Create Watchlist Items

Some saved searches are available for you to use as Watchlist items.

Open a page that has saved searches and the Manage Watchlist button enabled. All saved searches from this page that you designate as Watchlist items would appear within one predefined Watchlist category.

Use Saved Searches as Watchlist Items

Follow these steps:

  1. Create a saved search or decide which existing one to use as a Watchlist item.

  2. Click Manage Watchlist.

  3. Select the saved search you just created or any other that you want to use as a Watchlist item.

Remove Saved Searches from the Watchlist

To remove a Watchlist item based on a saved search, deselect it in the Manage Watchlist dialog box.

If you deleted the saved search first, then also deselect it from the Manage Watchlist dialog box. Otherwise, it remains in the Manage Watchlist dialog box and your Watchlist until the next refresh.