Associate Competitors with Opportunities

Capture the competitive information for a deal when you associate competitors with an opportunity, either at the header-level or product-line level.

Associate Competitors at the Opportunity Level

Here's how you associate a competitor at the opportunity level:

  1. Sign in as a sales user, such as a salesperson or sales manager.

  2. From the Sales > Opportunities page, drill into an opportunity.

  3. Depending on how the application is configured, you can access competitors on an opportunity by:

    • Use the Competitors subtab: If it's enabled, click the Competitors subtab and make your changes in the Competitors page.

    • Use the Primary Competitor or Competitors field: If they're enabled, these fields appear in the edit page.

  4. In the competitor association pages, you can:

    • Search for and select a competitors to add to the opportunity.

    • Remove competitors from the opportunity.

  5. Save your changes.

Note: To associate multiple competitors with an opportunity, more than one competitor must be set up in the application. Competitors are set up by the administrator.

Associate Competitors at the Product-Line Level

Here's how you associate a competitor at the product-line level on an opportunity:


  • More than one competitor must be set up by the administrator.

  • The administrator must have enabled the Competitor field in the Products table using Application Composer.

  • To select a competitor in the Competitor list in the Products table, it must first have been associated with the opportunity at the opportunity level. Competitors won't show up in the list of values in the Products table unless they were first added to the opportunity at the header level.

  1. From the Opportunities list, click the name of an opportunity to edit it.

  2. In the Primary Competitor list, click Search.

  3. Search for and select a competitor.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save your changes.

  6. Add a product line to the table.

  7. In the Competitor list of values, select a competitor.

  8. Save your changes.

  9. Repeat this procedure to add more competitors.