Configure Impersonation Auditing

The impersonation functionality allows users to temporarily designate another user as a proxy to sign in to the application on their behalf. A proxy user has the same privileges as the impersonated user and has access to all of the impersonated user's personal data.

Auditing of proxy sessions is recommended but, if appropriate for your environment, you can disable impersonation auditing by changing the default value of the site-level profile option Audit Impersonation Transaction Enabled.

Note: A number of database tables aren't enabled for impersonation transaction auditing. If impersonation auditing is enabled, proxy users can't save transactions that result in changes to the data in those tables. If the administrator disables impersonation auditing using the Audit Impersonation Transaction Enabled profile option, proxy users can change the data in any tables, whether or not the tables are enabled for impersonation auditing.

For additional information about auditing in the sales application, including information about the objects that can be enabled for auditing, see the sales Implementation Reference guide on Oracle Help Center at

Configuring Impersonation Auditing

The following procedure describes how to enable or disable impersonation auditing functionality by changing the value of the Audit Impersonation Transaction Enabled profile option.

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Manage Administrator Profile Values

  2. On the Manage Administrator Profile Values page, in the Search: Profile Option section, enter Audit Impersonation Transaction Enabled in the Profile Display Name field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the Search Results list, select FND_AUDIT_IMPERSONATION_TRANSACTIONS.

  5. In the FND_AUDIT_IMPERSONATION_TRANSACTIONS: Profile Values section, select the Site Profile level and set the value of the Profile Value field to either Yes or No.

  6. Click Save and Close.