Overview of Sales Competitors

Use the sales competitors pages to store information about the sales competition. As a sales administrator, you create the competitor profiles. Salespeople then can associate competitors with opportunities, associate product groups with competitors, and view competitor details.

The key features of managing competitors include the following:

  • Competitor profile: Store several aspects of competitor companies, such as name, URL, threat level, and industries and geographies where the competitors are doing business.

  • Internal experts: Associate with competitors people from your company who are considered experts about the associated competitor.

  • Collateral: Attach relevant competitor documents. After you store them, salespeople can access the competitive collateral to position products or solutions against competitors.

  • Competitors in opportunities: Associate competitor information with opportunities, both at the opportunity level and at the product-line level. After salespeople associate a competitor with an opportunity, the competitor profile shows opportunities where the competitor is present.

  • Notes: Create free-form notes about the competitor.

  • Revenue at stake: The competitor profile displays revenue at stake, which is potential opportunity revenue where the competitor is present.

  • Analytics and reports: Access several analytics and reports around competitor data, such as win/loss trends. See the sales Creating and Administering Analytics guide for more information on reports and analytics.

Note: A competitor is an Account with Competitor party usage. Thus, every time a competitor is created or updated, servers scripts run, as defined for the Account object. If you don't want the account triggers to execute during the competitor flow, then adjust the Groovy server scripts in the Account object to not execute in the case of Competitor party usage.