Recommendations for Assignment Processes for Opportunities

You can use two processes for opportunity assignment. You use one for territory-based assignment and one for rule-based assignment.

The two assignment processes related to opportunity assignment are:

  • Request Revenue Territory Assignment: Run this process if you're using territory-based assignment.

  • Request Opportunity Resource Assignment: Run this process if you're using rule-based assignment.

Note: You run processes from the Scheduled Processes page, available from the navigator. You must have the role of Sales Administrator or a setup user to run scheduled processes.

When setting up the processes, you must enter specific View Criteria names and their Bind Values. The following sections list the parameters to use and some examples.

Request Revenue Territory Assignment Process

This table identifies the view criteria and view criteria bind values available for the opportunity revenue territory territory-based assignment process.

View Criteria Name

View Criteria Description

View Criteria Bind Values

Recommended Run Frequency


Revenue lines of open opportunities created in the last 90 days.

Note: The view criteria bind values aren't required for the default date range, 90 days. You can pass a different date range by entering View Criteria Bind Values.
  • BindOptyCreationDateTo= [date],BindOptyCreation DateFrom=[date]

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateTo= 2015-02-29, BindOptyCreationDateFrom =2015-01-01

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateFrom=2015-01-01. This second example processes all open opportunities created between January 1, 2015, and the current date.



Revenue lines of open opportunities that have an expected close date in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different date range.

  • BindEffectiveDateFrom =[date], BindEffectiveDateTo =[date]

  • For example: BindEffectiveDateFrom =2015-01-01, BindEffectiveDateTo =2015-02-29



Revenue lines of all open opportunities whose sales account was updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of days.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdated Since=[30]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated in last 15 days: BindSalesAccount UpdatedSince=15



Revenue lines of all open opportunities whose sales account was updated in the last number of hours. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of hours.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdatedSinceHours=[4]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated within last 6 hours: BindSalesAccount UpdatedSinceHours=6

Multiple times per day


Revenue lines of all open opportunities updated within the last four hours. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of hours.

  • BindOptyUpdatedWithinHours=[4]

  • For example, open opportunities updated within the last 6 hours: BindOptyUpdatedWithin=6

Multiple times per day

OpenOpportunitiesUpdated InLastNDays

Revenue lines of all open opportunities updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of days.

  • BindOptyUpdatedSince =[30]

  • For example, open opportunities updated in last 15 days: BindOptyUpdated Since=15



Revenue lines of all open opportunities that contain a specific value in the Batch Tag field.

  • BindBatchTag =[text]

  • For example, open opportunities that have EMEA in the Batch Tag field: BindBatchTag =EMEA

Ad hoc run as per business requirements


Revenue lines of all opportunities imported through the given bulk import batch ID. The view criteria bind value, BatchId, is mandatory.

  • BindBatchId

  • For example: BindBatchId=5618782

Ad hoc run as per business requirements


Revenue lines of an opportunity with a specific number.

  • BindOptyNumber=<number>

  • BindOptyNumber=17001

Ad hoc run as per business requirements


Revenue lines of closed opportunities created in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different date range.

  • BindOptyCreationDateTo =[date], BindOptyCreation DateFrom =[date]

  • For example: BindOptyCreationDateTo =2015-02-29, BindOptyCreationDateFrom =2015-01-01



Revenue lines of opportunities closed in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different date range.

  • BindEffectiveDateFrom =[date], BindEffectiveDateTo =[date]

  • For example: BindEffectiveDateFrom =2015-01-01, BindEffectiveDateT o=2015-02-29


Request Opportunity Resource Assignment Process

This table identifies the view criteria and view criteria bind values available for the opportunity resource rule-based assignment process.

View Criteria Name

View Criteria Description

View Criteria Bind Values

Recommended Run Frequency


All open opportunities which were updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of days.

  • BindOptyUpdatedSince=[30]

  • For example, opportunities updated in last 15 days: BindOptyUpdatedSince=15



All open opportunities updated within the last number of hours. Optionally, the user can enter a different number of hours.

  • BindOptyUpdatedWithinHours=[4]

  • For example, open opportunities updated within the last 6 hours: BindOptyUpdated Within=6

Multiple times per day


All opportunities imported through the given bulk import batch ID. Value for BatchId is mandatory.

  • BindBatchId

  • For example: BindBatchId=5618782

Ad hoc run as per business requirements


Open Opportunities created in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can pass a different date range.

  • BindOptyCreation DateTo [date], BindOptyCreation DateFrom [date]

  • For example: BindOptyCreation DateTo=2015-02-29, BindOptyCreation DateFrom=2015-01-01 or

    BindOptyCreation DateFrom=2015-01-01. This second example processes all open Opportunities created between January 1, 2015 and the current date.



Open opportunities that have an expected close date in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can pass a different date range.

  • BindEffective DateFrom [date], BindEffective DateTo[date]

  • For example: BindEffective DateFrom=2015-01-01, BindEffective DateTo=2015-02-29



All open opportunities whose sales account got updated within the last four hours. Optionally, the user can pass a different number of hours.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdatedSinceHours=[4]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated within the last 6 hours BindSalesAccount UpdatedSinceHours=6

Multiple times per day


All open opportunities whose sales account got updated in the last 30 days. Optionally, the user can pass a different number of days.

  • BindSalesAccountUpdated Since [30]

  • For example, opportunities whose sales account was updated in last 15 days: BindSalesAccount UpdatedSince=15



The opportunity with a specific number.

  • BindOpportunityNumber=<number>

  • BindOpportunityNumber=17001

Ad hoc run as per business requirements


Closed opportunities created in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can pass a different date range.

  • BindOptyCreation DateTo [date], BindOptyCreation DateFrom [date-90]

  • For example: BindEffective DateFrom=2015-01-01, BindEffective DateTo=2015-02-29



Revenue lines of opportunities closed in the last 90 days. Optionally, the user can enter a different date range.

  • BindEffectiveDateFrom =[date], BindEffectiveDateTo =[date]

  • For example: BindEffectiveDateFrom =2015-01-01, BindEffectiveDateT o=2015-02-29


Opportunity Assignment Implementation Considerations

Consider these points when scheduling opportunity batch assignment processes:

  • Multiple Revenue Territory Territory Based Assignment and Opportunity Resource Rule Based Assignment processes can't run at the same time. If one of the processes is running and you submit another process (either Revenue Territory Territory Based Assignment or Opportunity Resource Rule Based Assignment), then the second process has a Paused status until the first job completes. Once the first process completes, the second process starts.

  • For date-based view criteria, for example, OpenOpportunitiesByEffectiveDate, you don't have to enter the view criteria bind values if the default date range is used.

  • For number-of-days-based view criteria, for example, OpenOpportunitiesUpdatedInLastNDays, you don't have to enter the view criteria bind values if the default number of days is used.

  • If you enter view criteria bind values, the date format is YYYY-MM-DD.

  • When scheduling opportunity batch assignment processes for the first time, if a process errors, you can try rescheduling the process and entering a lower value for the Maximum Sub Processes per Process parameter. The default value is 10. This ensures that each batch contains a small number of opportunities or revenue lines. If there's an issue with one of the opportunities or revenue lines, then the appropriate subprocess contains an error status and the other subprocesses completes successfully.

For more information on opportunity assignment, see the help. Use keywords "assignment", "territory-based assignment", and "rule-based assignment".