What are the SR profile options?

Service request profile options let you configure and control application data. Administrators and setup users can manage SR profile options in the Setup and Maintenance work area.

You can set various profile options and schedule job processes for service requests. Some of the profile options must be used along with job processes to achieve the results you want. For example, after setting the profile value for closing a resolved SR after N number of days, schedule a job process that closes SRs.

The following table describes the various profile options for service request management. For more information on scheduled processes, refer to What are the scheduled processes?

Profile Option



Enables or disables auditing of field value changes.


Assigns an SR to a queue automatically, when the SR is created.

Note: The preferred way of assigning an SR to a queue is by using Omnichannel assignment. If Omnichannel is enabled, this profile option is ignored.


Defines the number of days after which any resolved SR is automatically closed. This profile option must be used along with the Auto-Close Service Requests job process.

Make sure the following two conditions are met:

  • The SVC_SR_IN_RESOLVED_DAYS profile value must be set to 1 or greater for the Auto-Close Service Request job to run.

  • The SVC_SR_IN_RESOLVED_DAYS profile value must be set to 0 to disable the Auto-Close Service Request job.


Defines number of days for which a service request must be in Waiting status before the SR is auto resolved. This profile option must be used along with the Auto-Close Service Requests job process.

Make sure the following two conditions are met:

  • The SVC_SR_IN_WAITING_DAYS profile value must be set to 1 or greater for the Auto-Close Service Request job to run.

  • The SVC_SR_IN_WAITING_DAYS profile value must be set to 0 to disable the Auto-Close Service Request job.


Defines the status code to use for auto-closing service requests that have been in Resolved status for at least the number of days specified by SVC_SR_IN_RESOLVED_DAYS. This profile option must be used along with the Auto-Close Service Request s job process.


Defines the status code to use for auto-resolving service requests that have been in Waiting status for at least the number of days specified by SVC_SR_IN_WAITING_DAYS. This profile option must be used along with the Auto-Close Service Requests job process.


Defines the format for the unique reference number on each SR.

Every SR number consists of a prefix and radix. Let's say that you select SR_ as the prefix and No alphanumeric conversion as the radix. Without this formatting profile option, the SR numbers are generated as SR_1, SR_2, and so on. Now suppose you use this formatting profile option and the value is 000000. Then the SR numbers are generated as SR_000001, SR_000002, and so on.

For more information about configuring the prefix and radix, refer to How do I configure the prefix and radix?

Note: The SVC_PUID_PREFIX profile option used earlier no longer exists.


Sets the default Severity value for a new SR. You can also set this value as blank, if you want the SRs to be created without a Severity value.


Sets the default Status code for a new SR.


Defines the number of days after which a deleted SR is purged. Although a soft deleted SR is in the database, it can't be retrieved or updated from the UI or REST APIs. Once purged, SRs are completely removed from the database. This profile option must be used along with the Purge Deleted Service Requests job process to purge SRs.

When a soft-deleted SR created from an inbound email is purged, all data associated with that SR is also purged from the inbound message tables.


Enables or disables purging of inbound messages that fail or aren't processed successfully. When the value is set to Yes, the purge job deletes the records corresponding to such messages from the inbound message tables.


Defines the attachment view for an SR. There are two types of attachment options you can provide:

  • Classic: Enables users to select the type of attachment, category, and enter the name and description for each attachment.

  • Basic: Enables users to only select file type, browse and upload attachments to the SR.

  • Advanced: Enables users to select the type of attachment, category, and enter the name and description for each attachment. You can also upload files with the drag-and-drop feature, or extract all files after they're uploaded.

ORA_SVC_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT This profile option has two settings. Yes (default) and No. If the profile option is set to Yes, attachments are allowed to be downloaded.

To prevent users from being able to download attachments from a Service Request and a Service Request Message, do the following:

  1. Set the ORA_SVC_ENABLE_DOWNLOAD_ATTACHMENT profile option value to No.
  2. Copy the Service Request Troubleshooter role.
  3. Copy the Customer Service Representative role.
  4. Edit the custom Service Request Troubleshooter role and delete the Download Attachment of an SR or SR Message privilege.

  5. Edit the custom Customer Service Representative role and delete the three Service Request Troubleshooter roles and add the custom Service Request Troubleshooter role.

  6. Add the custom Customer Service Representative roles to the users who should not be allowed to download attachments.


Specifies the number of days for which the SR event history details such as update and create must be retained. The data beyond this value is purged.


Specifies the number of retention days for successfully processed inbound messages. After the specified number of retention days, the successfully processed inbound messages are deleted from the inbound message tables.


Enables you to edit the text of the Internal Note and Customer Entry SR messages that you have previously created and posted.


Enables the ready-to-use workflow for resolving a service request. This profile option is disabled by default. When enabled, the Resolve link is displayed in the Actions menu. Clicking Resolve displays a dialog box that captures the service request outcomes and resolutions, and enables you to enter resolution notes.

Note: If this profile option isn't enabled, you can still manually set the service request status to Resolved.


Displays the customer messages (SR messages of type Customer Entry and Response) on an SR as a flat structure, in reverse chronological order, without showing the message hierarchy.

Default value is No, which displays the SR messages in an hierarchical format.

SVC_ ENABLE_ SEVERITY_ COLOR_IN_SR Enables the color code for the service request severity set up in the Manage Service Request Severities task, if set to Yes. The task Manage Service Request Severities allows you to add different severity levels for service requests and define different colors.

Enables selecting all queue members as notification recipients, on the Notification Preferences page. Performance may be impacted if you have a large number of queue members and use this option.

Default value is No.


Enables automatic deletion of an SR that has been closed for at least the number of days specified by the ORA_SVC_CLOSED_SR_RETENTION_DAYS profile option. This profile option must be used along with the Delete Closed Service Requests job process.


Defines the number of days for which a service request must remain closed before it's deleted. Deletion can't be undone. This action is applicable only when the Delete Closed Service Requests Enabled profile option is set to Yes. This profile option must be used along with the Delete Closed Service Requests job process.


Specifies whether the time remaining field should consider the time spent in a paused state for milestones that are overdue but still not complete.

Excluding paused minutes ignores whether the milestone has paused after expiration, and results in a more accurate calculation of actual time elapsed as well as improved performance.

Including paused minutes considers how much time was spent in the paused state after expiration and reduces the overdue time remaining value by that amount. This requires additional calculation, is less consistent with the calculation before expiration, and can impact performance.

Note: The default value is Y, which considers paused time after expiry. Beginning with release 23D, this profile option value will be set to N, reverting the calculation back to a straight time calculation ignoring paused minutes, which is more consistent with the calculation before expiry and improves performance. While Oracle recommends all that you exclude paused minutes, the Y option will remain for backward compatibility.