Set Sales Business Unit Profile Options

To enable multiple business units (BUs) for sales, you must set two profile options.

  • Multiple Business Units Enabled (HZ_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_BU_CRM): Set this profile option to Yes. The default value is No.

  • Customer Relationship Management Business Unit Default (HZ_DEFAULT_BU_CRM): Set this to the default sales business unit.

Note: If you exported values for business unit profile options and then imported them into another environment, keep in mind that the values aren't retained, and you need to set them each time after export/import.

To set the profile options:

  1. In Setup and Maintenance, go to:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Company Profile

    • Task: Manage Common CRM Business Unit Profile Options

  2. In the Manage Common CRM Business Unit Profile Options page, select the HZ_ENABLE_MULTIPLE_BU_CRM profile option and set it to Yes.

  3. Click Save and Close.

  4. Select the HZ_DEFAULT_BU_CRM profile option and set it to the default sales business unit.

  5. Click Save and Close.