Contracts Search Options

You can search for contracts: either by using contract attributes or by searching for specific words or phrases in the text of the contract's attachments. Searching by contract attributes is the quickest way to search for a contract.

Search by Enterprise Contract Attributes

You can search for enterprise contracts using one attribute, such as the party name or contact number, or by using multiple attributes.

  • To search using a single attribute, enter your search term in the Search: Contract pane.

  • To search using multiple attributes, use the advanced search available in the Search regions of the Manage Contract page and Contracts work area.

You can use the advanced search to find all the contracts that list you as an owner, and to save your most common searches for reuse.

The application only displays up to 200 contracts when you use search criteria to find contracts. You must use additional filters to narrow down the search results when the contract you are trying to find does not appear in the list of searched contract.

Search Contracts by Text

The Search Contracts by Text feature uses Oracle Search Extension Framework to provide a powerful search tool that combines a text string with contract metadata to search contracts in Enterprise Contracts and their attached documents.

You can use a text phrase, contract attributes, or a combination of both to search contracts and attached documents. The text you enter is searched across:

  • Contract number

  • Contract name

  • Party names

  • Contract owner names

  • Version description

  • Description

  • Contract type name

  • Business unit name

  • Attached documents

    • File Name

    • Title

    • Description

    • File Contents

To access this search page, click the Tasks side panel and select Search Contracts by Text in the Contracts tasks. You can use this feature only when:

  • Your administrator enables this feature using Opt In.

  • Your job role contains the Search Contract privilege. By default, this privilege isn't added to any job roles. Contact your administrator to grant you this privilege if it's not available.

You can also incorporate special characters and terms to control how the application applies your text string during the search:

Search Element

Special Character



* and ?



Exact match


"Oracle Cloud"

Boolean operator

AND and OR

Cloud AND Oracle

Cloud OR Oracle

Include or exclude operator

+ and -

+Cloud -Sales +Oracle

Fuzzy search



Finds contract with letters O,R,C, and L, in a word. For example, Oracle.

Field based search

Supported only with the Text field.

Field name: Text

_fndAttachments.Description: sell AND VersionDescription: cloud

When using the field based search, you must use the field name as described in this table:


Field Name

Contract Number


Contract Name


Party Name


Version Description




Contract Type


Business Unit


Attached Document File Name


Attached Document Title


Attached Document Description


Attached Document File Contents


Once the search results are returned, you can see a list of contracts that contain the search term, either within the contract attributes or within documents attached to the contract. You can use the icons in the Document Matches column to navigate to:

  • The Document Matches window displays a list of documents attached to the contract that are returned in the search results.

  • The Matched Content window displays snippets of text from the document containing the search terms. The application highlights the search term in each snippet.

In the search results page, if the Number or Name columns contain the text that you entered as your search term that text is highlighted in bold in your search results.

In the Document Matches dialog window, the Matched Content icon only appears when the document's content contains the search term. After you have decided that the document in the Matched Content window is the one you're interested in, you can open or download the document directly by clicking the Download button. To see where the search term shows up in that document, you can open the document itself and search for the term.

Global Search

You can also search enterprise contracts and documents from other applications using the Search field. This search, which also searches the text of attachments, lets you search for documents in a broader variety of applications, including Oracle Fusion Projects and Oracle Fusion financial applications, depending on your level of access. While you can use this search to find and display enterprise contracts, you cannot narrow your searches or include all versions in your search.

Search Contracts Using SOAP API

You can find contracts based on a specific party with a specific date range.

A sample find payload is given below:

<soap: Envelope xmlns:soap=""
				<ns2:value>PARTY NUMBER<ns2:value>