How do I assign PII privileges using security console?

As an IT Security Manager, you can create a custom job role and assign data policies required to access PII information. Perform the following steps to create a custom role and assign PII privileges to the custom role.

In this example, as an IT Security Manager, you will create a custom job role based on the existing Sales Representative role and assign PII privileges to access the Social Security data. After this, you must assign the custom job role to the users you want to assign PII privileges. For more information on assigning job roles to users, see the Oracle CX Securing CX Sales and Fusion Service guide.

Assign Job Roles

  1. From the Navigator, click Tools - Security Console.

  2. On the Security Console, ensure that Expand Toward is set to Privileges.

  3. Enter sales representative in the Search field and select the Job Role in the results.

  4. In the Search Results, click the actions button and select Copy Role.

  5. In the Copy Options window, select Copy top role and click Copy Role. The Copy Role page is displayed.

  6. In the Basic Information page, enter the Role name and Role Code such as Sales Representative Custom PII and ZBS_SALES_REPRESENTATIVE_JOB_CUSTOM_PII.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Next.

  9. In the Data Security Policies page, you must create four data security policies with the details provided in the following table. To create a data security policy, click Create Data Security Policy.

    Policy Name

    Database Resource

    Data Set

    Grant on Trading Community Party.

    This lets you view and read all Social Security information.

    Trading Community Party.

    Select All Values from the Data Set list. In the Actions list, select View Trading Community Person Social Security.

    Grant on Trading Community Party.

    This lets you manage all Social Security information.

    Trading Community Party.

    Select All Values from the Data Set list. In the Actions list, select Manage Trading Community Person Social Security.

    Note: You don't have to create separate data security policies for View and Manage Trading Community Person Social Security privileges. You can create one data security policy for these two privileges or all PII privileges. You can't combine these two PII privileges and add them to data security policies that were created for other privileges. You must create PII privileges as separate data security policies.
  10. Click Next.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Click Next.

  13. In the Summary and Impact Report page, click Save and Close.