How do I amend subscriptions?

You can use the Amend action to update several aspects of an active subscription. Among the tasks, you can amend subscription products and coverage products in active or expired status.

You can use the amend feature to:

  • Upgrade or downgrade subscription products

  • Change products

  • Change subscription quantity

  • Change terms

  • Change billing address

  • Copy custom child objects

  • Manage charges

Here are the actions that don't create a new line when you amend a product:

  • Change payment method

  • Change billing owner or customer contact

  • Change tax control

  • Change renewal options

Note: When you delete an Under Amendment coverage product line, the original product and the subscription move back to the Active status.

To amend a product:

  1. Select the product to go to the Edit Product page.

  2. Click Actions > Amend.

  3. Edit the line number, effective date, amendment reason, amendment description, and credit method.

  4. From charges options, you can select these options to manage charges for an amended subscription:

    • Copy custom child objects

    • Don't copy charges and adjustments

    • Copy charges:

      • Include adjustments

      • Include one-time charges

  5. Click Save and Continue.

Note: If you want to copy charges but don't select the Include adjustments check box, any original adjustments, including discounts from the source line, aren't carried forward to the target line.

Here's what happens next:

  • The application creates a new draft product line for the amended product line.

  • The application takes to you summary page of the new product. You can select a new product or retain the existing product.

  • The pricing details aren't defaulted from the source product, so you need to manually reprice the new draft product.

  • After you have repriced, the application generates the pricing and billing schedules. The start date of the new product is the amendment effective date, and the end date syncs with the subscription header end date and term.

  • Activate the subscription after you have reviewed all the changes.

When you activate the subscription, the application:

  • Terminates the current product line and activates the new product.

  • Generates the credit memo records for the source products, based on the amendment effective date and amendment credit method.

  • Moves the source product to a closed status and stops all future-dated billing schedules from the source product billing summary.

The Relationship subtab displays the Amended From and Amended To details on the new product line and old product line, respectively. You can drill down to the source line detail page. All fields on this page are read-only.

To revert an amendment you can delete the new line in draft status. After you delete the draft product, the other product that was under amendment becomes active again.

Here are a couple of scenarios that describe the lifecycle statuses of the current and new coverage product lines.

Amendment Effective Date Current Line New Line

Past Date/System Date

  1. Under Amendment status, when the amendment is saved

  2. Pending Approval status, when the subscription is sent for approval

  3. Terminated status, when the amendment is approved

    Under Amendment status, when the amendment is rejected

  1. Draft status, initially

  2. Pending Approval status, when the subscription is sent for approval

  3. Active status, when the amendment is approved

Future Date

  1. Under Amendment status, initially

  2. Pending Approval status, when the subscription is sent for approval

  3. Terminated status, when the amendment is approved

    Under Amendment status, when the amendment is rejected

The line exists independently, in Active status, until the amendment effective date. On the amendment effective date, the line moves to Terminated status.

  1. Draft status, initially

  2. Active status, when the amendment is approved