Incentive Compensation Expressions

Expressions are interchangeable, reusable SQL-like parts that you use to create incentive calculation formulas and dynamic expression-based rate tables. Create and manage expressions in the Compensation Plans work area.

Use expressions:

  • In the performance measure formula to calculate attainment

  • In the component incentive formula to calculate earnings for the component

  • As rate dimension inputs if the incentive formula uses a rate table

This diagram shows where you can use expressions:In measure formulas used in performance measuresIn incentive formulasAs input expressions for rate tables

Expressions within a plan component

Expressions tell the calculation process:

  • What to evaluate from the transactions.

  • How to compute the result for the measure or incentive formula.

  • How to match transaction results to the corresponding rate table.

Expression Examples

Expression attributes appear in expressions using the convention table name.column name, for example, Credit.Credit Amount. The following table provides the type and purpose for each example expression.

Expression Type




To calculate the YTD revenue attainment

SUM(Credit.Credit Amount)

Rate dimension input

To determine the revenue attainment percentage by rate table

Measure.ITD Output Achieved


To calculate the YTD trued-up bonus

Measure.ITD Output Achieved * RTR

The RTR selection means rate table result.

When you enter percentages in a rate table you enter whole numbers, for example 25 percent, but the number is stored as a decimal: 0.25. When you add a rate table result to an expression and the rate type is percent, the decimal number is used.

Add Comments to Your Expression

Add user-friendly comments to any part of your expression using the Label field. Write your labels while configuring the expression, or add them later in the Edit Expression region. When you review the expression in the Formatted tab, your labels appear as comments beside the display values. Here's an example:

SUM /* Attainment when type - Revenue */

Create labels that help anyone to understand what each part of the expression and the overall expression are doing. A well-labeled portion can be copied to use in a new expression without studying every attribute and operator first.

Troubleshoot Your Expressions

If the expression you created is Invalid, the status of the expression displays as Invalid and a View Log link appears. Click the View Log link to look at the log messages that were generated while creating the expression. Plan administrators can use the log messages to troubleshoot problems with expressions. Export the log to Excel for better viewing.