Enable Fields for Display as Filters and Search Result Columns

You can specify which fields are available for selection as search filters and can be displayed as columns in search results and saved searches.

The fields you enable by selecting the Display in UI option from the Configure UI tab in the Configure Adaptive Search page are available for selection in the Edit Columns and Edit Filters windows.

Important: Before you start, make sure that the field you are setting up as a filter is enabled for Adaptive Search. See the topic How do I make a field searchable in the UI? for details.
  1. Sign in as a setup user.

  2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance work area, and click the Configure Adaptive Search task:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Sales Foundation

    • Task: Configure Adaptive Search

    The Configure Adaptive Search page appears.

  3. Click Configure UI.

  4. Select the object you want to set up in the left pane of the tab. You must open the hierarchy of related objects to get to some of the fields.

  5. Ensure that the Display in UI option is selected for the fields you want enabled as filters and for display in search results.

    Note: The default layout specifies that a minimum of four fields must be displayed for your Workspace UI configuration. Therefore, when editing Workspace UI columns and specifying fields, always ensure that you have at least four fields selected for both standard and custom objects.
  6. Click Save and Close.

If you made your changes to a field that was previously enabled for Adaptive Search and you published the configuration after you enabled the field, then the field can be used as a filter immediately. Otherwise you must publish your configuration as described in the topic How do I make a field searchable in the UI?.