How Dimensions Define Territories

Dimensions define territory boundaries. A territory captures business objects, such as customers, that fall within the defined boundaries of the territory. If your territory boundary covers Spain, then an account in Spain is your customer.

Dimensions to Assign Customers or Partners

You can define a territory either for partners or for customers, but not for both. You select either Customer or Partner for the coverage model. When creating a territory, you can include individual customers or partners by selecting them for the territory coverage. Dimensions to define customer or partner territories are:

  • Geography or Address, but not both

  • Account type

    The account type designates the customer designated as a named account or not named. This dimension is only available for customer territories.

  • Customer size

  • Industry

  • Organization type

Your administrator can also use classification categories to define up to three additional dimensions.

Dimensions to Assign Leads and Opportunities

Your territory is assigned to leads and opportunities using the attributes of the customer or partner on the transaction. These additional dimensions can match attributes of the lead or opportunity to assign your territory:

  • Business unit

  • Product

    Groups of products form a hierarchy in the sales catalog.

  • Sales channel

    The available sales channels are Direct, Indirect, and Partner.

For example, your company is launching a new product line in all countries. One sales manager with a small sales team specializes in selling only the new product line. You define the sales manager's territory only by the new product line and define geography as Any.