Scheduled Processes for Subscriptions

Here are the scheduled processes for Subscription Management:

  • Fetch and Rate Usage (optional if you don't have usage data):

    • Acquire Subscription Usage Data from an External Web Service

    • Fetch Pricing Information for Subscriptions and Generate Billing Schedule

  • Interface Invoices to AR and Post Invoice Details in Subscriptions

    • Send Subscription Billing Information to Receivables

    • Import AutoInvoice (with transaction source as ORA_Subscriptions). This job needs to be run in Account Receivables.

    • Fetch Subscription Invoice Information from Receivables

      Note: Credit memos from Subscription Management are interfaced to Accounts Receivable only after populating the invoice details in subscription billing using this process.
  • Interface Subscriptions to Revenue Management Cloud

    • Send Subscription Revenue Information to Oracle Revenue Management Cloud

    • Validate Customer Contract Source Data

    • Identify Customer Contracts

  • Update Subscription Status
    • Updates the status of subscriptions that are dependent on time. For example, when the end date is reached, this process updates the status of the subscriptions to expired.
    • Run this process daily or as needed.