Modify Actionable Infolets

As an administrator, you can choose to modify or remove existing predefined fields (attributes) or select additional user-defined attributes to display on actionable infolets for salespeople. You can apply different setting for salespeople by role or at the site level.

If you want to modify the My Tasks and My Appointments actionable infolets, then the Date, Time, and Subject attributes must be noneditable. This means that the drill-down option isn't available on these fields.

Salespeople can improve their sales performance tasks by prioritizing tasks and using filters. Record-count filters selected by salespeople take precedence over the record count setting that you specify. For example, if you set 10 as the record count for the My Tasks actionable infolet, and if the salesperson selects the Overdue Tasks filter, then 10 records, if applicable, are displayed.

Salespeople can also view a graphical representation of the actionable infolets. The summary charts display data based on the selected filters.

Before You Modify the Infolets

Before modifying the predefined actionable infolets, do the following:

  • Understand the typical workflows for working with runtime application changes.

  • Ensure that you can modify the infolet by checking if the Edit Pages menu item is available in the Settings and Actions menu available from the global header region. Click your user image or name in the global header to open the Settings and Actions menu. If the menu item isn't available, then you can't modify the page.

    Note: Actionable infolets are secured through the "View Sales Homepage pagination dot one" and the "View Sales Representative Dashboard" privileges. Ensure users have these two privilege. For more information, see the Securing Sales and Fusion Service and Security Reference for Sales and Fusion Service guides on Oracle Help Center.
  • Confirm that your privilege is sufficient for modifying the page.

  • Create or activate an existing sandbox.

    When configuring actionable infolets, make sure the sandbox has only the Page Composer tool selected. If you want to make changes in a context layer other than the default Site layer, you must create a separate sandbox and use only Page Composer in it. You can then change the context layer from Site to other layers. For example, to create or edit infolets for a user with a specific job role, you must select the Job Role context layer.

Caution: If you delete an infolet, you can't easily retrieve it. Contact your help desk if you accidentally delete one.

Edit Actionable Infolet Visibility

Actionable infolets are available to predefined roles. However, you can set the availability of actionable infolets so that they become visible to other user-defined roles by editing the visibility settings for the infolet:

  1. Navigate to the actionable infolets page.

  2. Click your user image or name in the global header region to open the Settings and Actions menu, and select Edit Pages.

  3. Click the infolet repository (gears) icon and select the check box next to the actionable infolet you want to make available.

  4. Click the Actions icon on the top right corner of the infolet, and select Edit Visibility.

  5. Select one of the following:

    • Yes: The actionable infolet is available for selection in the infolet repository.

    • No: The actionable infolet isn't available for selection in the infolet repository.

    • EL expression: The evaluation of the EL expression decides whether the actionable infolet is available from the infolet repository. The predefined expression is #{securityContext.userInRole['ORA_ZBS_SALES_REPRESENTATIVE_JOB,ORA_ZBS_SALES_MANAGER_JOB,ORA_ZBS_SALES_VP_JOB,ORA_MKL_SALES_LEAD_QUALIFIER_JOB']}

  6. Edit the EL expression to suit your requirements.

  7. Click Save and Close when you have finished making the changes.

  8. Verify your changes and publish the sandbox.

Modify Actionable Infolet Attributes

You can select and replace any of the predefined attributes that are displayed on the actionable infolets with alternate available attributes of your choice.

Note: If you want to hide one of the predefined attributes, enter a blank value, in which case nothing is displayed in the corresponding drop-down list position you select.

This table shows the attributes that you can modify and represents the order as they appear on the UI.

Actionable Infolet


My Tasks

  • Subject

  • Activity Type

  • Due Date

My Appointments

  • Activity Time

  • Subject

  • Primary Address

My Accounts

  • Name

  • Primary Contact

  • Primary Address

My Opportunities

  • Sales Stage

  • Name

  • Close Date

  • Amount

My Leads

  • Rank

  • Lead Name

Here's how to modify the attributes of an actionable infolet:

  1. Ensure that you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to the actionable infolet that you want to modify.

  3. Click your user image or name in the global header region to open the Settings and Actions menu, and select Edit Pages.

    The Edit Pages window appears.

  4. Select one of the following:

    • Site to make your changes available to everyone.

    • Job Role to target a specific job role you select from the list.

  5. From the actionable infolet that you want to modify, for example, My Opportunities, select Configure from the Actions menu.

    The My Opportunities actionable infolet screen is displayed with the predefined fields selected.

  6. From the Layout tab, select the attributes that you want to edit from the respective drop-down lists.

  7. Set and adjust the two-column table widths in percentage terms by sliding your mouse along the Column Width ruler.

  8. Make the changes that you want to the attribute and select another attribute to edit, if required.

  9. In the Drill Down Field, select the item that you want to use for drilling down to the detail page of the opportunity object.

    Tip: If dynamic choice list fields are added to actionable infolets, then the drill-down capability is automatically enabled.

    This table shows the field names and associated attribute names that you can select for drill-down for each of the actionable infolets:

    Actionable Infolet

    Drill Down Field


    My Opportunities



    Close Date

    Sales Stage

    My Leads

    Lead Name


    My Accounts


    Primary Contact

    Primary Address

    My Appointments


    Primary Contact Address

    My Tasks


    Primary Contact


    Due Date

  10. Click Save and Close when you have finished making the changes.

  11. Verify your changes and publish the sandbox.

Modify Record Counts

You can also change the predefined number of records to display on the infolet. By default, 10 records display. You can change the default to 10, 20, 25, or 30, as required.

