How do I create and manage saved searches?

Use search to find specific information across the application. You can save any search you do on a page as a new saved search and can manage and setup saved searches to suit your requirements.

You can create and manage saved searches for different roles and for your own personal use. You can also assign a unique default saved search for each role. A default saved search is the search a user sees when first opening Workspace. Sales representatives can't replace or edit default saves searches assigned to them by their sales administrators. To view the assigned default saved search, or to assign a default saved search to a user role, you must have permission to view the object underlying the saved search. Sales users can create their own personal saved searches, manage them, and assign their personal default saved search. These saved searches take precedence over what you, as administrator, has assigned to them. You create and manage saved searches from the Workspace UI rather than from the Configure Adaptive Search page.

Note: By entering precise search criteria for your saved search, you can greatly decrease the number of records returned and decrease the load time.
Note: To create and manage saved searches you must have the privilege ZCA_VIEW_ADAPTIVE_SEARCH_WORKSPACE_PRIV.

Overview of Manage Saved Searches UI

The Manage Saved Search UI contains the My List tab, Workspace List tab, and Set Defaults tab. These allow administrators to manage their personal list of saved searches, assign saved searches to roles, and assign default saved searches to roles, respectively. These tabs are only exposed to administrators to:

  • Assign saved searches for user roles

  • Assign a default saved search for roles

  • Change a default saved search for roles

  • Perform overall role-based administration

Note: Workspace users can manage their own personal saved searches from the Manage Saved Searches page but they won't have access to the My List, Workspace List, or Set Defaults tabs. However, mobile app users can override these restrictions and set their own default searches, too. This feature helps to display the most relevant records in their mobile app with a single tap on the menu.

All sales users can create saved searches for themselves. But sales administrators can create saved searches for the whole sales organization and for specific sales roles. A default saved search is the saved search that's automatically displayed when the user first accesses Workspace. Oracle delivers predefined default saved searches for some user roles and the search results returned depends on what role is assigned. For example, ready-to-use partner roles include Partner Sales Representative, Partner Sales Manager, and Partner Administrator.

From the My List tab, you can manage your own personal saved searches exclusively, separate from the saved searches that are shared with the broader organization. Here is a screenshot of the My List window.

Note: Mobile app users can select the save searches they want from the Default for Mobile column.
A screenshot of the My List UI

From the Workspace List tab, you can share and manage saved searches with other roles. You can designate saved searches as shared with everyone, with specific user roles, or with no one. Here's a screenshot of what the Workspace List window looks like.

A screenshot of the Workspace List UI

The Set Defaults tab enables you to define the default saved search for each user role. However, to assign a default saved search, you also must have permission to view that specific default saved search. Otherwise it won't appear in the list of saved searches to assign. Here's a sample screenshot of the UI.

A screenshot of the Set Defaults UI
For example, if you select Site Level, the following default saved search options are displayed for Accounts:
  • All Accounts
  • My Accounts
  • My Favorite Accounts
  • My List for Accounts
A screenshot of the Set Defaults UI at the site level for saved searches for Workspace

If you select a specific role, such as Sales Representative, then you may want to select the My Accounts option as your default saved search as shown in this sample screenshot.

A screenshot of the Set Defaults UI at the role level for saved searches for Workspace

Create a Saved Search

Here's how you can create a saved search either for yourself or for others in the organization. The saved searches you create are available for selection in Workspace and also appear as filters in the actionable infolets and Workspace infolets. The saved searches are listed in alphabetic order.

  1. In Workspace, select a saved search as your starting point. For example, the All Accounts saved search provided by Oracle lets you create your saved search for all the accounts you can see.

  2. Enter your search terms. You can enter search terms in the Search box, add filters, select filter values, or any combination of these.

  3. You can add or change the columns displayed in the search results by clicking Edit Columns (the pencil icon highlighted by callout 2 in the following screenshot).

  4. Click Save As (highlighted by callout 1).

    Workspace with callouts highlighting the Edit Columns and Save As icons
    Create Saved Search window
  5. Enter the name for your saved search. Remember that the saved searches are listed in alphabetic order.

  6. To make this saved search the default saved search for you personally, select the Set as my default saved search option. The default saved search is what you see whenever you navigate to Workspace.

  7. Specify how you want to share the saved search you're creating. There are three options:

    • Only Me

    • Everyone

    • Specific Roles

  8. If you selected Specific Roles, click Search (the people icon) and select the job roles.

  9. Click Create.