Manage Pricing Algorithms

In this example, you remove tax calculations that a predefined pricing algorithm does so the price of each sales order that your users create in Order Management doesn't include tax.

This topic uses example values. You might need different values, depending on your business requirements.

Summary of the Steps

  1. Examine the current behavior.

  2. Create a new version of the algorithm.

  3. Modify the pricing algorithm.

  4. Verify your set up.

Examine the Current Behavior

  1. Make sure you have the privileges that you need to manage sales orders.

  2. Go to the Order Management work area.
  3. Click Tasks > Create Order.

  4. On the Create Order page, add a customer, add an item, then click Add.




    Computer Service and Rentals

    Select Item


  5. In the Amount column, click the link, then notice that the Amount dialog includes an amount for tax.

    Price Component


    List Price






    Net Price Plus Tax


Create a New Version of the Algorithm

  1. Sign out of Order Management, then sign into Oracle Applications with the privileges that you need to administer pricing.

  2. Go to the Pricing Administration work area.

  3. On the Overview page, click Tasks > Manage Algorithms.

  4. On the Manage Algorithms page, locate the algorithm you must modify.

    Here's a summary of the attributes.




    Predefined pricing algorithms provide a wide variety of functionality. To locate the algorithm you must modify, read the links in the Name column, click one that looks promising, then examine the steps. It might be necessary to examine more than one algorithm.

    If you create a new algorithm, then capitalize each word in the Name attribute and include a space between each word. Suffix the name with the text Custom.


    Each predefined algorithm uses version Zero or 1. Versions higher than 1 are versions you created.

    Pricing uses the latest version in the runtime environment.


    Here are the statuses.

    • In Progress. Editable but not available for Order Management. A pricing algorithm you're currently developing is typically In Progress.

    • Published. Not editable and available in the calling application, such as Order Management.

    • Inactive. No longer in use. Not available in the calling application.


    You typically use No. Use Yes only if you plan to use the algorithm in more than one calling application, such as in Order Management and Contract Management.

    For this example, you disable tax calculation for a sales transaction, so, click the row that displays Price Sales Transactions in the Name column. For most situations, you modify the Price Sales Transactions algorithm to implement the logic you need.

  5. Click Actions > Create Version.

    Notice that Pricing creates a new version and sets the Status to In Progress.

Modify the Pricing Algorithm

  1. In the Name column of the version you created, click Price Sales Transactions.

  2. On the Edit Algorithm page, examine the step names to verify that this pricing algorithm can implement the behavior you require.

    This algorithm includes steps that calculate tax, such as Compute Sales Tax, so its likely you can modify it to implement the behavior you need.

  3. Click the row that contains Compute Sales Tax in the Name column, click the Delete icon, then click Save.

  4. Click View Source, then make sure the dialog that displays includes a message like this.

    The following script has passed syntax check

  5. On the Manage Algorithms page, click the row that contains the highest version of Price Sales Transaction, then click Actions > Publish.

    You might receive an error like this.

    Another user changed row with primary key.

    The Pricing Administration work area might indicate that it published the pricing algorithm. However, if you sign out, then sign in, it might display as not published. To avoid this problem, click Actions > Deactivate, click Actions > Activate, then click Actions > Publish.

Verify Your Set Up

  1. Sign out of Pricing, then sign into Order Management.

  2. Create a sales order, add a customer to the order, then add an item.

  3. In the Amount column, click the link, then make sure the Amount dialog doesn't include an amount for tax.

    Price Component


    List Price




    Net Price Plus Tax


Reset Pricing Algorithms to the Predefined Version

You can delete all of your pricing algorithms that are at version 1 and move back to version 0, which is the algorithm's predefined version. If you reset your algorithms to version 0, then you can get the latest predefined versions when you move to the latest update without having to continually promote your algorithms.

Use this feature when you:

  • Want to accept new features when you update without having to manage your algorithms.
  • Plan to retire your modified algorithms and use only the predefined ones.
  • Are on Update 17B or earlier and you haven't or don't have plans to modify your pricing algorithms. Algorithms began with version 1 not version 0 before Update 17C.
  • Accidentally did the Promote All action, need to undo your changes, and use the predefined algorithms.
  • Need to start over and use only the predefined behavior.

If you do the Delete All Version 1 action, and if all your algorithms remain at version 0 on subsequent updates, then you don't need to do the Promote All action the next time you move to the latest update. Oracle Pricing uses version 0 as the base version on new updates.

Try it:

  1. Go to the Manage Algorithms page, then make sure your algorithms are at version 0 or version 1.
  2. Click Actions > Delete All Version 1.
  3. In the warning dialog, click Yes.
  4. Notice the details on the Confirmation dialog, then click OK.
  5. Notice that all your algorithms are now at version 0.
  • If any algorithm is at version 1 or higher, then Pricing disables the Delete All Version 1 action. You must remove all extensions before you can use the action.
  • You can't reverse the Delete All Version 1 action, so do the action in a test environment before you do it in your production environment.
  • If you need to modify an algorithm after you update, then use the Promote All action, and then create a new version.