Here's how to modify record counts for an actionable infolet:

  1. Ensure that you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. From the actionable infolet that you want to modify, for example, My Opportunities, select Configure from the Actions menu.

    The My Opportunities actionable infolet screen is displayed.

  3. From the Record Count tab, select the number of records that you want to display on the infolet from the drop-down list.

  4. Click Save and Close.

  5. Verify your changes and publish the sandbox.

Modify Filters

Filtering reduces the number of searches required to view any outstanding items that might require attention. For example, you can choose to select or hide predefined filters that you want to make available on the actionable infolets.

You can show or hide filters, rearrange filters, and add custom filters. You can multiselect and double-click filters in the Available list to move them to the Selected list. You must select at least one filter for the actionable infolet filter list.

You can include saved searches created in Workspace as filters to quickly access relevant records by selecting the Include Workspace Saved Searches check box. It's deselected by default but when selected, all the Workspace saved searches associated with the specified object appear as filters for your actionable infolet. For more information, see the related topic Switch Actionable Infolets to Use Workspace Saved Searches as Filters available from the Getting Started with Your Sales Implementation on Oracle Help Center.

To access a different set of data, create a new saved search in Workspace and then expose the relevant saved search in the Actionable Infolets UI. Selecting available Workspace saved-search filters allows for a more dynamic, effective, and targeted view of the records that salespeople want to update and take immediate action on.

Note: Predefined saved searches are available for selection. However, any custom saved searches that you create must include Record Set values selected for either any records that you own or for records where you're on the team. In addition, when saving your saved search, you must select the Run Automatically check box to run the search automatically when your saved search is loaded. Otherwise, the custom saved search won't display in the available filters list in the Configure UI for your actionable infolet.

This table shows the filters that you can modify.

Actionable Infolet


Filter Description

My Tasks

  • Today's Tasks

  • Tomorrow's Tasks

  • Overdue Tasks

  • Beyond Tomorrow's Tasks

  • All Tasks

  • Open Tasks

  • High Priority Open Tasks

  • Display all my tasks scheduled for today

  • Display all my tasks scheduled for tomorrow

  • Display all my tasks that are now overdue

  • Display all my tasks that are scheduled for the day after next and beyond

  • Display all my assigned tasks

  • Display all my assigned tasks that are currently open

  • Display all my high priority tasks that are currently open

My Appointments

  • Today's Appointments

  • Tomorrow's Appointments

  • Display all my appointments scheduled for today

  • Display all my appointments scheduled for tomorrow

My Accounts

  • My Accounts

  • My Favorite Accounts

  • My Team Accounts

  • Display only the accounts that I own

  • Display my accounts that I've marked as favorites

  • Display all the accounts that I can view

My Opportunities

  • Closing in Next 7 Days

  • Closing This Month

  • Closing This Quarter

  • Closing Next Quarter

  • Open opportunities where I am on the team

  • My Open Opportunities

  • Display my open opportunities that are due to close in the next 7 days

  • Display my open opportunities that are due to close this month

  • Display my open opportunities that are due to close within the current quarter

  • Display my open opportunities that are due to close within the next quarter

  • Display my open opportunities where I'm on the team

  • Display only those open opportunities that I own

My Leads

  • Unaccepted Leads

  • My Open Leads

  • Recent Open Leads

  • Open Leads where I am on the team

  • Display a list of all unaccepted leads that are assigned to me

  • Display only those open leads that I own

  • Display a list of my leads that have recently been opened

  • Display a list of open leads where I'm on the team

Here's how to modify the filters of an actionable infolet:

  1. Ensure that you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to the actionable infolet that you want to modify.

  3. From the actionable infolet that you want to modify, for example, My Opportunities, select Configure from the Actions menu.

    The My Opportunities actionable infolet screen is displayed with the predefined fields selected.

  4. From the Filters tab, select the filters that you want to modify.

  5. Click Save and Close when you have finished making the changes.

  6. Verify your changes and publish the sandbox.

Modify Quick Actions

You can navigate to the relevant areas in your sales process where you can perform quick actions at the record level. For example, you can easily complete or defer tasks without having to drill down to view the record, or you can accept or reject new leads at the click of a button.

You can show or hide actions, rearrange actions, and add custom quick actions. You can multiselect and double-click any quick actions in the Available list to move them to the Selected list. However, you must select at least one action for the actionable infolet quick actions list.

This table shows the quick actions that you can modify and represents the order as they appear on the UI.

Actionable Infolet

Quick Actions

My Tasks

  • Mark as Complete

  • Defer by 1 Day

  • Defer by 2 Days

  • Defer by 1 Week

  • Create Note

My Appointments

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

My Accounts

  • Create Lead

  • Create Opportunity

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Task

  • Create Note

  • Create Call Report

  • Log a Call

  • Create Service Request

My Opportunities

  • Create Task

  • Create Appointment

  • Create Note

My Leads

  • Accept

  • Reject

Here's how to modify the quick actions of an actionable infolet:

  1. Ensure that you're working in an active sandbox.

  2. Navigate to the actionable infolet that you want to modify and make sure that the infolet displays in expanded view.

  3. From the actionable infolet that you want to modify, for example, My Opportunities, select Configure from the Actions menu.

    The My Opportunities actionable infolet screen is displayed with the predefined fields selected.

  4. From the Quick Actions tab, select the quick actions that you want to modify.

  5. Click Save and Close when you have finished making the changes.

  6. Verify your changes and publish the sandbox.