Overview of Sales Competitors

Want your team to get insight into the competition while working deals? It's easy -- simply set up your competitor records and then associate competitors with your opportunities.

After you add information on the competition and associate competitors with opportunities, you and the rest of your sales team can access to important competitor data that can help you more effectively close deals.

Here's the type of details you can store on the competition:

  • Company details, such as stock symbol, website, industry, and geography

  • Perceived threat level, such as high, medium, or low

  • Experts who have knowledge about the competitor

  • Collateral about the competitor, such as data sheets and the like

  • Opportunities where the competitor is associated

  • Revenue at stake, which is potential revenue that could be lost

  • Notes about the competitor

Link Competitors with Opportunities

When you're ready to enter competitor information on a deal, link competitors at the opportunity-level or at the product-line level. Once linked, the competitor and opportunity are associated in the competitor's profile screens (available in the Competitor pages of Sales, outside of the opportunities UI). The revenue amount entered on an opportunity drives the revenue-at-stake metric, also available in the competitor profile screens. See the related topics for more information.