Contract Assignment and Workload Management

Before a contract is approved, during contract authoring and negotiation, multiple organizations and resources may work on the contract and update it. For example, resource organizations could be Sales, Legal, Financial and Accounts. Defining user statuses and their transitions, and contract assignment enable transfers between various resources and resource organizations. Assignment and user transition actions are Actions menu items at the contract level.

The key aspects of contract workload management are as follows:

  • Contract assignment can be performed separately or at the time of performing a user transition from a seeded status or user status. You can view assignment history and status and user status change history on the contract history page.

  • In addition, a contract manager has a consolidated view of all contracts assigned to resources and resource organizations within his organization through the Manage Workload task.

  • On the Manage Workload page, the Summary bin and the Assignments bin enable the contract manager to review and take the following actions.

Summary Bin

The Summary bin of the Manage Workload page displays in a tree like structure

  • The total number and value of contracts assigned directly to the organization and to each individual resource of that organization.

  • The total number and value of contracts assigned directly to nested resource organizations and to each individual resource within a nested resource organization.

Note: Though a contract may be assigned to an organization or nested resource organization, until the contract is assigned to a resource, the contract is considered to be unassigned.

To know the details of contracts assigned to an individual resource, click on the total contract count column for the resource in the Summary bin. To know the details of contracts as yet unassigned, click on the total contract count column for contracts assigned to the organization in the Summary bin.

Assignments Bin

The Assignment bin of the Manage Workload page displays

  • By default all contracts assigned to nested resource organizations within the organization of the manager.

  • In addition, contracts assigned to individual resources, if you disable the Resource Organizations only option.

  • Contracts by user status for example, or by assignee if you use the search criteria to create additional searches and save these.

Based on the information available, the contract manager can decide to take any of the following actions:

  • Assign unassigned contracts to individual resources. When selecting a new assignee, add the assignee to the contract team to ensure that they have full access to the contract.

  • Remove assigned contracts from a particular resource and reassign to other resources to balance resource workload. You can assign or remove from assignment multiple contracts together by selecting them in the Assignments area.

To track the progress of contracts in review, drill down to the individual contract history page to view the user statuses used, the assignee, days in review and comments.