What You Must Do Before Creating Sales Users

This topic describes the preliminary tasks you need to do before you start creating sales users.

When you create sales users, either in the UI or by importing them from a file, you not only provision the permissions the sales users need to do their jobs, but you also build the organization chart for your sales organization. This means that you must set up any additional role provisioning rules you require, as well as the elements that the application uses to create the organization chart in the Resource Directory, such as the root of the organization chart, and the names of the roles the resources play in the organization.

You're getting ready to create two types of sales users:

  • Sales team members without any sales application administration duties. These include salespeople, sales managers, and sales vice presidents.

  • At least one sales administrator user who will set up and administer the sales territories and sales processes.

Setup Overview

Before creating sales users, make sure that you have completed the following tasks:

  1. Create any additional resource roles you need.

    You must assign a resource role, a name describing the role each resource plays in the organization, to each sales user you create. The resource roles display underneath user names in the resource directory and elsewhere in the UI. You also use the resource roles as conditions in your provisioning rules.

    For information about creating resource roles, see the topic Create Additional Resource Roles.

  2. Create a resource organization for each of the manager users you create, including the top manager in your hierarchy.

    You can use the Manage Internal Resource Organizations task to create each resource organization. For details, see the topic Create a Resource Organization. Alternatively, you can create each resource organization as you create each manager user in the UI or when you import the user. Individual contributors who aren't managers inherit the organization assigned to their managers.

    As you create users, the application creates an organization hierarchy that you can use to browse through the sales organization's resource directory.

  3. You can explicitly designate the resource organization you create for the top manager in your organization as the top of your organization tree by using the Manage Resource Organization Hierarchies task. For details, see the topic Designate an Organization as the Top of the Sales Hierarchy.

    If you don't specify the top organization, the application automatically builds the resource organization hierarchy based on the management hierarchy you specify when you create users. You must enter a manager for each user you create, except for the manager at the top of the resource hierarchy.

  4. Decide what job roles you want to assign to your users and determine whether or not you need to create any custom roles. For example, it's recommended that you provision sales users with a custom version of the Employee abstract role. For information, see the topic How to Configure the Employee Abstract Role for Sales Users.

    Remember that you aren't restricted to assigning one job role to a user. For example, you might want to provision the sales manager in charge of determining sales territories and sales processes with the Sales Administrator job role in addition to the Sales Manager job role. Assigning both job roles allows this resource to perform the required sales setups.

    You must create at least one user with the Sales Administrator job role to perform these setups.

  5. If you created additional resource roles, then create the provisioning rules to automatically provision the appropriate job roles and abstract roles to users who are assigned those resource roles. You must create a provisioning rule for every resource role you use.

    For information about creating provisioning rules, see the topic Create Rules to Automatically Provision Job Roles to Sales Users.

  6. Enable duplicate checking for the email addresses you enter while creating users in the UI.

  7. When you create users, the application sends emails with the sign-in credentials to the new users unless you disable notifications. You can configure this behavior as described in the topic User-Name and Password Notifications.

How Setup Assistant Gets You Ready to Create Sales Users

If you used Setup Assistant to help you complete the initial implementation of the Sales offering, then some of the tasks described in the previous section are already completed for you. Here are some of the things Setup Assistant does:

  • Creates the role-provisioning rules for the standard resource roles provided by Oracle.

  • Creates additional resource roles. All you do is enter their names.

  • Creates the role-provisioning rules to provision the job and abstract roles you specify for those additional resource roles.

  • Creates the user at the top of the resource organization, and the name of the resource organization, if you enter these values.

  • Prevents you from accidentally entering duplicate email addresses for users by setting the system profile option Enable Validation of User Work Email.

For information about the Setup Assistant, see the Implementing Sales guide.