Impersonate a Partner User

Partner impersonation enables channel managers to see the UI pages and data exactly as the partner user sees them. Partner impersonation is helpful for troubleshooting user complaints about the UI pages or data.

Channel managers don't need the partner user's specific permission to impersonate the partner user.

Channel managers can use these steps to impersonate a partner user.

  1. Sign in with your Channel Account Manager credentials.

  2. On your springboard, click Partner Management.

  3. Click Partners.

  4. Search for and select the partner account where the partner user works.

  5. On the Partner Contacts subtab, search for and select the partner user you want to impersonate.

  6. On the Edit Partner Contact page, click Manage User Details.

  7. In the User Account region of the Manage User Details page, click Login as User and provide your channel manager credentials.

  8. You can update the following:

    • Accounts

    • Contacts

    • Leads

    • Deal Registrations

    • Opportunities

    • Activities

Note: An audit record tracks all changes made by the channel manager while impersonating the partner user, including the user name of the impersonator and changes made during the impersonation.