Options to Manage Participants

The following sections describe the actions you take when managing participants and the features available to perform those actions. You can determine what features you want to implement.

Create Participants

You have the following two methods to create participants:

  • Use Run All Participant Processes which includes the Collect Participants and Participant Updates import process.

    The Run All Participant Processes process uses your selection rules to create participants. It uses your attribute mapping to collect attributes from the party and the HCM Cloud person work assignment. The selection rules are reusable. You can choose from more than 200 attributes as a source for the participant attribute.

  • Use the Import Participants process in the Participant Assignments work area..

    The Import Participants process uses a set of filter parameters that you enter each time you submit the process. One advantage of the Import Participants process is that it does allow for participant creation where you can enter a specific party name or person number. The number of filter and target parameters are few but they may be enough for your business process. The Import Participants process is your only option for creating a participant for a specific party.

Update Participants

You have the following methods to update existing participant data:

  • Use the Run All Participant Processes process.

    Use the Run All Participant Processes to import any number of files that you have uploaded to the WebCenter folder. The files contain the details to update the existing participants. This process can also collect work assignment changes from HCM Cloud. It uses the participant import mapping to determine what to update on a participant record, and then collects the relevant work assignment attributes and effective dates.

  • Use the Import and Update Participant Details process.

    The Import and Update Participant Details process will import a single file that you specify from the files that you have uploaded to the WebCenter folder.

  • Web Service

    You can use the Incentive Compensation Participant Version 2 web service to update participant details or to place and remove the participant payment hold value. It uses the mergeParticipantDetail , holdParticipantPayment, and terminateParticipant methods. Note that there's an existing terminate participant option for just the active end date.

Terminate Participants

You have the following methods to terminate participants:

  • Use the Run All Participant Processes process.

    The Run All Participant Processes collects HCM Cloud terminations. It uses the termination date as the active end date and your setup configuration to end date the assignments.

  • Web Service

    You can use the Incentive Compensation Participant Version 2 web service terminate participants. It uses the TerminateParticipantAutomated method.