Set Up Your Mapping File When Copying Opportunities

You can use two predefined mapping templates for copying an opportunity. The Standard Copy Opportunity Mapping (MOO_COPY_OPTY_MAPPING) is a noneditable template which performs a standard copy of one opportunity to another.

The Copy Opportunity Mapping is an editable template that you use as the default mapping file for copying an opportunity. When you copy opportunities, information such as sales stage, win probability, and status for the opportunity aren't copied to the new opportunity. You may want to include additional information about the opportunity but the necessary attributes aren't contained in the predefined Standard Copy Opportunity Map. To include the information you want, you can add attributes to a copy of the predefined mapping file, called Copy Opportunity Map.

Note: Territory information, such as resource team records aren't copied as the resources are allocated on an on demand basis. Resources that are added manually, as well as those added through opportunity assignment, are copied to the newly created opportunity.

Here's how to include additional custom attributes or child objects to the editable copy of the predefined Copy Opportunity Map:

  1. Access Application Composer by selecting Application Composer from the Navigator menu.

  2. Select Sales to filter the object search, and select Copy Maps within Advanced Setup.

  3. Expand Copy Opportunity and select Copy Opportunity Map.

    The Edit Copy Map window appears, and you use it to add additional attributes to your copy map.

  4. Select each line in the Entity Mappings section and add records to the Attribute Mappings section. For example, here's a lead to opportunity copy map example of the field descriptions in the Attribute Mappings section for each of the attributes you want to add:




    Select the attribute to where the selected entity is copied. For example, OpportunityVO_Id_c


    Referenced View Object

    For this example, select Opportunity from the drop-down list as your referenced view object for the OpportunityVO_Id_c attribute.

    If this attribute is a foreign key, select the view object joined by this foreign key. The application generates new foreign keys that keep the reference intact.

    Primary Key

    If this attribute is a primary key, select this check box. Instead of copying the value in the From object, the application generates a unique value for this key field for each record in the To object.


    Select the attribute from where the selected entity is copied. For example, MklLeadVO_Id_c.

    From Expression

    Optionally, you can enter a Groovy expression to change the value in this attribute. For example, you want to change the value of the From object to some new value in the attribute of the To object. You can also enter a constant to fill this attribute with a constant value in every record of the To object.

  5. Click Save and Close.

Set the Copy Opportunity Mapping Profile Option

You can specify the mapping file name to use when copying an opportunity by setting the Copy Opportunity Mapping profile option. The predefined file is used to copy attributes and child objects when creating a copy of an existing opportunity.

Here's how to access and modify the Copy Opportunity Mapping profile option:

  1. In the Setup and Maintenance work area, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Opportunity Profile Options

  2. In the Manage Opportunity Profile Options page, enter Copy Opportunity Mapping in the Profile Display Name field.

  3. Click Search.

  4. In the Profile Values section, you can see the predefined mapping called Copy Opportunity Map.

  5. Click Save.

Note: If you want to use the Standard Copy Opportunity Map, change the profile value to Standard Copy Opportunity Map.