template questions.

How Score Range Is Calculated

The score ranges for each rating in an assessment template are determined using the lowest and the highest weighted response scores for each question. So for each rating score range, the lower end of the range starts where the previous rating range ended, and the higher end of the range is the sum of the highest weighted scores that can be attained for that rating.

The following table displays a simple example of the components used in the score range calculation.

Question (Weight)

Response (Normalized Score)

Weighted Score


What is the customer win? (20%)

Lower Operating Cost (100)



What is the customer win? (20%)

Higher Revenues (80)



What is the customer win? (20%)

Other (53)



What is the customer win? (20%)

Don't Know (27)



What is our win? (80%)

Reference (60)



What is our win? (80%)

Resale (50)



What is our win? (80%)

Partnership (100)



The following table displays the score range calculation based on the components from the previous table.


Score Range


65 - 100


46 - 64


0 - 45

If a template administrator doesn't use a particular rating while assigning ratings to possible responses, this could result in improper score range calculations. To counteract this problem, the score range calculation uses a built-in correction algorithm to ensure proper score ranges. The correction algorithm works like this: For a question where a particular rating is skipped, the low score for the skipped rating is calculated to be equal to the high score of the next lower ranked rating. The high score for the skipped rating is calculated to be equal to the low score of the next higher ranked rating.

Using the ratings displayed in the tables in this topic, if the rating Average isn't used for a question's possible responses, the score range calculation assigns a low score to Average for that question that's equal to the high score of Poor for that question. It also assigns a high score to Average for that question that's equal to the low score of Excellent for that question. This ensures that the overall template score range for Average is calculated to fall between the score ranges for Poor and Excellent.