Example of Initiating a Single PO from a Contract Line to Ship Items to Different Destinations

This example illustrates how you can use contract fulfillment lines to specify multiple shipping destinations for the items in a purchase order you want to create for a single contract line.


Suppose your organization has a contract with a supplier that includes a contract line to purchase 1000 laptops. You want to create a PO in your purchasing application that ships half the laptops to Destination A and half to Destination B.

Here is how you would use contract fulfillment to achieve that result:

  1. Navigate to Lines tab of the contract and select the contract line.

  2. Select the Autocreate Fulfillment Lines action from the Actions menu.

  3. Navigate to the Fulfillment tab and select the fulfillment line that was just created.

  4. Change the quantity to 500.

  5. Duplicate the fulfillment line.

  6. Edit each fulfillment line and enter the two shipping destinations, one in each fulfillment line.

  7. When the contract is approved, you select both fulfillment lines on the Fulfillment tab and select the Create PO action form the Actions menu.

  8. The application initiates the creation of one purchase order with two fulfillment lines to ship 500 laptops to each of the two destinations.