Add Overflow Queues to a Queue

To add overflow queues as a backup for any queue:

  1. Sign in to the application as a service administrator or a service manager.

  2. On the Home page, click the Service group icon, and then click the Queues icon.

  3. On the Queues page, click the queue that you want to add overflow queues to.

  4. On the Summary page, click the Overflow Resources icon.

    The Overflow Resources page is displayed. The overflow queues list is initially empty.

  5. Click the arrow in the Select:Queue Name drop-down list.

    The list of existing queues that are enabled, automatic, and are not routed externally, is displayed.

  6. Search for and select the queue that you want to add as a backup queue.

  7. Click Add.

    The selected queue is added to the list of overflow queues. The priority value is one greater than the priority value of the last added queue in the list. For example, if the priority of the last added queue is 3, the fourth one is assigned a priority of 4. For the first queue that you add, the priority is 1.

  8. Select and add more queues if required.

    The Default queue isn't added as an overflow queue by default. If you want to add the Default queue, you must add it from the Select:Queue Name drop-down list. The priority value is one greater than the priority value of the last added queue in the list.

  9. Click Save.

  10. (Optional) To reorder the priorities of the queues in the list, click the Up arrow to increase the priority or the Down arrow to decrease the priority.

    Note: Queues with a lower priority value are considered first by Omnichannel as the overflow queue.
  11. (Optional) To sort the list of overflow queues by name, click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending arrows next to the Name column in the heading row of the list.

  12. (Optional) To sort the list of overflow queues by priority, click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending arrows next to the Priority column in the heading row of the list.

  13. (Optional) To delete a queue from the overflow queues list, select the row and click Delete.

  14. Click Save to save the changes and remain on the page or click Save and Close to leave the page.

Note: After you add the overflow queues, you must enable the overflow queues as described in the "Enable Overflow Resources for a Queue" topic.