How Business Unit Affects Clauses and Other Objects in the Library

The choice of a business unit while creating many Contract Terms Library objects restricts where you can use these objects. Objects affected include clauses, contract terms templates, and Contact Expert rules.

Objects created in a local business unit can only be used in that local business unit. Objects created in a global business unit can be adopted or copied over to other business units provided they are specified as global. This topic details the impacts of the business unit choice on the different library objects.

The following figure shows a hypothetical implementation with four business units: one global business unit and three local business units. You can designate one business unit as global during Business Unit setup. The other business units are local business units.
This image shows an implementation with four business units.

How Business Units Affect Terms Library Objects

This table details how the selection of a business unit affects different objects in the Contract Terms Library.

Terms Library Object

Impact of Business Unit


Different restrictions apply depending on business unit type:

  • Local Business Unit

    Use restricted to the local business unit where it is created.

  • Global Business Unit

    Clauses created in the global business unit, can be made available to other business units by selecting the Global check box.

    Local business units can either adopt the clause as is or localize it.

Contract terms templates

Different restrictions apply depending on business unit type:

  • Local Business Unit

    Use restricted to the local business unit where it is created.

  • Global Business Unit

    Contract terms templates created in the global business unit, can be made available to other business units by selecting the Global check box.

    Local business units can copy the templates to their business units.

Contract Expert rules

Use of rules is restricted to the business unit where you create them.

Contract Expert questions

Use of questions is restricted to the business unit where you create them.

Contract Expert constants

Use of constants is restricted to the business unit where you create them.

User variables

No effect.

User variables created in any business unit and are available across all business units.

Contract terms sections

No effect.

Contract terms sections can be created in any business unit and are available across all business units.

Clause numbering schemes

No effect.

Numbering schemes can be created in any business unit and are available across all business units.