What Actions You Can Use on Contract Fulfillment Lines and When

What contract fulfillment actions are available and when depends on the status of the contract and the status of any purchasing documents you created in an integrated purchasing application. This topic lists the most important contract fulfillment actions and when you can use them.

The following figure lists the major contract fulfillment actions which are explained in this topic.

This figure lists the major contract fulfillment actions.

Create a Contract Fulfillment

This section lists the different ways you can create a contract fulfillment. All of these actions are available in any contract status that permits editing, for example, when the contract is in the Draft status. For contracts under amendment, these actions are only available for the latest active version of the contract.

Note: The fulfillment actions and tabs aren't available in contracts that have a contract type class of Enterprise Contract and that have no contract lines.


When Available



Autocreate Fulfillment Lines

In any contract line status except Under Amendment, Canceled and Closed.

Contract page Actions menu and Lines tab Actions menu

Creates contractual fulfillment lines with the basic fulfillment information already populated.

Selecting this action for the contract creates one fulfillment line for each contract line, if the contract has contract lines, and one fulfillment for contracts with no contract lines.

Selecting this action on the Lines tab creates a fulfillment line for each of the contract lines you selected.

This field is displayed to the users with at least the Supplier Contract Team Member role.

Create fulfillment

In any contract line status except Under Amendment, Canceled and Closed.

Fulfillment tab

Use this action to create a contractual fulfillment line or a noncontractual fulfillment line.

You can only create a fulfillment line when you have the Supplier Contract Administrator role assigned.

Duplicate fulfillment

In any contract line status except Under Amendment, Canceled and Closed.

Fulfillment tab

Duplicates an existing fulfillment line.

Actions Available on an Existing Contract Fulfillment

This table lists and describes the different actions available on the Fulfillment tab for an existing contract fulfillment.


When Available


Edit fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, On Hold, PO Creation failed or Agreement Creation Failed

You can edit most fulfillment information and add documents as attachments.

Add attachments to a fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: All except Canceled

Attach files.

Set up, edit, and delete notifications

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Any

You can specify whom to notify and when.

Synchronize contract line and fulfillment line information by selecting the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action

  • Contract line status: Any status other than Under Amendment, Canceled and Closed

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, On Hold, PO Creation failed or Agreement Creation Failed

If you changed the contract line that was used to create a fulfillment, you can update the information in the fulfillment with your changes by selecting the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action again on that contract line. The application synchronizes the information in the read-only fields of the fulfillment.

Note: The application synchronizes this information for you automatically when you submit the contract for approval.

Create Purchase Order or Create Agreement

  • Contract line status: Active

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, PO Creation failed or Agreement Creation Failed

Initiates the creation of either a purchase order or a purchase agreement in an integrated purchasing application.

Cancel fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Active

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, On Hold, PO Creation failed or Agreement Creation Failed

Sets a fulfillment to a canceled status.

The application automatically moves a fulfillment to this status when you cancel or close the related contract line, provided no purchasing document was created for the fulfillment.

Delete fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, On Hold, PO Creation failed or Agreement Creation Failed

Deletes the fulfillment.

Complete fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete, PO Created or Agreement Created

Indicates a fulfillment is complete.

You can use this status to indicate purchasing activity of a fulfillment is complete or a report was delivered, for example.

Reopen fulfillment

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Complete

Reopens a fulfillment that was previously set to complete.

Apply Hold

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: Incomplete

This action places the fulfillment line in the On Hold status and prevents any further edits until the hold is removed.

Remove Hold

  • Contract line status: Any except Under Amendment

  • Contract fulfillment status: On Hold

Removes the hold and sets the fulfillment line to the Incomplete status.

Actions Taken by the Application Automatically

This table lists and describes actions the application takes automatically.

Automatic Action


Synchronizes data between contract lines and fulfillment lines

When you submit the contract for approval, the application automatically transfers changes you made in the contract lines after you created fulfillment lines from them. The application synchronizes only the read-only fields on the fulfillment such as the description or unit price.

If you want to have the contract line and fulfillment line information synchronized before you submit the contract, then you must do so by selecting the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action again on those lines.


The application validates the information required to initiate the creation of the purchasing document.

Tracks purchasing activity

The application displays key information about the purchasing activity on your fulfillment.

Sends notifications

The application automatically sends notifications based on the notifications you set up for the fulfillment.

Fulfillment Validation

The application automatically validates the information you entered in the fulfillment when you select the Create PO or Create Agreement actions. The application validates:

  1. The basic information required by the contract fulfillment itself.

    You review any validation errors immediately after you take the action.

  2. The information required by the purchasing application where you are creating the PO or agreement.

    Any validation errors prevent the creation of the PO or agreement and set the fulfillment status to PO Creation Failed or Agreement Creation Failed. You can review the errors by selecting the Error icon next to the status.