Example of Uploading Assignment Objects and Rules Setup Data to a CSV File

This topic explains exporting and importing assignment objects and rules setup data to a CSV file, along with the points to consider while moving the setup data.

When you enter or update a large volume of setup data for a task, using user interfaces to individually enter or update them may not be the most efficient method. In such cases, you can upload setup data in bulk by using export and import processes at the task level. This method requires that your setup data is available in a CSV file format.

To export and import assignment object and rules setup data, you should start by defining an implementation project for the required assignment setup task:

  • Manage Customer Center Assignment Objects

  • Manage Object Sharing Assignment Objects

  • Manage Object Sharing Rules

    Note: Access Groups and Access Group Members must exist in the target environment before you export and import for this setup task.
  • Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects

  • Manage Sales Assignment Manager Rules

  • Manage Sales Lead Assignment Objects

  • Manage Sales Lead Assignment Rules

  • Manage Service Assignment Objects

  • Manage Service Assignment Rules

Note: You need the following privileges to export and import assignment objects and rules setup data:Refer to the Oracle Applications Cloud Security Reference for Common Features guide for detailed information about task-specific privileges.

Export and Import Setup Data Considerations

Based on your implementation, you might have to follow different approaches while exporting and importing assignment setup data.

Consider the following points:

  • If your implementation is using territory-based assignment only, then the implementation project must only include the Assignment Objects setup tasks.

  • If your implementation is using territory-based assignment with rule filtering or rule-based assignment, the implementation project should include both the Assignment Objects and Assignment Rules setup tasks.

  • If you aren't sure whether your implementation is using territory or rule-based assignment, then Oracle recommends that you include both Assignment Objects and Assignment Rules setup tasks in the implementation project.

  • Access Groups and Access Group Members must exist in the target environment before you export and import using the Manage Object Sharing Rules setup task.

  • The sequence of the tasks and business objects should remain per the default sequence.

The application lets you delete assignment objects, assignment attributes, rule categories, rule sets, rules and conditions in an environment, for example test. If that setup data subsequently is exported and then imported into another environment, for example production, the data in the target database isn't removed.

If your implementation plans to import and export setup data for assignment objects and assignment rules, you must not delete assignment objects, rule categories, rule sets, and rules. You must set them to inactive in case you want to delete them. Additionally, you must not delete assignment rule conditions. Instead, you must set the rule to inactive and then recreate the rule excluding the condition that's no longer needed.

Export Assignment Objects and Rules Setup Data to a CSV File

To export assignment objects and rules setup data to CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Select Navigator > My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance and go to setup pages that you want. For example, to export Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects

  2. From the Actions menu, select Export to CSV file. This option is disabled if the task doesn't support export.

  3. Select Create New. You can export all existing setup data represented by the Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects task.

    • If Scope is supported for the task, you can select appropriate scope values to filter the setup data you want to export.

    • You can also download the template without exporting the existing setup data in the environment. To do so, select the Export only template files check box.

  4. Click Submit to start the export process.

  5. Select Export to CSV file to see the latest process. Monitor the process until it completes.

  6. Select the process once it completes to review the results. Verify that the process completed without any errors before you download and extract the CSV file.

  7. You may find more than one CSV file if there are more than one business object associated with the task.

Prepare Assignment Objects and Rules Setup Data in a CSV File

To enter or modify the assignment objects and rules setup data in the CSV file, follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Excel and click the Data tab.

  2. In the Get External Data group, click From Text.

  3. Navigate to and select the CSV file you downloaded.

  4. Select Delimited as Data Type and click Next.

  5. Select Comma as delimiter and click Next.

  6. Select Text as column data format for all columns and click Finish. You can now edit the file.

  7. Make the necessary changes and save the CSV into a .zip file. The file is ready for import.

    Note: The CSV file size must not exceed 10MB.

Import Assignments Objects and Rules Setup Data in a CSV File

To upload the new or modified assignment objects and rules setup data, follow these steps:

  1. Select the appropriate task from the Tasks region. For example, to import Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects, go to the following:

    • Offering: Sales

    • Functional Area: Opportunities

    • Task: Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects

  2. Select Import from CSV file from the Actions menu.

  3. Select Create New.

  4. Select the appropriate .zip file that you created. See the Preparing Assignment Objects and Rules Setup Data in a CSV File section. The application validates that the file corresponds to the selected task before you can submit the process.

  5. Click Submit.

  6. Select Import from CSV file to see the latest processes. Monitor the process until it completes.

  7. Select the process once it completes to review the results. If any errors occur, review the details listed in Status Details in the Business Objects section. Fix the issues and import again, if necessary.

  8. After you import the assignment manager objects setup data successfully, you can verify the loaded data by selecting the Manage Sales Assignment Manager Objects task from the Setup page.

See the chapter about importing and exporting setup data in the Using Functional Setup Manager guide for more details.