Add the New Account and New Contact Fields to the UI

You must add the New Account and New Contact fields to the leads pages that salespeople use to create and qualify net new leads.

You may want to add the two fields to these pages. The table gives the CX Sales page names and lists the equivalent names in Application Composer.

UI Page Name

Application Composer Page Name



Landing Page

This is the landing page that opens when you navigate to the work area. Salespeople should see the New Account field displayed in the list of leads.

Create Lead

Creation Page

Add the fields to the create page if you want salespeople to create net new leads manually in the UI. If a salesperson comes back with a few business cards from a trade show, she may want to create leads individually.

Edit Lead

Details Page

This is the page that inside sales agents will use to verify the contact and account information, so you must expose both the fields. You must expose the fields here to display any net new leads you import using the lead import macro.

Convert Lead

Lead Convert Page

Converting a lead from a net new lead creates a new account, a new contact, and a new opportunity. Expose both fields so agents can see what they are converting.

Convert Leads

Mass Lead Convert Page

Page you use to convert multiple leads at the same time using the Qualify action from the list page.

If you're adding the fields to the Digital Sales UIs, then you must use VB Studio instead of Application Composer. For an example, see "Add a Custom Field to the Edit Contact Page" in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Automation Extending Digital Sales (Next Gen Sales) guide. To access this guide, contact your Oracle representative.

If you're adding the fields to CX Sales UIs, follow these steps:

  1. Create and activate a sandbox.

  2. Create custom layouts for the appropriate pages and add the fields.

  3. Review your work in the leads pages.

  4. Publish the sandbox.

Create and Activate a Sandbox

To start customizing the CX Sales UI, activate a sandbox.

  1. Click Navigator > Configuration > Sandboxes.

  2. On the Sandboxes page, click Create Sandbox.

  3. Enter a name for your sandbox.

  4. In the All Tools section, select Application Composer as the tool you want to activate for this sandbox.

  5. Click Create and Enter to create and enter the sandbox.

The application displays a bar at the top of the page with the sandbox name.

Add the New Account and New Contact Fields to the CX Sales Lead UIs

  1. In the Navigator, click Application Composer located under the Configuration heading.

  2. In the left pane of the Application Composer page, search for the Sales Lead object (callout 1 in the screenshot).

    Application Composer page highlighting the location of the Search field, the Sales Lead object, the Sales Lead Pages icon and the Duplicate icon.
  3. Open the Sales Lead object (callout 2).

  4. Click Pages (callout 3).

  5. For each of the pages where you need to expose the fields, do the following:

    1. Locate the page.

    2. Click Duplicate (callout 4).

    3. In the Duplicate Layout window, enter a new name for your layout or just click Save and Edit.

    4. On the Layout page, click Edit (the pencil icon).

    5. Scroll down in the Available Fields column to locate the New Account and New Contact fields and move them to the Selected Fields column.

    6. Use the arrow buttons to move the fields where you want them.

    7. Click Save and Close.

      You're returned to the Layout page, which reflects your changes.

    8. Click Done.

      You're returned to the Application Composer page.

Test Your Changes

Here's how to test changes you made in CX Sales pages:

  1. Click Home (the icon located at the top of the page).

  2. Navigate to the Leads work area by clicking Sales > Leads.

  3. Check to see if the New Account field displays as a column on the list page.

  4. Click Create Lead.

  5. Enter a lead name only.

  6. Click Save and Continue.

  7. On the Edit Lead page, enter test data in the New Account and New Contact fields.

  8. Click Save.

  9. Click Actions > Convert.

  10. On the Convert Lead page, click Submit.

    After the lead processing completes, the Edit Lead page displays the converted lead. The contact displays as a link in the Existing Contact field. And the account as a link in the Existing Account field.

  11. You can drill down in the account and contact links to see that the account and contact records have been created for you. From the Opportunity tab on the lead, you can also drill down into the opportunity created from the lead.

  12. If you need to make further changes, you can go back to Application Composer and edit the layouts again.

Publish Your Sandbox

After testing, publish your sandbox:

  1. Click on the sandbox name in the sandbox toolbar and select Publish.

  2. Click OK in the dialog box to navigate to the Sandbox Detail page.

  3. In the Sandbox Detail page, click Publish again.

  4. Click Continue to Publish in the warning message to confirm that you want to publish.

Next Gen Sales UI Only

If you need to make changes such as adding custom fields to the data model for the Digital Sales (Next Gen Sales) UI, then you use Application Composer first to make those changes as describes in this topic. You can then use VB Studio to expose those changes on the Digital Sales UI.

In Application Composer, you make data model changes inside a sandbox. You can see those data model changes in VB Studio provided that your workspace is associated with the sandbox you're using in Application Composer. For more information, follow the example topic, "Add a Custom Field to the Edit Contact Page", in the Oracle Fusion Cloud Sales Automation Extending Digital Sales (Next Gen Sales) guide. To access this guide, contact your Oracle representative.