Overview of Managing Resources

Managing resources involves viewing and modifying a resource's profile, organization membership, role assignment, skills, additional contact information, and salesperson information.

All the resources within the deploying company can view any resource's profile. However, only the administrator can modify a resource's profile, organization and team membership, and role assignment. Managers can modify the skill information of their direct and indirect reports. However, resources can only modify their own profiles, skills, and additional contact information.

Manage Resource Profiles

Resource profile management involves managing a user's profile, including the resource's core skills, photo, time zone, additional contact information, and so on. As part of managing a resource's profile, the administrator specifies the dates between which the resource is available to the organization. The administrator also ensures that role assigned to the resource is within the period mentioned in the profile.

Manage Organization Membership

At any point in time, a resource belongs to an organization, and the administrator can assign this resource to any other organization within the deploying company.

Manage Resource Role Assignment

An administrator or an organization manager can assign or modify resource roles within an organization, with one role assigned to a resource at a time. However, administrators can also assign multiple roles to resources outside an organization.

  • The dates of the resource role assignment must be within the date range during which the resource is active in the deploying organization.

  • An organization can have only one manager.

Configure Extensible Resource Pickers

Administrators can configure extensible resource pickers that let sales users search and associate users with business objects relevant to their business flows. For more information about configuring the resource search, see the related topics.