Set Up Event Notification Rules for Customer Communications and Email Functionality

Follow these steps to set up event notification rules for customer communications and email functionality in service contracts:

  1. Navigate to Manage Contract Rules from the Setup tasks side panel.

  2. In the Event Notification Rules and Template Sets tab, click Create.

  3. Enter Name, Sender Email ID, and Start Date. Add Description and End Date as well.

  4. Set the conditions related to the notifications:




    Set an event in the contract life cycle. The values are sourced from the contract event model.

    Days before contract start date

    The number of days before the renewal contract start date you would like to send the notification.

    Notification Type

    Set a suitable notification type:

    • Quote

    • Reminder

    • User Defined

    Customer Acceptance

    Set whether customer acceptance is Required or Not Required. When you set to 'Not Required' , quire If you set as 'Not Required', notification will in case the contract renewal is automatic and doesn't require customer acceptance for renewal.

    Communication Channel

    Set the mode of communication. For example, if you set the mode as email, customer receives contract quote as an email. If you select 'Custom', it includes third party portals. The application raises a business event with the message and attachment details.

  5. In the Message, click (+), choose the Language, Message Template and Message Subject along with the Start and End dates. You can use token <CON_NUM> and <EXPIRY_DATE> in the message subject.

  6. To attach contract document to the notification, click (+). You can attach the contract layout template, terms layout template, and the contract document file.

  7. Save and Close the event notification.

Note: The notifications are sent by the ESS Job - Process Contracts Event Notifications.

Email Functionality

You can use email action to send emails to the designated parties with stated and defined information. After event notification rules setup, you can use email functionality.

To send an email, create a new contract.
  • From the Edit Contract page, click Action > Email.