How to Create Assessment Templates

You can use assessment templates to analyze the condition of your business objects, such as opportunities or leads. This topic explains the various tasks involved in creating an assessment template.

This table lists the business objects that support assessment templates, along with the setup task that you must use to create templates for each object.

Business Object

Task Name


Manage Customer Center Assessment Template


Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates


Manage Sales Lead Assessment Template

The steps to create assessment templates is the same for all objects. Here's how to create an assessment template for the Opportunity business object.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates

  2. Search for and select the assessment template setup task for the applicable business object.

    For example, search for and select the Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates task. The Manage Opportunity Assessment Templates page appears.

Assessment Template Basic Details

To create an assessment template for a business object, start by entering the basic details:

  1. In the relevant business object's assessment template page, click the Create icon.

  2. In the assessment template details page, enter the details shown here:





    Enter a name for the template.

    Note: After you deploy a template, you can't change its name or edit many other aspects. If you need to make changes, make changes in a copy, and then deploy the copy.

    Discount Eligibility

    Template Type

    Select the type of template that you want to create.

    The template type options vary depending on the object that you're creating the template for. For example, if you're creating an assessment template for opportunities, only the template types meant for opportunities, such as Opportunity, Opportunity Product, and Opportunity Contact are visible.


    Template Set

    Select the template set.

    A template set is a reference data set that contains one or more business units (BUs). Selecting the template set ensures that the template is available for use only to those BUs that are part of this template set.

    Common Set

    Selecting Common Set makes the template available for all BUs.


    Optionally, provide a description.

    Discount eligibility assessment.

  3. Add attachments if there is any information that might help the salesperson. For example, add a .pdf file that contains information that might be helpful.

  4. Click Next.

    The Configure Ratings page appears.

Configuring Ratings

Ratings group question responses in a template into different categories. There are three predefined ratings: Poor, Average, and Excellent. You can add your own ratings or modify the predefined ratings.

To add a rating:

  1. Click the Add Row icon and enter Text and Description.

  2. Click Next.

    The Enter Questions and Responses page appears.

To modify a rating, just replace the text in the Text field.

Enter Questions and Responses

In this step, you create questions and responses, and also set a rating for each of the question responses.

The score range for ratings is derived automatically in the next step of the assessment template creation process based on the rating you set here.

To create questions and responses:

  1. Click the Create icon and select Create Question Group.

    Note: All questions must be part of a question group.
  2. In the Create Question Group dialog box, enter Name and Description. For example, enter Deal and Question group for deals respectively.

  3. Click Save and Close.

  4. Click the Create icon and select Create Question.

  5. In the Create Question dialog box, enter details as shown in the following table:





    Enter a question that you want in the assessment template.

    How soon will the implementation start?

    Question Group

    Select the question group to which this question should belong.

    Opportunity Question Group


    Enter the weight for this question.

    Weight determines the relative importance of a question within the assessment template. The higher the weight for a question, the more important this question is compared to the other questions in the template.

    The sum of weights for all questions in a template must be 100.

    Note: You can also enter the weight in a later step, or even edit what you have entered here in a later step.


    This indicates that this question has 50% importance compared to other questions in the template.


    Optionally, provide a description.

    Description for the opportunity question group.

  6. Click Save and Close.

    Note: In the Question Details section, select the Include Free-Form Response Option check box only if you have a question that supports a free form response. Selecting this option adds a default response in the Possible Responses section. Free-form responses are recorded as comments in consuming applications, and they're not scored.
  7. In the Possible Responses section, click the Add icon.

  8. Enter details as shown in the following table:




    Enter a response that the user can select for this question.


    Add the score that you want to allocate to each of these responses.

    Note: Score is displayed as Weight multiplied (*) by the (Normalized Score percent (%)) based on the response selected. For example, the selected response's normalized score is 35 and the question's weight is 20. So the assessment's score will be 20 * (35 %) = 7.

    Normalized Score

    This appears automatically once you fill in the score.

    The response that has the highest score gets a 100%.


    Define the rating that you want to assign to each of the responses.


    Optionally, provide a description.

    Here's an example of the possible responses:



    Normalized Score


    0 to 3 months




    4 to 6 months




    7 to 12 months




    > 1 year




  9. Similarly, create all the questions that you want to include in this template along with the possible responses.

  10. Click Next.

    The Edit Question Weights page appears.

Edit Question Weights

You can use this page to verify the weights that you entered for all the questions in the previous step. Check whether the weight total aggregates to 100. If not, you must update the weights to reach a total of 100. You can also use this page to edit the weights of questions.

Click Next. The Configure Score Range Attributes page appears.

Configure Score Range Attributes

Depending on the scoring to response mapping in the questions and responses that you entered earlier, score ranges for ratings are automatically derived here. You can select the Override score ranges check box to edit the automatically derived score ranges and set different start and end scores for the ratings. You can modify the colors shown in the various score ranges.

Based on the assessment score, feedback can be displayed for the assessment in the consuming application, such as in opportunities. To provide feedback, enter the feedback in the Feedback field. For example, if the score is 95 and it maps to Excellent as rating, you could enter feedback such as Qualified for discount pending manager approval.

Click Save and Close.

You have now completed creating your assessment template.

Additional Implementation Steps

Once your assessment template is ready, you might have to perform some additional implementation steps before the template is available for the user.

For opportunities, you must attach the template to a sales stage within a sales method:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Methods and Sales Stages

  2. In the Manage Sales Methods page, create or edit a sales method, and then add or edit sales stages.

  3. In the Create or Edit Sales Stage page, navigate to the Assessment Templates region.

  4. Click Add.

  5. Search for the template you want to associate with the sales stage and add the template.

When an opportunity is in the relevant sales stage, the sales representative can use the associated assessment templates from the Assessments subtab.